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April 9th, 1882. are saved, v. 20.
are saved, v. 20. Faith giveth us the

Easter Sunday.

I. THE FACT OF CHRIST'S RESUR- The resurrection of Jesus is the most RECTION. No event in the life of Jesus joyful event in His life. All other is better attested by faithful witnesses events were followed by sorrow; this than His resurrection. His birth was only by joy. For Himself it was joyful, private. His fasting and fasting and tempta- because His labors and sufferings were tion He endured unseen; but His cru- ended, and His victory over sin, death cifixion and resurrection were witnessed and Satan was complete for ever; for by friends and foes. The guards at the His disciples of all ages it was joyful, tomb saw Him rise. Angels declared that because their Redeemer lives to die no He had risen; sincere women testified more. that He had conversed with them; and FAITH builds chiefly on the resurrecthe Apostles were ready to seal their tion of Jesus, for thereby was manitestimony with their blood, and did so. ifested His innocence, His power and Read 1 Corinthians 15: 4-8, where the His Divinity. "He was declared to be evidence is summed up. Notice, then, the Son of God with power, (1) There were many witnesses of the by the resurrection from the dead," fact that Jesus rose from the dead. (2) Rom. 1: 4. Therefore believers trust in They all agree that it was on the third the Risen Redeemer

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sion. It was Christ who "brought life and inmortality to light by the Gospel," 2 Tim. 1: 10. He foretold a general resurrection on several occasions. John 5: 28-29; and also His own resurrection. On three occasions He raised the dead to life-rather restored them to their former mode of life.

day. (3) They do not report what HOPE, as a distinctly Christian virtue, others told them, but what they them- is the offspring of the resurrection of selves saw as eye-witnesses. (4) They Christ. The crucifixion filled all hearts were all reliable persons. (5) They had with despondency; on Easter morning nothing to gain by their testimony, but hope was revived, never to be beclouded. incurred the danger of death by bearing again. such witness. In short, they were II. THE GENERAL RESURRECTION. neither deceived, much less deceivers. In the Old Testament there were propheV. 12. There were a few converts cies of the general resurrection. "Thy from heathenism to Christianity in the dead men shall live; together with my Church of Corinth, who said there was dead body shall they arise. no resurrection from the dead. St. Paul The earth shall cast out the dead," Is. proceeds to show that if this general 26: 19. But it was a thing unknown, and proposition were true, the particular in its very nature, beyond comprehenone, that Christ has risen, would fall also; and with its fall the whole superstructure of Christianity would lie in ruins. (1) Preaching would be vain, useless. (2) Faith would be a mere delusion, a grasping at a shadow, and not a clinging to a real Saviour, (vs. 13-14.) (3) The Apostles would stand convicted as being false witnesses, (v. 15.) And you The resurrection proper is a rising to have been believing false testimony. a new mode of life, freed from the ordiVain is your faith; ye are yet in your sins, nary limitations of the fallen life. As (v. 17.) You are not saved at all. And the soul rises to newness of life in regenyour friends that have died in the faith eration, the body rises to a more gloriare not asleep in Christ, waiting to be ous mode of existence after the resurawakened, but they have perished, rection. It will be free from the effects (v. 18.) That is what your misbelief of sin-suffering and death. The resleads to. Yes, more, you convict us of urrection of the body is not a restoration, being fools; for we, too, might enjoy but rather a new creation. ourselves in this life, instead of suffering The general resurrection is the result persecutions for Christ's sake, if there be of Christ's resurrection. He is the firstno resurrection. Why should we make fruits, which implies an after harvest. ourselves miserable by hoping for a "Because I live, ye shall live also." future life, (v. 19.) But, no, you are We "are raised together with Him." mistaken. Now is Christ risen, and we "Risen with Christ." Our Catechism,

Ans. 45, states the truth very clearly. "We are by His power raised up to a new life. And the resurrection of Christ is a sure pledge of our blessed resurrection."



"They talk," said Tom Marshall to an intimate friend, "of my astonishing bursts of eloquence, and doubtless imagine it is my genius bubbling over.

is nothing of the sort. I'll tell you how I do it: I select a subject, and study it from the ground up. When I "We often speak of a 'long life' be- have mastered it fully I write a speech cause it reaches to fourscore. But a on it. Then I take a walk, and come little arithmetic will show that the ac- back, and revise and correct. In a few tual working period of a life of three days I subject it to another pruning, score and ten is very short. We must and then recopy it. Next I add the deduct the twenty preparatory years of finishing touches, round it off with childhood and youth. This leaves 18,- graceful periods, and commit it to 250 days. Of this abridged time we memory. Then I speak it in the fields, must deduct one-third for sleep, and that in my father's lawn, and before my leaves only 12,000 days. It is hardly mirror, until gesture and delivery are too much to say that fully one-half of perfect. It sometimes takes me six this is consumed in eating, drinking, weeks or two months to get up a speech. washing, recreation, exercise and other When I have one prepared I come to unproductive occupations. When all town. I generally select a Court day, these deductions have been made, only when there is sure to be a crowd. I 6,000 days of solid time are left for effec-am called on for a speech, and am pertive activities. So that a man of three-mitted to select my own subject. I score and ten has only a working life of speak my piece. It astonishes the peoabout fifteen years! Yet if those fleet-ple, as I intended it should, and they ing years are devoted to life's highest go away, marveling at my power of end-to serving God and the interests oratory. They call it genius, but it is of our fellow man-they may work the hardest kind of work." wonders. Bacon in his lifetime revolutionized philosophy; James Watt carpeted the stormy seas with steamship, and Morse made the ocean a whispering gallery."

"Albert Barnes, of Philadelphia, by rising at four o'clock every morning, won enough extra time to prepare a commentary on every book in the Bible, and has taught ten thousand Sundayschool teachers how to teach God's Word. An eminent London physician prepared an able work while riding in his carriage to visit his patients. The young man in this house who has not learned the value of an hour is doomed to failure. On an hour often swings a destiny to eternity."


"THERE is a very ancient precedent of judges going circuit. And he went from year to year in circuit to Bethel, and Gilgal, and Mizpeh, and judged Israel in all those places.'-1 SAM. vii. 16."-Legal Bibliography.


It is like a beautiful tree which bears sweet fruit for those that are hungry, and affords shelter and shade for pilgrims on their way to the kingdom of heaven.

It is like a cabinet of jewels and precious stones which are not only to be looked at and admired, but used and worn.

It is like a telescope which brings distant objects and far-off things of the world very near, so that we can see something of their beauty and impor

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The Five Thousand Fed.-MARK 6: 30-44.

Commit to memory

30. And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.

31. And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

32. And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.

33. And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him.

34. And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

35. And when the day was now far spent, his di ciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed:

36. Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.

Verses 41-44.

April 16, 1882.

37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred penny-worth of bread, and give them to eat?

38. He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.

39. And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.

40. And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.

41. And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

42. And they did all eat, and were filled. 43. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.

44. And they that did cat of the loaves were about five thousand men.






“I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread." Psalm 132: 15.


Verse 30. Apostles gathered together; returned after their mission, recorded in 1st lesson. They gave a report of their work." 31. Rest-needed retirement, and a conference after their labors. 32. Ship-boat. Desert place-not a barren region, but thinly peopled. 33. Outwent. Earnestness to be with Jesus made them travel rapidly. Afoot-by land around the head of the lake. 34. Compassion, love, pity, sympathy. Without a shepherd, neglected by their religious guides, the Pharisees, scribes and priests. 35. Far spent, evening. 36. Cuntry, the farms, cultivated land. 37. 200 penny-worth: about $30 00. A penny, denarius, is 15 cents. 38. Loaves-small cakes. 39. Companies, for convenience and order. 41. Blessed; same as grace" at meals, and consecration of bread and wine in the Lord's Supper.



Ques. 16. Why must He be very man, and also perfectly righteous?

Ans. Because the justice of God requires that the

same human nature, which hath sinned, should likewise make satisfaction for sin; and one who is himself a sinner cannot satisfy for others.


Verse 30. From what did the Twelve return? What did they tell Jesus?

31.-32. What did they need? Where did they go to find it?

33. By whom were Jesus and the Apostles followed? How did these come?

34. What stirred the compassionate heart of Jesus? What did He do for the people? 35.-36. What request did the disciples make?

37. What reply did they receive? How much is a penny? 200 penny-worth?

38. How many loaves had the disciples? Was it enough for themselves? 39.-40. Why in companies? did they sit?

On what

41. What did Jesus first do? What next? To whom did He give the food? Who gave it to the people? 42. How many ate of the food? Did they each receive merely a crumb? 43. Was anything left?

What was done with it? What lesson.does this teach us? 44. Were there more than the 5000 men? Who else?

Could the multitude have found provisions for themselves? Could the Apostles have satisfied them? Can any one but God create and multiply? Who is Jesus? Is His power as great as IIis compassion? Is there any need which He cannot satisfy?

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I. THE COMPASSION OF JESUS. Vs. 30-38. The Twelve returned from their first missionary tour, perhaps by previous appointment, and now take a needed rest and hold a conference with their Lord and with one another. It is customary with the preachers of the word once a year to meet and confer with one another about their labors in the Lord's vineyard.

A desert place-thinly settled, where they might have a season of solitude. There was much grass in the place, (v. 39) and hence it was a pleasant retreat.-for a clerical vacation.

Many coming and going, because the passover was nigh at hand, and the people were on their way to Jerusalem, (John 6:4).

Came together. Christ could not be hid. Wherever He went He was sought after by men. "Neither care for things at home nor fear of danger abroad, neither the length of the way nor the lack of food and lodging," * * was able to retain the people from seeking Jesus.

He saw much people. He desired rest and privacy, but behold! a new crowd and new labor. Without a Shepherd. The scribes and priests cared little or nothing for the common people, and neglected to teach and guide them. Hence these neglected sheep were moved more earnestly to seek the Good Shepherd.

He began to teach. This showed His compassion for them. Unless a teacher has sympathy for his scholars he will not exert himself much. Let Sundayschool teachers try to enter into the feelings of their pupils, and teach them earnestly the way of life.

Vs. 35-36. His disciples came. Previously to this the Saviour had asked Philip privately, in order to "draw him out,'

Where shall we buy bread that these may eat? (John 6:5-6). Philip was of Bethsaida (Fishtown), where the Saviour now was. After Philip had conferred with the Apostles, they come and request Jesus to send the people away. Pradence suggested as much.

V. 37. Give ye them to eat. The duty of Christians is contained in this command. Give what ye have. Our ability is increased by its exercise. "How many persons, who thought they had no ability to teach a class of youth in the Scriptures, have gotten their ability by doing it!"

Shall we go and buy? They perhaps had in the treasury 200 pennies, or denariia denarius being about 15 cents. It was a day's wages. They were willing to spend this; but where could they get the bread for it? They had the will without the means. Our Lord knew all along what He would do. He was now teaching one of the best lessons.

II. HIS POWER TO SATISFY THE NEEDY. Vs. 38-40. Saith unto them. Inquire into your resources, that "their scantines3 might enhance the impression of the subsequent supply, and cut off all suspicion of its being anything less than a miracle." Five-one cake for each thousand men! And that only a coarse barley cake!

He commanded them. A serene consciousness of power on His part to supply the multitude with food. He uses plan and foresight, to prevent noise and confusion, to save time and to secure any from being overlooked.

The whole transaction seemed to be left to the disciples; they made the men sit down, and they distributed the bread. Green Grass. Here was a fulfilment of the 23d Psalm. "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

He had taken. First we must give of our means to Christ; then He blesses it; and lastly, we distribute it to the needy. The Jews, like Jesus, always blessed their bread before they ate it. There is no excuse for the neglect of table prayer. He broke the loaves. It was to teach us that in the distribution of our goods we should expect His blessing, not in their entireness and reservation. "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth." The bread of life was also broken on the cross. Did all eat. None neglected

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In the following extract from one of Dr. Lorimer's lectures, attention is called to a mistake which doubtless every pastor has noticed oftener than he desires, among otherwise good people:

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Time to count cost,

Lessen expenses,
Time to look well

To the gates and fences,
Making and mending as good workers should;
Shutting out evil and keeping the good.

What time is it?
Time to be earnest,
Laying up treasure;
Time to be thoughtful,

Choosing true pleasure;
Loving stern justice, of truth being fond,
Making your word just as good as your bond.

Time to be happy,

Doing your best,
Time to be trustful,
Leaving the rest,
Knowing in whatever country or clime,
Ne'er can we call back one minute of time.
-Liverpool (Eng.) Mag.

"Not unfrequently are Christians heard to speak of duties as crosses to be borne, and I am convinced that some among them regard their performance as a complete compliance with the law of self-denial. It is a cross to pray, to speak, to commend Christ to others, to attend church, to frequent the social meetings, and, indeed, to do anything of a distinctly religious nature. By the force of their will and with the aid of sundry admonitions they bring themselves up to the discharge of these obligations, but on the whole they think it should entitle them to a place in 'the noble army of martyrs.' I am sorry to dissipate the comfortable illusion, but I am compelled to assure them that they totally misapprehend the doctrine of our Lord. He said it was His meat and drink to do the will of His Father, The Congregationalist gives the foland He never once refers to duty in any lowing, which is a warning: "As illusother way than as a delight. The cross trating the importance of marking the was something distinct from it and in-date on pulpit notices, a story is current cidental to it, but never to be identified with it; and if we look upon it otherwise, if we find no honest joy in the service of God, and if we fail to discriminate between that and the pangs and pains to which it may give rise, we shall fall infinitely short of the concep ion embodied in the language of Christ."

of a stranger in a certain pulpit who read the announcement of a funeral of a lady buried nearly a year before, and whose husband happened to be in the congregation with his second wife for the first time! The notice had been lying on the pulpit shelf all this time, and somehow got mixed with others given him for that day."

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