TO THE QUE E N. MADAM, IT is the property of that unlimited bene volence which Your Majefty has fo fuccefsfully endeavoured to imitate, rather to regard the mind of the offerer than the value of his oblation. Under the influence of this reflec tion I am encouraged to lay these Effays at the foot of Your Majesty's throne. The THE Sermons on the nature of the foul, which constitute part of these volumes, were originally dictated with a firm perfuafion that the great and interesting doctrine of a future state might be proved from principles, either felf-evident, or univerfally admitted. first idea and many of the outlines were fuggested by an accidental perusal of a work composed by the learned Lord MORNAY, Privycounsellor to King Henry the fourth of France. Sir JOHN DAVIES's inimitable Poem on " felf knowledge" was but another stream from the same fountain. He happily accomplished by poetick numbers, what I have attempted He attempted in plain profe. In one particular our fortunes are remarkably fimilar. obtained permiffion to dedicate his labours to a Queen who was the glory and admiration of her fubjects; therefore the whole of his address might aptly be applied to my present purpose, but I fhall only prefume to quote the following Stanza; "O, many many years may you remain, "A happy angel to this happy land! "Long long may you on earth our Empress reign, "Ere you in heaven a glorious angel stand! "Stay long, sweet spirit! ere thou to heaven depart, "Who mak❜ft each place a heaven wherein thou art!" YOUR Majefty, encircled with whatever the world holds defireable and glorious, cannot but be deeply interested in the validity of religious truths, for the very idea of departing from all the elegant fatisfactions of domestick life would leave a wound indelible did not Nature proclame what Revelation has confirmed---THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR CONTINUING CITY. "King Agrippa, faid Saint Paul, believeft thou the prophets? I know that thou believeft." So armed for the conflict, how transporting the confequence, that even the grave will boast no victory against spiritual weapons, for thus comfortably speak the oracles of truth, THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND, AND THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE. In that bleft hour, those who have worthily worn their earthly crowns, will with rapture hear the final |