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of translating into Chinese, 454; pro-
gress of the two independent versions,
456; Chinese dictionary, 457; au-
thor's objection to the low style of
translation examined, ib. ; alleged un-
suitableness of the naked text to Hindoo
prejudices, 458; author's incredulity
less inexcusable than that affected by
Dr. Bryce, 459; statement of Hindoo
converts, ib.; efficacy of the translations,
460; native teachers, ib.; baptism of
a brahmin at Delhi, 461; progress of
schools, 462; co-operation of Hindoos,
463; schools for Hindoo females, pro-
gress of, 464; author's assertion that
Hindoo fanatics are less extravagant
than English sectaries, 465; state of
the Roman catholic missions, 466.
Dwight's travels in New England, 385,
et seq.; interest attaching to the early
history of British America, 385;
different sources of interest to the tra-
veller presented by old and new coun-
tries, 387; relative strength and im-
portance of the Atlantic States, 388;
remarkable singing-birds, ib.; bee-eater,
389; instance of fascination by a snake,
ib.; peculiarities of the climate, 390;
theory respecting the winds, 391;
longevity and mortality in New Eng-
land, 392; scenery, 393; banks of the
Connecticut, ib.; classification of the in-
habitants of New Haven, 394; remark-
able burial-ground, 395; English and
French colonies contrasted, 396; charac-
ter of the first New England colonists,
397; steady habits of the republi-
cans, 399; advantage of a monarchy
as presenting an object of loyalty, 400;
exemplary state of society in Northamp-
ton, ib.; imputations of dishonesty
cast on the New Englanders examined,
401; town and village systems of
colonization contrasted in their effects,
402; evils connected with ultra-inde-
pendency, ib.; effect of a village life
on the mind, disadvantageous, 403; de-
fence of New England inn-keepers, 404;
character of the Bostonians, ib.;
origin and history of unitarianism,
406; population, &c. of New York,
ib. ecclessiastical provision made by the
New York legislature, 407; author's
plea for an establishment, ib.; objec-
tions, 409; author's mistaken view of
the apostolic directions as sanction-
ing a tax, ib.; taxation inadequate
to the support of the ministry, 410;
state of things in Rhode Island, ib.; vin-

dication of the first settlers, 411; rẻ-
volution in the sentiments of the Bap.
tist body, 412; state of society in New
York city, ib.

Education, female, remarks on, 333, et

seq.; advantages and disadvantages
of boarding schools, 333; arduous
situation of the private governess, 335;
advice to young persons entering on the
task of tuition, 336; religion not to be
viewed as merely a part of education,
337; cautions in conveying religious in-
struction, 338; evils of severity, ib.;
Edinburgh Reviewer's remarks on
chastisement controverted, 340; me-
rit of the work, 341.

Egyptian antiquities, discoveries in, 481;
see Champollion and Young.
Emigrants, anecdotes of and hints to,
537, et seq.; see Faux.
Erskine's, lord, letter on the Greeks,
253, 264.

Establishment, ecclesiastical, novel pre-
dicament of the, 350; its abolition
not contemplated by dissenters, 357;
true objection to, 358; Dr. Dwight's
plea for an, 407.

Eusebius, case of, examined, 362, et seq.
Evangelical clergy, portraiture of, 60.

Fain's, baron, manuscript of 1814, 229;
character of, 239; see Napoleon.
Falconer's case of Eusebius, part ii.
362, et seq.; state of the question,
362; on the titles of respect used by
Eusebius, 364; on the commission
given him by Constantine, 368; Mr.
Nolan's blunder as to the emperor's know-
ledge of Greek exposed, 369.
Fanaticism, alliance of, to real religion,
50, et seq.

Faux's memorable days in America, 529,
et seq.; rage for emigration on the
decline, 529; the ill-humour of tra-
vellers in America accounted for,
530; unreasonableness of their ex-
pectations, 531; author's favourable
prepossessions illustrated, 532; opi-
nions of an American federalist, 533;
counter-opinion of a democrat, 594;
treatment of the slaves in Carolina, 535;
author in danger of assassination from
the slave-holders, 536; unfairness of
the charge against the nation, found-
ed on the practice of the slave-states,
537; anecdotes of English emigrants,
ib.; Birkbeck and Flower, 539; ad-
vice to emigrants, 540; Squire Lidiard,

540; the English prairie, 541; empe-
ror of the prairies, ib. ; opinions of kon.
Mr. Law, 542; opinion of Mr. Woods,
543; radicals not welcomed in America,
544; the effect of penal severities not
to diminish crime, 545; progress of
population in the United States, 546;
jealousy discovered towards the East-
ern States, 547; northern and south-
ern states contrasted, 548; prospects
of America and its influence on the
future destinies of the old world, 548.
Female biography, 377, et seq.

education, remarks on, 333, et seq.
Flora domestica, 319, et seq., love of
botany distinguished from a love of
flowers, 319; design of the author,
321; interest inspired by domestica-
ted plants, 392; the arbutus, 323;
the daisy, 325; the daisy in India by
Montgomery, 327; character of P. B.
Shelley, 323; on the hare-bell, 329;
to the poppy, 330; sonnet to the wall-
flower, ib.; moral charm of flowers, 331;
remarks on botanical nomenclature,

[ocr errors]

Flowers, on the love and culture of, 319,
et seq.; morul charm of, 531.
Fry's present for the convalescent, 172,3;
equivocal nature of sick-bed professions,
172; criticism on Heb. vi. 2. 173.

Gell's, Sir W., journey in the Morea,
253, et seq.; unfairness of the Au-
thor's attack on the Greeks, 253;
climate of Greece unfavourable to liberty,
254; the Greeks incapable of conversion,
255; author's assertions disproved,
257; deceptive character of his book,
258; recent successes of the Greeks, ib. ;
claims of the Greeks examined as
founded on their national origin, 261;
as resting on their Christianity, 262;
the Greek compared with the Turk,
263; success of the Bible Society in
Greece, ib.; critical state of the
Turkish empire, 264.
George the third, character of, 266.
Glenorchy, viscountess, Jones's life of,
377, 8.

Good's letter on the tread-wheel, 549,
et seq.; see Hippisley.
Gourgaud's, general, memoirs of the
history of France, 229; see Napoleon.
Governess, private, arduous situation of the,


Greece, mission of British and Foreign
school society to, 83; sonnet on leaving,
265; see Greeks.

Greenland, Scoresby's voyage to, 148,

et seq.; see Scoresby.
Greeks, publications on the cause of the,
253, et seq.; see Blaquiere and Gell.
Haldane's four treatises, 276, 7; conse-
quence of substituting the manner of be-
lieving for the object of belief, 276;
true end of self-examination, ib.;
criticism on Psal. xc. 3., ib.; grand
end of the incarnation, 277.
Hieroglyphic literature, recent disco-
veries in, 481; see Champollion and

Hindoos, character of the, 294, et seq.;
see Dubois.

Hippisley, sir J. C. on prison labour,

549, et seq.; author's objections to
the tread-mill, 550; opinion of his
physician, 552; objection on the
ground of accidents considered, 554 ;
testimonies in favour of the unobjec-
tionable nature of the exercise, 555;
Dr. Good's denial that habit facilitates
exertion considered, 556; Sir Gilbert
Blane's opinion, ib.; effects of over-
exertion considered as an objection,
557; the crank-mill not less objec-
tionable, ib.; sarcophagous effects of
the tread-mill, 558; experimentum
crucis, ib. ; objection founded on the
ultimate tendency of the tread-mill,
559; Dr. Good's foresighted opinion,
ib.; crank-mill compared with tread-
mill on this ground, 560; dancing and
dumb-bells, 561; thanks to the ob-
jectors, ib.

Historians, ancient, character of, 431, et

Holbein, biographical notice of, 471.
Holmes's account of the United States,

529; character of the work, 545.
Horses, singular battle among, 20.
Hortus anglicus, 332, 3; design of the
work, 332; objections to the nomen-
clature, ib.; recommendations of the
study, 333.

Hunter's memoirs of a captivity, 173, et
seq; account of the author, 174;
noble character of an old Konza Indian,
ib.; author's feelings on the death of his
foster-mother, 175; remarkable cavern,
176; affectionate treatment of the au-
thor by an Osage squaw, ib. ; author's
prejudices against the whites, 177;
expedition across the rocky moun-
tains, ib.; his sensations on first viewing
the ocean, 178; icthyophagite tribes,
Indian orisons, 179; circum-

stances which led to author's leaving
the Indians, ib.; first effects of know-
ledge bewildering, 180; interesting cha-
racter of the work, 181.,
Indians, North American, details de-
scriptive of, 174, et seq.; see Hunter.
Illinois settlers, account of, 540.
Influences of the Holy Spirit considered,
566, et seq.; doctrine of divine indu-
ence held by heathens, 567; prayer
irrational on any other ground, 568;
superstition got rid of at the expense
of religious faith, ib. ; tendency of
theological speculation to negative the
influence of truth, 569; doctrine
stated, ib.; the belief of truth an ef-
fect which requires an efficient cause,
570; necessity of Divine influence to
spiritual life proved by facts, ib.; no
practical difficulty involved in the
doctrine, 572; on different kinds of
Divine influence, ib.; how far resisti-
ble, ib.; connexion of the doctrine
with prayer, 573.

Instrumental music in Christian worship
vindicated, 215.

Irving's orations, &c. 193, et seq.; es-
timate of the author's eloquence, 193;
the oration not a new method, 194;
on the importance of a right temper in
studying the scriptures, 197; on the
preaching of future woe, 198; contents
of the argument, 200; vindication of
the doctrine of gratuitous forgiveness,
201; the sinner left without excuse, 202;
folly and danger of procrastination, 203;
author's objection to catechisms exa-
mined, 205; children capable of very
early religious instruction, 206; author's
charge against the evangelical world
examined, 207; remarks on Mr. Ir-
ving's claims, style, and theological
attainments, 209.

Italy; superstitions and manners of, 305.

Jones's life of viscountess Glenorchy,

377, et seq.; remarks on religious bio-
graphy, 377; character, of the work,

Jowett's musæ solitariæ, 211, et seq.;
design and merits of the work, 211;
church music spoiled by the reforma-
tion, 213; Dr. Watts's complaint as
to the state of our psalmody still ap-
plicable, 214; lawfulness of instru-
mental music in Christian worship,
215; singing not music, 216; moral
design of music, 217; opposite influ-
ence of congregational singing, 219;
the organ vindicated, ib.; clerks and

[blocks in formation]

M'Farlane's, principal, case, report of

proceedings relative to, 467, 562;
speech of Dr. Chalmers, 563; speech of
Mr. Burns, ib.

Maio's Cicero de republica, 413; see

March's sabbaths at home, 143, el seq.;

devotional writers generally defective
in purity of doctrine, 143; Leighton
an exception, 144; character of the
present work, ib.; direction given to the
social principle by religion, 145; exhor-
tation to thanksgiving, 147.
Memoirs of Benson, 520.

Lady Glenorchy, 377.
Pious Women, 377.
Stothard, 310.

- Walker, Mrs. 377.

[blocks in formation]

Mills's travels of Ducas, 97, et seq.; re-
marks on fictitious travels, 97; mo-
dern book-making, 98; character of
the present work, 99; criticism on
Dante, 103; character of the divina com-
media, ib.; Dante the most original
and learned of poets, 107; on the
passion of Petrarch for Laura, 108;
criticism on his sonnets, 109; charac-
ter of Boccaccio, 110; criticism on kis
Decamerone, 111; his prose version of
Homer, 112; minor poets of the 14th
century, 113; epic of Italy, ib.; re-
marks on Pulci, 114; Francesco Bello,
ib.; notice of Boiardo, ib.; merit of
Ariosto, 115; the Orlando Furioso, 116;
author's research, 117.
Missions, Dubois's attack on, 289; Ro-
man Catholic, state of, in the East,

Montholon's, count de, memoirs of the

history of France, 229; see Napoleon.
Monumental effigies, Stothard's, 314.
Mother's portrait, a, 377, 381.
Music, its moral design, 217; Hooker's
eulogy on, 227; dangers of, 279.

Napoleon Memoirs, 229, et seq.; 494, et
seq.; historical value of the several
publications, 229; extreme jealousy
displayed by Napoleon towards Mo-
reau and others, 230; his policy in
marching upon Moscow defended, 231;
loss of France less than that of the
other belligerents, 233; comparative
view of the most famous generals, ib.;
military character of Julius Cæsar, 234;
defence of Napoleon against the im-
putation of rashness, 235; the MS.
from St. Helena not genuine, ib.; dif-
ference between the land and the naval
service, 236; cause assigned for the defeat
of the French navy, 237; origin and po-
licy of polygamy, 238; anecdote of the
Rosetta ladies, 239; campaign of
1814, ib.; narrow escape of Napoleon at
Maizières, 240; vigorous tactics of

Napoleon after his defeat at Brienue,
ib.; Napoleon ill-supported by his gene-
rals-conduct of Victor, 241; congress
of Chatillon, 243; Napoleon lodged by
a curé at Herbisse, 244; his narrow es-
cape at Arcis, 245; his last conference
with his marshals, ib. ; character of Las
Cases as a journalist, 246; pride and
jealousy of the restored emigrés, 248;
Napoleon defends the Bourbons, 249;
his remarks on the Castlereagh policy, ib. ;
parental fondness of Napoleon, 250; his
singular power of abstraction, 251; in-
discreet conduct of Sir H. Lowe, ib. ;
causes of the fall of Napoleon, 494;
character of count Rapp, ib. ; mean-
ness and faithlessness of the royalist nobles,
humane character of Napoleon,
496; disgrace and reconciliation of count
Rapp, 498; anecdotes shewing that the
emperor could take a joke, 499; brave
and noble conduct of the count, 500;
conduct of Napoleon previously to the
battle of Borodino, 501; vicissitudes in
the life of count Rapp, 502; Napoleon's
estimate of Wellington, 503; remarks
on the arrest of Las Cases, 504.
Narrative of the life of Serjeant B., 278,
et seq.; dangers of music, 279; re-
marks on whistling, ib.; cheap living,
280; attraction of a future world as a
stale in which there is no hunger, ib. ;
author becomes a fifer and teacher of music,
ib.; embarks for India, 281.; his
thoughts in the hospital at Prince of
Wales's island, ib.; mortality of the
regiment, 283; author's return, ib.;
remarkable property of the shark, 284;
biblical illustrations, ib.

Neapolitan revolution, memoirs of the,
342, et seq.

Negro slavery in America, description of,

New England, history and description of,
see Dwight's travels in.

New Testament, Rhemish, specimen of,
442; see Versions.

Orme's memoirs of Kiffin, 46, et seq.;
resemblance between Kiffin and Major
Bridgenorth, 47; change of public opi-
nion respecting the Puritans, 48; un-
fairness of the novelist, ib.; religion
rendered ludicrous by caricatures of
its professors, 49; relation of fanati-
cism to real religion, 50; phraseology
of the puritans not formed on the
scriptures, 51; their doctrines, not
their phrases, ridiculed by their con
temporaries, 52; character of Kiffin,

ib.; his interview with James II., 53;
his munificence, 54.

Paterson's letter to Norris, 189.
Pauperism, remarks on, 141; see Chal-


Petrarch, criticism on, 108.
Peveril of the Peak, 36, et seq.
Platts's self-interpreting testament, 187,


Polygamy, Napoleon's defence of the policy
of, 238.

Poor laws, letter to Canning on the
English, 117; see Chalmers.
Popery, heathen character of the rites
of, 511, et seq.

Prison discipline society, contradictory
objections to the system of the, 549.
labour, communications con-
cerning, 549.
Psalmody, remarks on, 214, et seq.
Pulci, remarks on, 114.
Puritans, unfair portrait of, 36; al-
tered state of public sentiment res-
pecting, 47; their phraseology natu-
ral at the time, 51.

Quaker tract societies, 81.
Quentin Durward, 36, et seq.

[ocr errors]

Ranken's institutes of theology, 22, et
seq.; such a work wanted, 22;
plan and contents, 23; faults in the
arrangement, ib.; author's absurd
eulogy on order, 24; method of in-
dependents' deprecated, 25; the Scrip-
tures require to be arranged, 27; un-
soundness of the author's opinion ex-
posed, ib.; necessity of confessions of
faith, 28; author's absurd represen-
tation of their fundamental import-
ance, 29; Dr. Cook's remarks on the
best mode of theological study, ib. ;
Howe's remarks on first principles,
30; author's definition of religion,
31; cause of superstition, ib.; in-
judicious remarks on the proof of the
Divine existence and unity, 32; on
Divine justice, ib.; opinion of king
James's translators not evidence, 33;
universality of the atonement, 54; pre-`
destination consistent with free agency,

Rapp's, count, memoirs, 494, et seq.;
see Napoleon.

Reed's Martha, 84, el seq. ; objectionable
title of author's former work, 84;
notice of the vindictive attack drawn
down upon him by that publication,

85; character and design of Mar
tha,' 88; extracts, 89, et seq.
Remembrancer, the, 80, et seq.; Quaker
tract societies, 81; mission of the
Friends to Russia and Greece for the es-
tablishment of schools, 83.
Republics, imaginary, of Plato, &c.

Reveley's notices of distinguished mas-
ters, 469, et seq.; value attached to
sketches of masters accounted for,
469; merit of engraved copies of
drawings, 471; object of the present
work, ib.; biographical notice of Hot-
bein, ib.; real object of instruction
in the arts of design; plan of study
recommended, ib.; liber studiorum,
and liber veritatis, ib.

Romaus, ancient and modern, super-
stitions common to, 505, et seq.
Royal meinoirs on the French revo
lution, 434; see Bourbon,

Schools and home education compared,
333, et seq.

progress of, in Greece, 83; in
India, 462.

Scientia biblica, 285, 6.

Scilly islands, view of, 371, et seq.; see

Scoresby's voyage to Greenland, 148, et
seq.; perilous nature of the service,
148; Norwegian colonists of E. Green-
land, 149; difficulties of polar navigu-
tion, 150; magnets manufactured by
percussion, 151; emigration of the
whale, ib.: fine instance of reverence
for the sabbath, 152; remarkable effect
of ice-blinks, ib.; extraordinary re-
fractive power of the atmosphere, 153;
atmospheric phantasmagoria, 154; au-
thor lands on the new discovered
coast, 156; his narrow escape, ib. ;
remarkable preservation of the ship,
157; ice-bergs, ib.; author's vessel
beset and a-ground, 158; wonderful
escape, 159; affecting loss of a seaman,

Scotch novels, exceptionable character
of, 36; irreligious tendency of the
novelist's caricatures of fanaticism,
48, et seq.

Sebastianists, account of the sect of, 18.
Shark, remarkable property of the, 284.
Shelley, P. B., character of, 328.
Socinianism incompatible with true

devotion, 168; moral history of, 406.
Southey's history of the Peninsular war,
1, et seq.; author's qualifications for

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