On a Fan of the Author's Design, in which was painted the Story of Cephalus and Procris, with the Motto Aura Veni. COME, gentle Air! th' Æolian shepherd faid, While Procris panted in the secret shade: 5 10 She views the story with attentive eyes, 14 And pities Procris while her lover dies. IV. COWLEY. The Garden. FAIN would my Muse the flow'ry treasure fing, 4 5 10 15 Exceed Exceed their promise in the ripen'd store, Weeping. WHILE Celia's tears make sorrow bright, These silver drops, like morning dew, 20 25 30 5 10 The baby in that funny sphere So like a Phaëton appears, That Heav'n, the threaten'd world to spare, 15 Thought fit to drown him in her tears; Else might th' ambitious nymph aspire To fet, like him, heav'n too on fire. 18 C2 1 V. E. OF ROCHESTER. On Silence. I. SILENCE! coeval with eternity, Thou wert ere Nature's felf began egan to be; 'Twas one vast nothing all, and all slept fast in thee. II. Thine was the fway ere heav'n was form'd, or earth, forth. III. Then various elements against thee join'd, And fram'd the clam'rous race of bufy human-kind. IV. The tone mov'd gently first, and speech was low, V. But rebel Wit deferts thee oft' in vain: Loft in the maze of words he turns again, And feeks a furer state, and courts thy gentle reign. VI. Afflicted Senfe thou kindly dost set free, Oppress'd with argumental tyranny, And routed Reafon finds a fafe retreat in thee. VII. With thee in private modest Dulness lies, And in thy bosom lurks in Thought's disguise; Thou varnisher of fools, and cheat of all the wife! VIII. Yet thy indulgence is by both confeft; 5 10 16 20 Folly by thee lies fleeping in the breast, IX. Silence! And 'tis in thee at lait that Wisdom seeks for reft. IX. Silence! the knave's repute, the whore's good name, The only honour of the wishing dame; 2.6 The very want of tongue makes thee a kind of fame. x. But couldst thou seize some tongues that now are free, How church and state should be oblig'd to thee! At fenate and at bar how welcome wouldst thou be! XI. 31 Yet speech e'en there submissively withdraws XII. Paft services of friends, good deeds of foes, Fly the forgetful world, and in thy arms repose. XIII. The country wit, religion of the town, Are best by thee express'd, and shine in thee alone. XIV. The parson's cant, the lawyer's sophiftry, VI. E. OF DORSET. Artemisia. THO' Artemifia talks by fits Of counsels, classics, fathers, wits; Yet in some things methinks she fails; C3 35 40 Haughty 5 Haughty and huge as High-Dutch bride, Are oddly join'd by Fate : That lies and stinks in state. She wears no colours (fign of grace) And mafculine her stride. So have I seen, in black and white, Majestically stalk; A ftately worthlefs animal, All flutter, pride, and talk. Phryne. PHRYNE had talents for mankind; Like some free port of trade : Her learning and good breeding fuch, Spaniards or French came to her; Obscure by birth, renown'd by crimes, 10 15 20 24 5 10 15 |