In di'monds, pearls, and rich brocades, So have I known those infects fair Then painted butterflies. VII. Dr. SWIFT. The Happy Life of a Country Parfon. PARSON! these things in thy poffeffing A wife that makes conferves; a steed He that has these may pass his life, Pray heartily for fome new gift, And shake his head at Doctor S-t. 20 24 5 IO 15 20 24 BEING THE PROLOGUE TO THE SATIRES. Advertisement To the First Publication of this Epistle. THIS paper is a fort of bill of complaint, begun many years fince, and drawn up by snatches as the feveral occafions offered. I had no thoughts of publishing it, till it pleased some perfons of rank and fortune [the authors of Verses to the Imitator of Horace, and of an Epistle to a Doctor of Divinity from a Nobleman at Hampton-Court] to attack, in a very extraordinary manner, not only my writings, (of which, being public, the public is judge,) but my person, morals, and family, whereof, to those who know me not, a truer information may be requifite. Being divided between the neceffity to say something of myself, and my own laziness to undertake so awkward a task, I thought it the shortest way to put the laft hand to this Epittle. If it have any thing pleasing, it will be that by which I am most defirous to please, the truth and the fentiment; and if any thing offenfive, it will be only to those I am leaft forry to offend, the vicious or the ungenerous. Many will know their own pictures in it, there being not a circumstance but what is true: but I have, for the most part, spared their names, and they may escape being laughed at if they please. I would have fome of them know it was owing to the request of the learned and candid friend to whom it is infcribed, that I make not as free use of theirs as they have done of mine. However, I shall have this advantage and honour on my fide, that whereas, by their proceeding, any abuse may be directed at any man, no injury can poffibly be done by mine, since a nameless character can never be found out but by its truth and likeness. P. EPISTLE P. SHUT, shut the door, good John! fatigu'd, I faid; The dog-ftar rages! nay, 'tis past a doubt, 5 Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand, 10 15 Is there a parfon much bemus'd in beer, All fly to Twit'nam, and in humble strain Poor Cornus fees his frantic wife elope, 25 And curses wit, and poetry, and Pope. What drop or noftrum can this plague remove? 30 A dire dilemna! either way I'm sped: If foes, they write; if friends, they read me dead. 35 With honest anguish, and an aching head, And 39 And drop at last, but in unwilling ears, Lull'd by foft zephyrs thro' the broken pane, "The piece, you think, is incorrect? why take it; 45 "I'm all fubmiffion; what you'd have it make it." Three things another's modest wishes bound, My friendship, and a prologue, and ten pound. Pitholeon sends to me; "You know his Grace; "I want a patron; ask him for a place." Pitholeon libell'd me-" But here's a letter "Informs you, Sir, 'twas when he knew no better. "Dare you refuse him? Curll invites to dine; "He'll write a Journal, or he'll turn divine." Bleís me! a packet.-" 'Tis a stranger sues, "A virgin tragedy, an orphan muse." If I diflike it, "Furies, death and rage!" If I approve, "Commend it to the stage." There (thank my stars) my whole commiffion ends; 50 55 60 The play'rs and I are, luckily, no friends. "Not, Sir, if you revise it, and retouch." 'd them first, (Some fay his queen,) was forc'd to speak or burst. 65 70 74 A. Good friend! forbear; you deal in dang'rous I'd never name queens, minifters, or kings; [things; Keep close to ears, and those let afses prick, 'Tis nothing.-P. Nothing! if they bite and kick ? Out Out with it, Dunciad! let the secret pass, You think this cruel? take it for a rule, No creature smarts so little as a fool. 80 Let peals of laughter, Codrus, round thee break, 85 95 100 Still to one Bishop Philips seem a wit? I too could write, and I am twice as tall; 105 It is the flaver kills and not the bite. A fool quite angry is quite innocent: Alas! 'tis ten times worse when they repent. 110 One dedicates in high heroic profe, There are who to my person pay their court: 115 Go |