final plaudit, WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD. The It is for the general advantage of mankind that Your Majesty's confummation of glory and blifs be deferred for many years. world has not yet so far availed itself of the illustrious example of every focial, every christian virtue held forth in Your Majesty's conduct, as to bear the lofs of You without inexpreffible forrow. THAT Your Majesty, therefore, may long live the beloved of our most gracious Sovereign, and to extreme age continue the theme of every liberal tongue; that your princely princely Offspring, treading in the fteps of their Royal Parents, may proceed the guardians and protectors of British Liberties and Laws till this great globe shall be diffolved, must be the frequent and fervent prayer of every faithful fubject, especially of, These Things write we unto you, that your Joy may be full. Page I The invifible Things of Him, from the Creation of the World, are clearly feen; being understood by the Things that are made, even his eternal Power and The Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures demonftrated, from their ap- The Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures demonftrated, from Prophecy. We have also a more fure Word of Prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take Heed, as unto a Light that shineth in a dark Place, until the Day dawn, I fpake openly to the World; I ever taught in the Synagogue, and in the Temple whither the Jews always refort; and in Secret have I faid nothing. p. 149 A Summary of the Life and Character of John Colet, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, in the Reigns of K. Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII. and Founder of Behold the Days come, faith the Lord God, that I will fend a Famine in the Land, not a Famine of Bread, nor a Thirft for Water, but of hearing the A Paraphrafe on the History or Book of Job, with Miscellaneous Remarks, and Similar Paffages from various Authors, particularly the English A LIST A LIST OF THE PLATES. I The Author's Head. 2 An Engraved Title Page. 3 A Perspective View of the Queen's Palace in St. James's Park, with an emblematical Device, representing Genius and Virtue fupporting a Medalion of the Queen. To face the Dedication. 4 An Emblematical Representation of Reason and Revelation Page 5 The Creation of the World 6 The Death of Dr. Donne, Dean of St. Paul's 7 Milton when blind, dictating Paradise Loft to his Daughter 8 A Savage Enthufiaft exploring another World I 15 33. 51 95 9 The Refurrection of Lazarus 10 The Prophet at the Altar of Bethel II The Death of King Herod 12 A Sepulchral Monument, by Hollar 13 A Portrait of Dean Colet 14 The Plan and Elevation of the original Chapel at Kew, engraved by Nutting, 1714 15 A View of Kew Chapel fince its Enlargement 121 135 149 163 173. 187 ibid. |