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Northern Basin From the northern shores of America, Europe, Asia, and the Arctic circle, Arctic Ocean. 30° around the North pole.



Atlantic Ocean.

Western Basin, Between America on the West, Europe and Africa on the East, the Arctic on the North, and the Antarctic circle on the South, divided by the Equator into North and South Atlantic.


Pacific Ocean.

Eastern Basin, Between America on the East, Asia, the Sunda Isles, and New Holland on the West, the Arctic Ocean on the North, and Antarctic on the South,-divided by the Equator into North and South Pacific.


South-Eastern Africa on the West, Persia and Hindostan on the North, the Sunda Isles and New Holland on the East, and the Antarctic circle on the South.


Indian Ocean.

Southern Basin, From the Antarctic circle around the

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Baltic, German Ocean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Hudson's Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea. Sea of China, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Kamschatka Behring Straits, Gulf of California, Bay of Panama. Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Bengal Sea.



South pole.


ETYMOLOGY, 'ÉTõμos, etumos, the true or literal sense of a word, according to its derivation, Xóyos, science :-the derivation of words.

DERIVATION, de, from, rivus, a stream :-tracing words from original or simpler forms, and explaining their different parts.

PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, or AFFIXES, AND ROOTS, are the elements of compound words.

PREFIX. præ, before, fixus, attached ::-a particle placed before a root, which adds to or alters its meaning; superscription, attract.

SUFFIX, sub, after, fixus, attached :-a particle placed after a root, which adds to or alters its meaning; bountiful, brightly.

ROOT, RADICAL, radix, a root:-a simple or primitive word, forming the principal element of a compound word; education.

In the composition of words, the letters are sometimes slightly altered.



A=on, in-aboard, on board; afoot, on foot; aground, on the ground; ashore, on shore; a-hunting, on (in the act of) hunting; abaft, on the stern; abed, in bed; asleep, in sleep.

BE for, before:-bespeak, to speak for or before.

gives a transitive sense to verbs :-bemoan, to lament. intensive:-bedew, to cover with dew; beloved, much loved.

EN, written em or im before b, m, p=in, on :-enshield, to protect; enshroud, to clothe; enlighten, to throw light upon.

-intensive :-imbitter, to make bitter; impoverish, to make poor. FOR=not:-forbid, to prohibit; forget, not to have in recollection. intensive :-forlorn, utterly lost, forsaken; forsooth, entirely true. FORE before, in time or space :-foresee, to see beforehand; foretell, to tell beforehand, to predict; forecastle, the forepart of the deck. Mis erroneously, injuriously :—misname, to give a wrong name; misrepresent, to represent wrongly or injuriously; misrule, unjust rule. OUT, OVER, UNDER, UP, retain their obvious meanings:-outbid, to bid beyond another;-overcharge, to charge too much; --underline, to write under ;-upheave, to lift up.

UN absence of, before nouns :-unbelief, absence of belief..

=not, before adjectives and adverbs :-unable, not able; unfair, not fair; unkind, not kind; unlikely, not likely; unworthy, not worthy. reverses the meaning of a verb--unbar, to open; unbind, to loosen. WITH from, back, against:—withdraw, to retire, to draw from; withhold, to keep back; withstand, to stand against.


EN-in, upon:-engorge, to swallow in; embroider, to ornament with


-intensive:-enrich, to make rich; enrage, to make angry.

ENTER between :-enterprise, that which is taken up from among other things, an undertaking.

COUNTER against, contrariety, or opposition:-counterpoise, to balance; counterfeit, to form or make anything wrongfully.

PAR thoroughly :—pardon, to give fully, to forgive.

Pour, por, puR=for:-pourtray, to draw the likeness of any thing; purpose, that which a person sets before himself to accomplish. SIR, SUR above :—sirloin, the upper part of the loin; surface, the outside; surname, a name in addition to another.

VIS in the place of:-viscount, the deputy of a count or earl, a title of nobility next below an earl.


A, AB, ABS away, from, removal:-abnormal, not conformed to rule; absolve, to loosen from; abjure, to renounce upon oath; abstain, to forbear; avert, to turn aside.

AD, also written A, AC, AF, AG, al, an, ap, ar, AS. AT=to:--adapt, to fit to; accede, to assent; affix, a particle placed after a root; aggravate, to enhance guilt or calamity; allege, to affirm; annex, to unite to; append, to add to; arrive, to come to any place; assent, to agree to; attract, to draw to.

AMBI, abbreviated AMB, AM= around, round about:-ambient, surrounding; ambition, going round to solicit a place of honour; amputate, to cut round.

ANTE, also written ANTI= before in place and time :-antecedent, that which goes before; antechamber, the room before the principal apartment; antediluvian, existing before the deluge; anticipate, to take up beforehand.

CIRCUM= around :--cir cumjacent, lying around; circumnavigate, to sail round; circumpolar, round the pole.


CIs on this side of :-cisalpine, on this side the Alps.

CONTRA against:- contradict, to oppose verbally; contraband, contrary to ban or edict; contravene, to oppose; controvert, to dispute.

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