of matter equal to that contained in a number of the Library of Useful Knowledge was offered at a fourth of the price. The result of this extraordinary cheapness was a circulation of unprecedented magnitude. Other works of similar character have been started with more or less success; and there can be little doubt that the weekly diffusion of such a vast mass of literature, generally instructive, and in some cases moral, must in a few years work most beneficial changes in the middle and lower departments of the community. **For a more extended treatment of the subject of this volume, the student is referred to "CHAMBERS'S CYCLOPEDIA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE; consisting of a series of Specimens of British Writers in Prose and Verse, connected by a Historical and Critical Narrative." 2 vols. 8vo. Arnott, Dr Neill, Sir Archibald, Anstey, Christopher, Apostrophe to the Ocean (poeti- cal specimen), from Byron, Arbuthnot, Dr John, 148 250 Bible translated by Tyndale and 287 Coverdale, Artificial Style of Poetry, Rise of, 84 Bible translated by Wicliffe, Ascham, Roger,. Atterbury, Francis, . 'Augustan Era of English Litera- Austen, Jane, Aytoun, Professor, Babbage, Charles, specimen of, 136 Biographical Dictionaries, . 278 151 208 2 Bentley, Dr Richard, 136 133 18 182 Bible translated at command of 70 19, 20 21 8 260 171 Banim, John, 243 Bloomfield, Robert, 210 Barbour, John, 9 Boccaccio, 5 Barclay, Robert, 97 Bolingbroke, Viscount, 135 Barham, Rev. William, 223 Book of Common Prayer, 20 Barry Cornwall-[William Barrow, Dr Isaac, Procter], Baxter, Richard, Bayly, Thomas Haynes, 219 Bowring, Sir John, 146, 175 Boyle, Hon. Robert, 54 Brewster, Sir David, 95, 101 Borrow, George, 287 Bryan Boswell, James, 183 219, 225 Bouricault, Mr, 231 97 Bowles, William Lisle, 210 226 101 284, 285 189 |