That is, " be soon ready to fight with her." That is, " with his weapons ready, prepared., It is used in many of these senses by Chaucer. Fame Was throughout Troy ifled with prest wings *. That is, " with nimble or ready wings." Also these wickid tonguis ben so prest That is, " so ready to speak, &c," * Troil. and Cr. iv. ver. 661. † Ibid. ix. v. 785. Neither was fowle, that commeth of engendrure, That is, "that was not present before her." This word is to be met with in most of our old English poets, particularly Lord Surrey, Wyat, Tuberville, &c. Harrington much uses it in his Ariosto †. B. vii. c. vi. s. xxviii. Like a sort of steeres. Sort occurs perpetually in Spenser for flock, troop, company, &c. And like a sort of bees in clusters swarmed. 5.4.36. That is, a swarm." * Assemble of Fowles. † See Junii Etymolog. Where also what I have observed of Endlong, Charmes, Herse, Lair, Sty, may be improved from what is said of Along, Chirme, Chirre, Hearse, Laire, Stay, by the author, and his learned editor Mr. Lye. That is, " a company of shepherds hunting." It is not unfrequent in Harrington's Ariosto. We find it in the Psalms, where few, perhaps, understand its true sense."How long will ye imagine mischief against every man? Ye shall be slain all the sort of you*." i. e. Your whole company or multitude shall be slain. The septuagint render it, Εως πολ' επιτιθεσθε ετώ ̓ ανθρωπον ; Φονευσεῖε ΠΑΝΤΕΣ· But I forbear proceeding any further in a subject most happily pre-occupied, and which will be discussed with so much superior learning and penetration by a writer who intends shortly to oblige his country with a dictionary of its language†: a work for which he is unquestionably qualified, as we may judge from a series of essays, in which not only criticism, humour, and morality have appeared with new lustre, but from which the English language has received new grace, spirit, and dignity. * Psal. lxii. 3. † This was written just before the publication of Johnson's dictionary. See his Rambler for the rest. SECT. IX. 1 Mr. Upton's Opinion, concerning several Passages in this Poem, examined. As that part of criticism which consists in rectifying the doubtful readings, and explaining the more obscure passages, of an cient authors, necessarily deals much in conjecture; and as those who are employed in this province are often tempted to deduce their determinations, not from what is, but what seems to be, the truth; no disquisition affords a greater diversity of sentiments concerning the same thing. It is here that we see the force of mere opinion, unsupported by demonstration, in its full extent; while 1 : |