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Since this work was put into the printer's hands, I visited the Tower of London, and noticed with interest the "Sword of State" there, ornamented with embossed representations in gold of the rose, thistle, harp, and plume, symbolical of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; to which ornaments, thrice repeated, are added four golden embossed figures of the HIGH PRIEST'S BREASTPLATE, exhibiting the twelve tribal divisions, four golden rings, and two golden chains, as described in Exodus. The question naturally arises, why should we appropriate this important Israelitish symbol, if we are not the people whom God chose for Himself, as a kingdom of priests, a holy nation? Now, if my readers will refer to the Prayer-Book of the Church of England, they cannot fail to observe our national appropriation of many expressions which are applicable only to Israel. How blindly, yet truly, do we nationally bear testimony to our Hebrew origin.

Sir Samuel M. Baker, in a letter to the Times of January II, 1884, says :

"The destiny of England will force her onwards in spite of Ministerial utterances, and the development of that important but unappreciated country beyond the Egyptian deserts will ultimately devolve upon that same power which has peopled Australia, engrafted herself upon America, established her empire in India, and will by her protectorate in Egypt assure prosperity and secure the passage of the canal to the commerce of the world. Inexorable fate determines our advance, and will answer the honest declarations of our Premier concerning the withdrawal of our military force,— 'It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.""

We constantly hear of " England's destiny," of her “worldwide mission," but how few of us ever consider what is meant by those words. DESTINY involves the fore-ordained purpose of God for the furtherance of His gracious ends for the good of mankind, which, in His own set time, will be brought about "in spite of Ministerial utterances;" while MISSION entails the knowledge or conviction on the part of our country

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of the work set before her by the predeterminate counsel of the Almighty. The former expresses God's action in bringing about such a series of events as to place England in the most favourable position to do her work; while the latter tells us we have individually and nationally a noble DUTY to perform. In talking, then, of Destiny and Mission, we should bear in mind who it is that destines and commissions us, and what is the ultimate result of such destiny and work. In other words, let God be in all our thoughts, and the furtherance of His glory in all our plans and purposes.

As strong evidence requires but little advocacy I will not detain you, dear reader, with a lengthened preface, but content myself by asking for a calm, impartial hearing, and an unbiassed judgment, reserved until the whole book is carefully and prayerfully read through; remembering what the wise king said, "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him" (Prov. xviii. 13). Should this boon be granted I fear not the result, for "Magna est veritas et prevalebit,"


I feel confident that the answer to the question will be, Yes, we are Israelites; God has fulfilled His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, and will fulfil all His promises to Israel.

I would, however, avail myself of this opportunity of acknowledging, with thanks, the valuable aid I have received from the various writers whose publications I have had the opportunity and the privilege of consulting, but I am in a more especial manner indebted to Mr. Bird (Philo-Israel), the able editor of the Banner of Israel, and the numerous correspondents of that excellent paper, and to Professor Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer-Royal of Scotland, and author of "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid."

It only remains for me to explain that in the title and mention of the word "BRITISH" throughout this work, I do

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not use it in its limited geographical sense, but in its widest application, embracing not only Great Britain and Ireland, but America, Canada, Australia, and other British colonies.


Englishmen, Irishmen, Scotchmen all,

By one great name on your millions I call;
Norman, American, Gael, or Celt,

Into this, this fine mixed mass ye melt,
And all the best of your best I trace

In the gold and the brass of the Saxon race."



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