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Henry W. Longfellow was recognized as the foremost of American poets. His recent death has called renewed attention to the excellence of his character, and the purity of his literary work. As our tribute to his memory, we venture to publish a letter which we once received from him. It is a good illustration of the habitual courtesy and kindness for which he was so eminently distinguished.


In the early days of printing it was difficult to get a book through the press without a large number of typographical errors. A thin volume of one hundred and seventy-two pages, entitled The Anatomy of the Mass, was published in 1561, which was followed by fifteen pages of errata. The pious monk who wrote it informs his readers in the preface to the Errata, that the printers' blunders in his little book were caused by the peculiar machinations of Satan.

We had ben informed that Mr. Longfellow contemplated the publica- In these days of careful printing tion of a revised edition of "The Poets -rrors have become much less frequent, and Poetry of Europe," a volume con but with all that printers and prooftaining biographical sketches of poets readers can do, it seems impossible to who have written in various modern avoid them altogether. When the languages, with translations of their work is done hastily, and the proof not most characteristic poems. As we had carefully read, these errors are somerecently published original versions of time sufficiently ludicrous. We have two of the minor poems of the Alle- before us an auction catalogue, printed manian-German poet, John Peer in 1860, in which Alex. Hamilton is Hebel, we ventured to send these to the called "Abe Hamilton," and the name distinguished editor, thinking it possi- of the Hon. K. R. Van Rensselaer is ble that he might find occasion to use given as "Honk. R. Van Renssalaer." one or the other of them in his new edi- In the same pamphlet the phrase tion. A few days afterwards we re-letter to Rev. Dr. Morse, relative to a ceived the following very kind letter: grandson of President Finley" is renCambridge, Feb. 3, 1880. dered "a letter to Rev. Dr. Morse, relative to, and grandson of President I am much obliged to you for We once wrote an article in let- Finley." your ter, and for your translations from Hebel, which we referred to the Low-church which are quite charming, particularly party in the church of England. the "Song of the Cherry Tree." Imagine our feelings when we made to call it in print, "the Slow church party." Fortunately, the article was anonymous.

My Dear Sir:

Should I ever make any additions to the "Poe's and Poetry of Europe," I shall be only too happy to insert these pieces.

Publishers do not look with a very friendly eye upon translations, but a small volume devoted to Hebel alone, would command attention and be successful, I think.

With many thanks,
Yours very truly,

Prof. DUBBS.

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In a review article we said: “Luther once prayed that the Lord would put poets into the pulpit to aid in reforming the worship of the church." The compositor made it posts. We fortunately discovered the error in the proof. Otherwise, it might have been unkindly suggested that the petition of the Reformer had at last been granted.


wards connected himself with a new French congregation. In official docu

It is well-known that there is no per-ments he calls himself a German, and

fect rhyme, in the English language, to the word month. A young man who was supposed not to be aware of this fact, was once asked to complete a stanza beginning:

"I need Thine aid in every hour, And every week, and month."

He was equal to the occasion and immediately wrote:

"For I believe the Lord's a tower, To which the righteous runn'th. It was not a perfect rhyme, but the thing was very neatly done.

Recently some one has collected the following additional rhymeless words: silver, have, bilge, kiln, coif, rhomb, scarce, culm, oblige, gulf, cusp, scarf, microcosm, fugue, and the verb mouth -fifteen in all. No doubt fifteen, or fifty more, might be found.


Sterling says: There is a tendency in modern education to cover the fingers with rings, and at the same time to cut the sinews at the wrist. The worst education which teaches self-denial is better than the best which teaches everything else and not that.


Much light has recently been thrown on the early history of this unfortunate man, who, in 1689, was made Governor of New York by a popular movement in behalf of William of Orange. He held his position for two years, but was afterwards condemned to death for treason, by his political enemies, on the ground that he had interfered with the king's prerogative in accepting his office without a royal commission. It has been proved that he was a native of Frankfort, in Germany, and that one, at least, of his relatives was a Reformed minister who had studied at Geneva. As he spoke French, it has been supposed that his people may have belonged to the French Reformed church which had been founded in his native city. In New York he was at first a member of the Dutch church, but after

would no doubt have preferred to belong to a German church, if there had been one in New York in those days. His cruel death left no shame on his memory, and some of the most eminent people in the country are numbered among his descendants.


A hundred years ago the name of Jemima Wilkinson was well-known throughout America, but it is now so generally forgotten that it may be well to preface our anecdote with some account of this remarkable religious enthusiast or impostor. She was born of Rhode Island, in the year 1758. In a Quaker family, at Cumberland, her 18th year she devoted herself entirely to religious contemplation, finally becoming very ill and falling into a deep trance which lasted thirty-six hours." About midnight of the second day she rose up, as if from a refreshing sleep, insisted that Jemima Wilkinson had passed into the angel world, and that her body was reanimated by a spirit whose mission it was to deliver the oracles of God to mankind. called herself "The Universal Friend,' and by this name she was afterwards known to her disciples.


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She now began to preach and made many converts, with whom she travelled from place to place for the purpose of establishing societies. Her discourses were mostly exhortations to chastity and temperance, and her teachings differed but slightly from those of the orthodox Quakers. She was, however, very pretty, and always dressed in magnificent style, affirming that it was the will of God that the "Universal Friend" should be arrayed in a manner becoming a celestial visitant.

In 1782 Jemima visited Pennsylvania, where she founded several societies, one of which was located in Worcester township, Montgomery county. Finally she settled in Yates county, New York, where she lived in great elegance, almost worshipped by her disciples, until her death, which occurred in 1819.

Her sect was soon afterwards entirely | number which we might choose to men

broken up.

tion. Thus, for instance, we might take the number four, which is generally regarded as very ordinary, without any magical potency whatever. Yet in the Scriptures, we find that there were four rivers in Eden; four evangelists; four beasts in the Apocalypse; four

It was immediately after her visit to Pennsylvania that a little incident occurred, which has escaped the attention of her biographers. With a large company she had crossed the Delaware near Easton. One of the boats had been upset, and the company presented" notable horns," in Daniel's visions; a forlorn appearance when they arrived the field which the sower, in the parable, at Stewartsville, New Jersey. As they went forth to sow, was of a four-fold could not be accommodated elsewhere, character; and there are "four angels they received permission to spend the bound in the great river Euphrates." night in a mill belonging to David So, in a more general way it might be Lerch, sr., but before retiring Jemima observed that the ancients used to enuannounced her intention of preaching merate four elements-water, fire, air next day. In the morning she appeared and earth; four ages in history-golden, in all her finery, wearing, as usual, be- silver, brass and iron; four ages of man sides her female attire, an embroidered-childhood, youth, manhood, and old waistcoat, a stock, and a white silk age; four winds; four cardinal points; cravat. After her sermon she called on four celebrated monarchies, etc. The her audience for any remarks they might number of these coincidences might be feel inclined to make, and Mr. Lerch greatly extended, but we think these said: "I have nothing to say against will serve to show the danger of foundyour preaching, but I do not like your ing mystical theories on the frequency of fine clothes. Surely, the meek and low- certain dates and numbers, whether ia ly Jesus was not arrayed in such splen- sacred or secular history. did garments."


"Sir!" replied Jemima. "Have you not read that our Saviour had a seamless coat for which, at the crucifixion, the soldiers cast lots? Unless it had It is hard to forgive your enemies, 'been exceedingly fine-finer than any but it is harder for your enemies to forof their own garments-would the sol-give you. We mean to say that, while diers have gone to the trouble of casting

lots for it?"

It was hard, on the spur of the moment, to find an auswer to these questions, and Jemima evidently enjoyed her triumph. Though her hearers may not have accepted ber reasoning, they were convinced that her fanaticism was mixed with a considerable proportion of Yankee " cuteness."


Certain numbers have been termed

sacred, on account of the frequency of their occurrence. Among them three

and seven are most usual, and we frequently read long series of remarkable coincidences based on their recurrence. Now, we have no desire to deny the fact of the remarkable frequency of these numbers, but it has occurred to us that in a less degree, very similar things might be said concerning almost any

it is hard to forgive those who have wantonly injured you, those who have committed the crime require special grace to enable them to feel kindly towards the victims of their wickedness. The conscience of the sufferer is clear, and he may, therefore, the more easily forgive and forget the injury; but the man who has done him wrong is re

minded of his act whenever he sees the injured one, and his very appearance is a reproof, which rouses his lowest passions. Such feelings prey upon the mind that entertains them, and in the long run the man who has done the injury is sure to be the greatest sufferer.

FLATTERING EPITAPHS.-Charles Lamb, when a little boy, walking in a church-yard with his sister, and reading the epitaphs, said to her, "Mary, where are all the naughty people buried ?"




The Sunday School Bureau is doing good work. The following is the second list of books which they have examined and found worthy of admission to the library :

Christ a Friend, Nehemiah Adams, D. D., $1, p. 312.

ROBERT CARTER & BROS., Publishers,
N. Y.

Electa, Mrs. N. Conklin, $1.50, p. 399. Mother Herring's Children, L. S. Meade, $1, p. 204. The Palace Beautiful, Wm. W. NewD. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, N. Y. ton, $1.25, p. 348. Duties and Duties, Agnes Days of Bruce, Grace Aguilar, $1, p. 500. Giberne, $1.25, p. 361. Was I Right? Mrs. Home Influence, do., $1, p. 486. The Mother's O. F. Walton, $1, p. 362. The Broken LookRecompense, do., $1, p. 499. German Home ing-glass, Maria L. Charlesworth, $1, p. 313. Life, do., $1.50, p. 312. Where there's a Will The Red Nightcap, A. L. O. E., 50c., p. 154. there's a Way, Cousin Alice, in set, p. 218, for Mabel's Stepmother, Author of "Win and $6. No such Word as Fail, do., p. 177. Wear" Series, $1.25, p. 426. Aunt Judy's Contentment Better than Wealth, do., p. 188. Tales, Mrs. Alfred Gatty, 90c., p. 291. BeOut of Debt, out of Danger, do., p. 251. Allhind the Scenes, Mrs. O. F. Walton, $1, p. is not Gold that Glitters, do., p. 214. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Have, do., p. 168. A Place for Everything, do., p. 218. Patient Waiting No Loss, do., p. 182. The Goldmaker's Village, H. Tschokke, p. 180. Night Lessons from Scripture, by the Author of Amy Herbert, $1, p. 388. Harry's Vacation, Wm. C. Richards, $1.25, p. 398. Tommy Try, and What he did for Science, Charles Napier, $1.50, p. 303. Lectures to Young Men, Henry Ward Beecher, $1.50. Tired of Housekeeping, T. S. Arthur, p. 167. Ocean Work, J. Hall Wright, p. 168.

HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., Publishers,

Stories and Tales, Hans Christian Andersen, $1.50, p. 532. The Lord's Prayer, Washing ton Gladden, $1, p. 192. Marjorie's Quest, Jeanie T. Gould, $1.50, p. 356. The Children's Crusade, George Zabriskie Gray, $1.50, p. 240. Hawthorne's True Stories, $1.25. Tom Brown at Rugby, Thomas Hughes, $1, p. 405. Boston Town, Horace E. Scudder, $1.50, p. 243. Breathings of a Better Life, Lucy Larcom, $1.25, p. 288. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, $1.50, p. 230. Little Classic, Life, Rossiter Johnson, $1, p. 208. Little Classic, Childhood, do., $1, p. 227. Little Classic, Humanity, do., $1, p. 264. Little Classic, Heroism, do., $1, p. 243. The Manliness of Christ, Thomas Hughes, $1, p. 160. Patience Strong's Outings, Mrs. A. D. H. Whitney, $.50, p. 233. Faith Gartney's Girlhood, do., $1.50, p. 348. Childhood Songs, Lucy Larcom, $1.50. Stories from Old English Poetry, Abby Sage Richardson, $1. Seven Little People, Horace E. Scudder, 75c.,

p. 240.

346. The Martyrs of Spain, Author of Schön-
berg Cotta Family, $1, p. 400. Fritz's Vic-
tory, A. L. O. E., 50c., p. 152. Wise Words
and Loving Deeds, E. Souder Gray, $1.50, p.
415. Nora Crena, L. T. Meade, $1.25, p. 316.
Nettie's Mission, Julia A. Matthews, $1, p.
150. Margery's Stone, do., $1, p. 144. Rosy
Conroy, do., $1, p. 160. Boys and Girls Play-
ing, and other Addresses to Children, Bishop
Ryle, 75c., p. 193. Water Gypsies, a Story of
Canal Life in England, L. T. Meade, $1, p.
279. Pebbles from the Brook, Rev. Richard
Newton, $1.25, p. 312. Rue's Helps, Jennie
M. Drinkwater, $1.50, p. 386. Take Care of
Number One, Rev. P. B. Power, $1, p. 263.
The Circle of Blessing and other Parables
from Nature, Mrs. Alfred Gatty, 90c., p. 153.
Hester Trueworth's Royalty, Author of " Win
and Wear" Series, p. 337, $1.25. Blind Man's
Holiday, 90c., p. 263. May Dundas. Mrs.
Thomas Gildart, 90c., p. 299. The Truant
Kitten, A. L. O. E., 50c., p. 154. Florence
Egerton, 90c., p. 392. Ministering Children,
Maria Louisa Charlesworth, $1.50, p. 408.
Sun, Moon, and Stars, Agnes Giberne, $1 50,
p. 299. Master Missionaries, A. H. Japp, LL.
D., $1.50, p. 398. Heroism of Christian Wo-
men, J. M. Darton, $1.50, p. 373. Leaders
of Men, H. A. Page, $1.50, p. 298.- Oliver of
the Mill, Maris Louisa Charlesworth, $1.50,
p. 380.

SHELDON & CO., Publishers, N. Y.

The Rollo Books, by Jacob Abbott, in 14 vols., about 190 pages each, illustrated, price $8.75; the titles of the volumes are: Rollo Learning to Walk; Rollo Learning to Read; Rollo at Play; Rollo at School; Pollo's Vacation; Rollo's Experiments; Rollo at Work;

Rollo's Museum; Rollo's Travels; Rollo's Correspondence; Rollo's Philosophy, Water: Rollo's Do., Air; Rollo's Do., Fire; Rollo's do., Sky. Rollo's Tour in Europe, same author, 10 vols., about 220 pages each, illustrated, price $9; the titles of these volumes are: Rollo on the Atlantic; Rollo in Paris; Rollo

in Switzerland; Rollo in London; Rollo on the Rhine; Rollo in Geneva; Rollo in Holland; Rollo in Naples; Rollo in Rome. A Young Man's Difficulties with his Bible, Rev. D. W. Faunce, $1.25, p. 196.


Round-About Rambles, Frank R. Stockton, $1.50, p. 371. Tales Out of School, do., $1.50, p. 325. Dab Kinzer, a Story of a Growing Boy, William O. Stoddard, $1, p. 321. The Quartet, a Sequel to Dab Kinzer, do., $1,

p. 332.

FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT, Publishers, N. Y.

American Version, Revised New Testament, Rev. Roswell D. Hitchcock, D. D., $1.75, p. 496; Sir Philip Sidney, His Life and Times, Mrs. S. M. Henry Davis, $1.50, p. 281. The Merry Go-Round, Stories for Boys and Girls, Rossiter W. Raymond, $1.50, p. 286. Camp and Cabin, do, $1, p. 243. Footsteps of the Master, Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe, $1.50, p. 308. A Dog's Mission, and other Tales, do, $1.25, p. 131. Queer Little People, do., $1.25, p. 191. Little Pussy Willow, do., $1.25, p. 161. Norwood; or Village Life in New England, Henry Ward Beecher, p. 849, $2. The Gospel History; a Complete, Connected Narrative of the Life of Our Lord, Woven from the Text of the Four Evangelists: with Notes Original and Selected; J. R. Gilmore and Lyman Abbott, $1.75, p. 837.

It is the object of the Bureau to select books for the Sunday-School which are of superior excellence in every respect. The above have been thoroughly examined, and are heartily

recommended as books of such a character.


Rev. R. L. Gerhart, A. M.


It is one thing to offer prizes in the Sunday-school; it is quite another thing to offer rewards. Rewards for well-doing are a part of God's plan of training, and they have a place in every well devised human plan of training. It is right to recognize success and attainments which all can hope to reach by earnest endeavor. This recognition, by means of a fair reward, is as proper in the Sunday-school as anywhere else. But to hold out a prize which all are to compete

for earnestly, but which only one can obtain. introduces another element into Sunday-school work. Securing a reward depends on one's self. Winning a prize depends on the failure of others. The one plan promotes earnestness and industry. The other plan too often provokes jealousy and discord.-S. S. Times.


We were once called to see an old man who was apparently drawing near the end of his life. He was very deaf, and suffered from an incurable disease. Worst of all he was very melancholy, and declared himself utterly comfortless and forsaken. After listening for some his ear: "What is thy only comfort in time to his complaints, we shouted into life and death?" Instantly the expression of his countenance changed. He folded his hands reverent'y and responded: "That I, with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ," and so on to the end of the first answer in the Heidelberg Catechism. Then he continued: "I learned that beautiful answer more than sixty years ago, and it has often comforted me. That is, indeed, our only comfort in life and death."

the sun is not risen; so long as one leak So long as you see one star in the sky admits the water the ship is not safe; so long as one sin reigns in a man's heart, and is practiced in his life, Jesus is neither his Saviour nor his King.

He that seeks the Lord by prayer in trouble should seek the Lord with praise when the trouble is past: "I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me."

God's children, guarded by His providence, sheltered by His love, watched over by His angels, kept by His grace, hopeful of His heaven, have a right to be happy. And it is distrust,-when we sift it to the bottom,--which makes us feel the chill wind and the cold shade when life is at its best and fairest.— Christian Intelligencer.

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