Nouveau recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trève... et de plusieurs autres actes servant à la connaissance des relations étrangères des puissances... de l'Europe... depuis 1808 jusqu'à présent: 1827-1831Dieterich, 1833 - Europe |
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1sten Abgaben abgetretenen Aemter aforesaid agree agreed Altenburg Altenburg'schen Amte Août articles Artikel aufser Baierischen Baiern Behörden beiden beiderseitigen Bestimmungen betreffenden Bevollmächtigten Bobeck Bürgel Cherokees Chiefs Choctaw citizens commerce conclu Convention country croiseurs dafs Déclaration Dorfe Drackendorf duché Durchlaucht Eisenach Etappen Etats-Unis Falle Fox river Gebiete Gebietstheilen gegenseitig Gegenstände geistlichen gemeine Gerichte Gesetze grand-duché Gränze Grofsherzoglich Grofsherzogthume Grundstücke Hannoverschen Herzoglichen Herzogthume hundred Indians Irrung Jahre K. K. Oesterreichischen Kanton Kommission Königlich-Preufsischen Königliche Hoheit kontrahirenden Theile Ladung Landesgränze Langenorla Lewis Cass lichen Lobeda Majestät Nation navire nöthig October Offizial Offizialat Oppurg parties persons Prairie du Chien President Preufsen Preufsischen Prusse Ratifikation Regierung Rheinschifffahrt River Rock river Salforsten same schen Schiffe Schiffspatron oder Führer section of land seront signé soll Staaten Stanau Steuer Strafse thence thousand dollars tract Traité treaty tribe Truppen Uebereinkunft United States Unterthanen Verordnung Vertrag vessels vorbehalten Waaren Waldeck Weimar Würtembergischen years Zentner Zoll Zollstelle
Popular passages
Page 98 - No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the United States of any article, the produce or manufacture of the...
Page 47 - All other merchandises and things, not comprehended in the articles of contraband explicitly enumerated and classified, as above, shall be held and considered as free, and subjects of free and lawful commerce, so that they may be carried and transported in the freest manner by...
Page 155 - ... nation upon vessels wholly belonging to citizens of the United States or upon the produce, manufactures, or merchandise imported in the same from the United States or from any foreign country, the President is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation declaring that the foreign discriminating duties of tonnage and impost...
Page 47 - The articles of contraband, before enumerated and classified, which may be found in a vessel bound for an enemy's port, shall be subject to detention and confiscation, leaving free the rest of the cargo and the ship, that the owners may dispose of them as they see proper. No vessel of either of the two nations shall be detained on the high seas on account of having on board articles of contraband, whenever the master, captain or supercargo of said...
Page 159 - Councils, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Treaties, and Laws of the United States; and except such as may, and which have been enacted by Congress, to the extent that Congress under the Constitution are required to exercise a legislation over Indian Affairs.
Page 98 - ... charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever.
Page 43 - Brazil respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like article to any other foreign country: ' nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the...
Page 48 - ... she shall again attempt to enter; but she shall be permitted to go to any other port or place she shall think proper".
Page 46 - ... as applying to those l'owers only, who recognize this principle; but if either of the two contracting parties shall be at war with a third, and the other neutral , the flag of the neutral shall cover the property of enemies whose governments acknowledge this principle, and not of others.
Page 53 - ... nations shall not be interrupted thereby; each party engaging in no way to protect the offender, or sanction such violation.