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of fish or reptile; and imagine all this— pillars, chapiters, cornices, friezes, thousands of figures, turrets, tiles, roofs, everything, of the finest porcelain, all richly tinted with fifty hues; the scene bursting upon your vision in the midst of the indescribable filth of a Chinese city, as the afternoon sun of a cloudless sky shines full upon it-and you have the picture.

Jesus warns against the influences of three classes of men: the Pharisees, Hered, and (See Mat hew 16: 6) the Sadducees. The leaven of the Pharisees was that of "superstition, consisting in phylacteries, phrases, and observances, and little else." Tue leaven of the Sadducees was that of unbelief in the spiritual world and the spiritual side of man's life (they believed not in the existence of angels, and of a spirit, nor in the resurrection). That of Herod was the subordinating of religion to political ends. The three used religious observances as a cloak to cover their Anchoring at last against an opposite self-se-king, and hence one characteristic wall, I feasted long on the vision before was common to the three-namely, hy- me. Changing positions again and pocrisy. Beware of formalism, skepti-again, I retreated step by step down an cism and worldliness.

Vs. 17-21. The disciples mistook Jesus' meaning-they substituted the outward, literal, for the inward, spiritual meaning. He was speaking of doctrine and life, they were thinking of bread for the body. Jesus' words are spirit and life. John 6: 63.

A reminiscence of Hankow.


At last I have realized the dream of my childhood—and a hope of riper years-that my feet might stand in the very heart of China.

Could it really be myself, in this strange walled old city,-in the dirtiest, most crowded streets I ever saw? Elbowed by the heaving masses, I found it difficult to follow my coolie guide, who was leading me rapidly toward the famous porcelain temple.

Soon he pointed upward to the most dazzling, beautiful sight I ever beheld, -more beautiful than anything I had ever expected to see in this world.

Imagine a building three hundred feet square, its walls all paneled, its sides and eaves full of friezes, richly embossed, its columns crowded with chapiters and cornices, images of men and birds and beasts, from life-size to a foot in length; its roof broken up into turrets and towers, rising one above another fifty feet high; every shoulder of the roof rounded and turned upward again, ending in some immense figure

I stood entranced, enraptured, and should have been riveted to the spot but for the surging throng who pressed against me.

alley only three feet wide, at right angles to the front of this inimitable palace; and, crowding up with my guide, soon came to a gate two feet wide through which the masses were trying to press. So great was the pressure, that, after fifteen minutes of waiting, I abandoned the attempt, as only two persons had succeeded in squeezing through.

From my guide, and corroborated by my friends of the mission, I learned that this is a Tanist temple, which has been in process of erection for many years, and is but recently completed. It cost a million and a quarter of dollars, which, in China, equals fifteen millions with us!

It is built in honor of the hero Shinsen, who lived in the Hanchau dynasty, eighteen hundred years ago, and who is reputed to have saved his people from a frightful flood, and to have received, as his reward from the gods, an elixir of life and the pill of incorruption. This Temple built in his honor, is stylel "The Temple of the Myriad Ages of Longevity." The inside is filled (I am told) with the choicest wood-carving to be found in China. Historical plays are daily performed there, with the hope of pleasing the departed hero.

There are other temples built in Shinsen's honor; but this is the most famous, and is supposed to be the finest porcelain structure ever erected, excelling even the famous towers of Nankin. One can better imagine what heaven will be, from having seen this beautiful vision!-Christian Intelligencer.



Seeing and Confessing the Christ. MARK 8: 22-33.

Commit to memory verses 27-29.

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23. And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him it he saw aught.

24. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

23. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

26. And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the

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May 21, 1882.

28. And they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elias; and others, One of the prophets.

29. And he saith unto them, But who say ye that I am! And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.

30. And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.

31. And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

32. And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.

33. But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan : for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

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GOLDEN TEXT: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Matt. 16: 16.


Verse 22. Bethsaida, near which He had fed the 5,000. 23. Took * * hand, tenderly leads him. Out of town, because the unbelieving people had rejected Christ, and were not worthy to see the miracle wrought. 24. As trees, partial, imperfect sight. 25. Look up, to exercise his faith, and to use the little sight he had already received. Saw clearly-perfect sight. 28. Elias, Elijah. 29. Christ, the Anointed, Messiah. 33. Satan, adversary, tempter. He had tempted Jesus not to suffer for sins when in the wilderness.

Ques. 21. What is true faith?


Ans. True faith is not only a certain knowledge, whereby I hold for truth all that God has revealed to us in His word, but also an assured confidence, which the Holy Ghost

works by the gospel in my heart; that not only to others, but to me also, remission of sins, everlasting righteousness, and salvation, are freely given by God, merely of grace, only for the sake of Christ's merits.


Verse 22. Who was brought to Christ? 23. Why did He lead him out of that town? How did Jesus heal him?

24. Was his sight fully restored at once? In what is this miracle different from the previous ones?

25. Why did He make him look up? What was the result?

26. Was that town worthy to hear of Christ's works? How had it treated Him? 27. What question does Jesus ask? Is this still the great question?

28. What various answers do men give? 29. What is the believer's answer? Does

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May 21, 1882. Sunday after Ascension Day.

I. THE BLIND MAN RECEIVES SIGHT. We have here a miracle which differs somewhat from other miracles, because it was progressive or gradual, and not instantaneous.

Vs. 22. The people who brought the blind man to Christ performed an act of kindness, and their example should be an incentive to all to bring their friends to Him for blessing.

V. 23. As in the case of the deaf stammerer (Lesson 6), Jesus took this man also aside. The tenderness of the Master is seen in His taking the man by the hand, and personally leading him. No doubt this personal contact inspired the man with confidence in the Guide. The Healer did not need to use any means to restore sight, for a word of His was sufficient; but He made use of the spittle to stimulate the man's faith; and in proportion as that grew, the work of restoration was to go forward. So Christ willed it to be.

V. 24. Vision was partially restored. but it was indistinct. I see men as trees walking. Even the restoration of par tial sight must have greatly encouraged and cheered him, and increased his desire for entire healing, and quickened His faith in Jesus. Then He put His hands upon him a second time, when the man saw clearly. "Our Lord, in this whole process of half-curing, and then wholly curing, shows that the result is completely at His command. He can perform the work without word or sign; at other times, with an instantaneous word; at others still, with a word and sign; and finally, as here, with word and sign arresting the completion as He pleases." (See Quarterly).

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V. 28. Their answer gives the several opinions entertained by the contemporaries of Jesus. Such conflicting answers are ever given by the world. But we follow not the creed of men, but the Creed of the Apostles.

V. 29. Who say ye that I am? The question was addressed to all the Apo tles, not to any one alone. Naturally one would speak first; and the ever-ready Peter, the eldest of them, answers for all. Thou art the Christ, Matthew (16: 16) records the whole answer: the Son of the Living God. Jesus "had never spoken openly of His Messiahship. John, indeed, had borne testimony to Him, and to those who could receive it He had indirectly intimated that He was the Son of God. But it was His will that the revelation should dawn gradually on the minds of His children; that it should spring more from the truths He spake and the life He lived, than from the wonders which He wrought. It was in the Son of Man that they were to recognize the Son of God." (Farrar).

The answer of the Apostles brings out both the human and divine natures of the Lord: Thou, the Son of Man, art also the Son of God. Two natures, but one person (Thou). This is the central theme of Christianity. (See Quarterly).

V. 30. The time had not yet come to make this known; and, moreover, the Apostles did not yet know the second fundamental article of the faith, namely: Salvation by the crucifixion and resurrection of the Christ.


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In verse 31 Jesus adds certain other articles to the creed of the Apostles: "Suffered, etc, and rose again." The nature of His Person they now understood; the nature of His mission was yet unknown. They did not expect a suffering Messiah, but a great King. Jesus now proceeds to complete their knowledge of Him.

Observe the gradual development of His teaching. Step by step He becomes "the Author and Finisher of their faith." "First, He simply proclaims, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand; then He explains the principles and laws of that Kingdom in the Ser

mon on the Mount; then, in the parables, He sets forth in figures the nature of its progress and the obstacles it will encounter; but by gradual acquaintance with Him the disciples have come to the full faith that He is the Messiah, the Son of God;" and then He foretells the coming suffering, and victory through death and the resurrection.

V. 33. But they understood none of these latter things. One even rebuked his Master, as though he would set Him right. "Peter's impulse was founded on a love for Christ which could not bear the thought of His rejection and crucifixion. But it was the disciple's duty to listen to, not instruct, the Master." (L. Abbott).

Satan had tempted Jesus not to tread the painful way of the cross, and now Peter does it also. Both are adversaries, therefore (the literal meaning of the word Satan). Peter was the adversary of Christ, in not strengthening Him for the suffering, but trying to dissuade Him from it.

Savorest not, etc. God's ways are not our ways. He has taught us that the way of the cross is the way of light. (Via crucis, via lucis).


and find some place of shelter and refreshment. But when the parents were returning from their recovered little ones, they found their brave preserver lying quite dead upon the snow, not far from where they parted from him. The long exposure in his exhausted state was too much for his little strength, and having saved his little charge-a stranger to them as they to him-he lay down to die.


Centuries ago a Greek noble was confined in an underground dungeon, for treason. No ray of light ever entered his prison; and as the years passed he gradually became reconciled to his lot. At last, when he was an old man, the prison doors were thrown open, and he was told that he was free. He stepped out into the blinding light, and stepped back at once with the entreaty that he should be allowed to spend the rest of his life in the darkness of his dungeon. The proffered blessing of freedom and light was refused, and his remaining days passed away in self-chosen darkness and captivity. Under the law, the bond-servant who refused the proffered blessing of liberty, forfeited his freedom forever (Deut. 15: 16, 17). So they who reject the proffered blessings of Christ forfeit forever all cla m on those blessings.-Sunday School Times.


The Rev. E. J. Beck, the Bishop of Newfoundland's Commissary, relates an heroic incident furnished him from that colony: "A poor boy, whose name no one knows, but we may hope that it is in the Book of Life, found three little children who, like himself, had been washed from the many wrecks, wandering along Teach the children hymns. Not little the dreary coast in the driving sleet. ditties about Robert Raikes and the gloThey were crying bitterly, having been ries of the Sunday School, nor rollicking parted from their parents, and not know- songs expressive of a kind of religious ing whether they were drowned or saved. rapture which they do not feel. Let them The poor lad took them to a sheltered commit to memory such grand old spot, plucked moss for them, and made hymns as "All hail the power of Jesus' them a rude but soft bed, and then tak-name," Jesus, lover of my soul," ing off his own coat to cover them, sat "Rock of Ages, cleft for me," "I love by them all the night long, soothing thy kingdom, Lord," and others like their terror until they fell asleep. In the them. Teach them to pray in the words morning, leaving them still sleeping, he of such hymns when they go to bed and went in search of the parents, and to his when they rise up. Thus they will daily great joy found them looking for their receive spiritual food; their higher nachildren, whom they had given up for ture will gain strength and fibre, until dead. He directed them where to find they come to "the measure of the stathem, and then went on himself to try ture of the fulness of Christ."

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May 28, 1882.

Following Christ. MARK 8; 34 to 9: 1.

Commit to memory verses 34-37.

34. And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

35. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

36. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

37. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul !

38. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

IX. 1. And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

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GOLDEN TEXT: "Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." Ver. 34.


Verse 34. Whosoever, every one. (1st condition of discipleship), will-resolves, determines. (2d condition), deny himself—renounce self. (3d condition), take his cross, undergo trials for Christ. (4th condition), follow-confess and live accordingly. 35-37. Save-lose, contrast between the earthly life and the true, higher life. Profit, real advantage, eternal benefit. World, its wealth, honor, pleasures, all that it has. In exchange, as a ransom-price. 38. Ashamed, reject Christ. Son of man, Jesus. 1. Taste of death, die. Kingdom of God come; (1) On the day of Pentecost, when Christ sent His Spirit with great power; (2) When the Jewish State-Church was destroyed, and the Christian Church was established throughout the world.


Ques. 22. What is then necessary for a Christian to believe?

Ans. All things promised us in the gospel,

which the articles of our catholic, undoubted Christian faith briefly teach us.


Verse 34. What is the first condition of becoming a disciple? Are all invited? What are the three other conditions? What must be renounced? Of what is the cross a symbol ? Of what does it remind us? Is it necessary to confess Christ before men? How do we follow Him? What must we crucify? (Gal. 5: 24).

35-37. What law of Christ's Kingdom is contained in verse 35? Does the natural heart like this law? (Rom. 8: 7). What great question does verse 36 contain? Which is worth most to you, the world, or your soul? Which do you care for most?

38. What comes of being ashamed of Christ? Is the Christian life all cross-bearing? After the cross, what? When will it be given?

1. When did Christ's Kingdom "come in power?" When did it come in greater power? Is there a continual, progressive coming? What do we pray concerning the Kingdom in the Lord's prayer?

What did the Holy Spirit come to do for the world? (John 16: 8-11). What for the Church? (John 16: 12-15). Is it a sin to resist the Spirit ?

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