can be faid of fine taste, it must ultimately be refolved into the peculiar relish of each individual. But this diversity of sentiments will not, of itself, destroy the evidence of the criterion; fince the same effect may be produced by numberless other causes. A thousand accidental circumstances may concur in counteracting the force of the rule, even allowing it to be ever so fixed and invariable, when left in its free and uninfluenced state. Not to mention that false biass which party or personal dislike may fix upon the mind, the most unprejudiced critic will find it difficult to disengage himself entirely from those partial affections in favor of particular beauties, to which either the general course of his studies, or the peculiar cast of his temper, may have rendered him most sensible. But as perfection in any works of genius results from the united beauty and propriety of its several distinct parts, and as it is impoffible that any human composition should poffefs all those qualities in their highest and most sovereign degree; the mind, when she pronounces judgment upon any piece of this fort, is apt to decide of its merit, as thosecircumstances cumftances which she most admires, either prevail or are deficient. Thus, for inftance, the excellency of the Roman masters in painting, consists in beauty of design, nobleness of attitude, and delicacy of expreffion; but the charms of good coloring are wanting. On the contrary, the Venetian school is faid to have neglected design a little to much; but at the same time has been more attentive to the grace and harmony of well-disposed lights and shades. Now it will be admitted by all admirers of this noble art, that no compofition of the pencil can be perfect, where either of these qualities are absent; yet the most accomplished judge may be so particularly ftruck with one or other of these excellencies, in preference to the rest, as to be influenced in his censure or applause of the whole tablature, by the predominancy or deficiency of his favorite beauty. Something of this kind (where the meaner prejudices do not operate) is ever, I am perfuaded, the occafion of that diversity of sentences which we occafionally hear pronounced by the moft improved judges, on the fame piece, necessary to give a fine taste its full and unobstructed effect; not that it is in itself uncertain and precarious. I am, &c. Y LETTER XL. TO PALAMEDES. OUR resolution to decline those overtures of acquaintance which Mezentius, it seems, has lately made to you, is agreable to the refined principles which have ever influenced your conduct. A man of your elegant notions of integrity will obferve the same delicacy with respect to his companions, as Cæfar did with regard to his wife, and refuse all commerce with perfons even but of suspected honor. It would not, indeed, be doing justice to Mezentius, to represent him in that number: for tho his hypocrify has preserved to him some few friends, and his immense wealth draws after him many followers, the world in general are by no means divided in their sentiments concerning him. But whilst you can have his picture from so many better hands, why are you defirous defirous of seeing it by mine? It is a painful employment to contemplate human nature in its deformities; as there is nothing, perhaps, more difficult than to execute a portrait of the characteristical kind with strength and spirit. However, fince you have affigned me the task, I do not think myself at liberty to refuse it; especially as it is your interest to see him delineated in his true form. MEZENTIUS, with the designs and artifice of a Cataline, affects the integrity and patriotism of a Cato. Liberty, justice, and honor, are words which he knows perfectly well how to apply with address; and having them always ready upon proper occafions, he conceals the blackest purposes under the fairest appearances. For void, as in truth he is, of every worthy principle, he has too much policy not to pretend to the nobleft; well knowing, that counterfeit virtues are the most successful vices. It is by arts of this kind, that notwithstanding he has shewn himself unrestrained by the most sacred engagements of society, and uninfluenced by the most tender affections of nature, he has still been able to retain some degree of credit in the world: for he never facrifices his honor to his interest, that he does not, in fome less confiderable, but more open instance, make a conceffion of his interest to his honor; and thus, while he finks his character on one side, very artfully raises it on the other. Accordingly, under pretence of the most scrupulous delicacy of confcience, he lately resigned a post which he held under my lord Godolphin; when at the fame time he was endeavoring, by the most shameless artifices and evasions, to deceive and defraud a friend of mine in one of the most folemn and important transactions that can pass between man and man. But will you not suspect that I am describing a phantom of my own imagination, when I tell you after this, that he has erected himself into a reformer of manners, and is so injudiciously officious as to draw the inquiry of the world upon his own. morals, by attempting to expose the defects of others? A man who ventures publicly to point out the blemishes of his contemporaries, should at least be free from any uncommon stain himself, and have nothing remarkably |