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Nos. 1 to 11....................each....0 4 No. 12................................ .0 6 First Drawing Book..... ..1 0 Second Drawing Book. ...........1 0 Drawing Books-A series of Pro


20 20

gressive Lessons in Drawing and Perspective, in 18 Books, swd...each..1 Mechanical Drawing, 3 Bks. swd. w 1 6 Architectural Drawing, 3 Bks. sud, Isometrical Drawing, 2 Bks. swd. Ornamental Drawing, in 3 sheets, each 13 by 9 inches............each...0 3 Styles of Gothic Architecture, in a sheet 25 by 20 inches....... ........1 0 Orders of Roman Architecture, in a sheet 25 by 20 inches..... Condensing Beam Steam-Engine, &c. in a sheet 25 by 20 inches....... Working Drawings and Details of Steam-Engines, 4to, sewed............1 Illustrations of Machine and Mill Gearing, 4to, sewed.......................1 0


Geographical Primer.

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.1 0


......0 8

England, Geographical Text-book of..0 10 Scripture 10 Geography, General Treatise on........3



(5 feet 2 inches long, by 4 feet 6 inches broad.) 3. d. England....

..mounted, 14 0


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14 O


14 O


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Asia... Africa.

North America....
South America...
The Hemispheres........

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Chambers's Educational Course


Arithmetic & Mathematics. 3. d.

Plane Geometry...
.2 0
Key to Plane Geometry....................2 0
The Explicit Euclid,...
Geometrical Chart-measuring 3 ft.

..2 6

.5 0

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Ruddiman's Latin Rudiments.........0 10
Latin Grammar, Elementary..
, Advanced...
Latin Exercises, Elementary..
, Advanced..........

.2 0

.3 6

.1 0

4 inches by 2 feet 4 inches.... 2 6 Solid and Spherical Geometry ......1 6 Practical Mathematics..... Key to Practical Mathematics...4 6 Key to Advanced Latin Exercises....2 0 Mathematical Tables...


Sciences, Introduction to the...........1 0
Matter and Motion, Laws of....0 10

Phædrus's Fables......

...3 0

.1 6

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Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, &c...........0 10


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Natural Philosophy, Volume I.........3 0

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Volume II........3 0 SCIENTIFIC CHARTS-adapted to the Scientific Treatises in the Educational Course-each Chart measuring 40 by 27 inches, and containing upwards of 20 pictorial illustrations.

Sheet 1. Laws of Matter & Motion...1 6 2. Mechanics...

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.........16 ................1 6 Each sheet mounted on rollers......46 mounted & varnished..5 6 Others in course of preparation.

The illustrations are of a popular cha racter, so as to be intelligible to beginners; and the Sheets themselves will be found suitable both for the School-room and Nursery.

Chemistry, by Professor Wilson.......3 0


Animal Physiology..

Vegetable Physiology.
Political Economy.....

.2 0

.3 0

..1 6

.................1 6
..........2 0

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by W. & A. K. Johnston.
Designed to illustrate Natural Philosophy,
&c., mounted with rollers and eloth to hang
on the walls of School-rooms; namely
1. Properties of Bodies.-2. Mechanical
Powers.-3. Hydrostatics.-4. Hydraulics.
5. Physiology, Plate L-These Sheets are
accompanied with Diagrams and Descrip
tive Books.....
......each.. 10 0
And may be had varnished, at 23. extra,

Minor Educational Course.
For Use in the Humbler Class of Schools.

1. Introduction to Reading..........
2. Reading Lessons........
3. Arithmetical Primer....
Key to ditto....

4. Grammatical Primer...
5. Outlines of Geography..
6. History...
Other Works in preparation.

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W. and R. CHAMBERS, 47 Paternoster Row, London, and 339 High Street, Edinburgh.

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