I have spent fo much time in illuftrating this interesting truth, this basis of all religion and virtue; for furely every man, who is fully convinced, that the next stage on which he shall appear must be an everlasting one, will be easily induced to take care that he enters upon it with as much credit as poffible. To conclude;-I hope I have demonftrated to fatisfaction, that God Almighty created man after his own image, in regard to his foul; and after the likeness of his other creatures, in regard to life, fenfe, and motion;-mortal,-fo far as he is like the creature; —and immortal fo far as he bears the stamp of the Creator :that he who views the various works of nature, must acknowledge the existence of the Supreme Being; that he who feeth the order of the world, the proportion of man, and the harmony fo confpicuous in both cannot doubt but there is an over-ruling providence; fince it would be abfurd to think, that God who created: them with such beauty, would leave them to the blind guidance of unthinking chance. In fhort, whoever seriously confiders these things will be fully convinced, THAT THERE WILL BE A LIFE AFTER THIS, WHERE THEY THAT BE WISE SHALL SHINE AS Indulgent God! Oh how shall mortal raise "Or SERMON MON VI. The authenticity of the facred Scriptures demonstrated from their apparent Excellency. 2 PETER I. 21. HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE W HOLY GHOST. HOEVER seriously reflects on the general depravity of human nature, will eafily perceive how highly requifite it was that mankind fhould be frequently reminded to follow those things which tend to their real interest and welfare, which, had our first parents remained stedfast, as they were at first created, they would ardently have coveted, and as earnestly have pursued. But since their unhappy fall, our understandings are darkened, and our wills most shamefully eftranged from God; and as this was the fatal though natural refult of their tranfgreffion; the whole human species must from that time have continued in the most deplorable state of darkness and ignorance, had not the ever-indulgent ruler of the universe been graciously pleafed to aid and affist the weakness of our capacities, and to transmit to us his facred fcriptures for our inftruction in the only fure way to recover those inestimable bleffings, which we had fo unhappily forfeited: VOL. III. R but |