See heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, No more the rifing w Sun shall gild the morn, Nor ev'ning Cynthia fill her filver horn; 100 But loft, diffolv'd in thy superior rays, One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze O'erflow thy courts: the Light himself stall shine Thy realm for ever lasts, thy own MESSIAH reigns! IMITATIONS. The reader needs only to turn to the passages of Ifaiah, here cited. w Ch. lx. 19, 20. * Ch. li. 6. and Ch. liv. 10, WINDSOR-FOREST. To the Right Honourable GEORGE Lord LANSDOWN. Non injussa cano: Te nostræ, Vare, myricæ, VIRG. VOL. I. E 1 |