| William Cowper - English poetry - 1803 - 310 pages
...I would not trust my heart....the dear delight Seems so to be desir'd, perhaps I might.... But no.. ..what here we call our life is such, So little to be lov'd, and thou so much, That I should ill requite thee to constrain Thy unbound spirit into bonds... | |
 | William Cowper - 1806 - 300 pages
...would not trust my heart— the dear delight Seems so to be desired, perhaps I might.— But no — what here we call our life is such, So little to be...a gallant bark from Albion's coast (The storms all weathered and the ocean crossed) Shoots into port at some well-havened isle, Where spices breathe and... | |
 | William Cowper - English poetry - 1806 - 226 pages
...'• Seems so to be desired, perhaps I might. — ! But no — what here we call our life is such, J So little to be loved, and thou so much, That I should...to constrain Thy unbound spirit into bonds again. 142 ON THE RECEIPT OF, Sec. Thou, as a gallant bark from Albion's coast (The storms all weathered and... | |
 | Robert Southey - English poetry - 1807 - 502 pages
...would not trust my h6art — the dear delight Seems so to be desired, perhaps I might. — But no — what here we call our life is such, So little to be...a gallant bark from Albion's coast (The storms all weathered and the ocean cross'd) Shoots into port at some well-havened isle, Where spices breathe and... | |
 | William Cowper - English poetry - 1808 - 338 pages
...desir'd, perhaps I might.— But no — what here we call our life is such, ' ' So little to he lov'd, and thou so much, That I should ill requite thee to constrain .' ' Thy unhound spirit into honds again. .'' '. ..i i- 4 Thou, as a gallant hark from Alhion's edaSf " (The... | |
 | British poets - English poetry - 1809 - 526 pages
...desir'd, perhaps I might. — But no— what here we call our life Js such, So little to be lov'd, and thou so much, That I should ill requite thee to...weather'd and the ocean cross'd) Shoots into port at some weli-haven'd isle, Where spices breathe, and brighter seasons smile, There sits quiescent on the floods,... | |
 | Priscilla Wakefield - Anecdotes - 1809 - 234 pages
...here ! I would not trust my heart—the dear delight Seems so to be desir'd, perhaps I might. But no !—What here we call our life is such, So little to be lov'd and thou so much, That I should ill requite thee to constrain Thy unbound spirit into bonds again.... | |
 | William Cowper - 1810 - 494 pages
...might. — But no — what here we call our life is such, So little to be lov'd, and thou so much, 4 That I should ill requite thee to constrain Thy unbound...cross'd) Shoots into port at some well-haven'd isle, 90 Where spices breathe, and brighter seasons smile, There sits quiescent on the floods, that show,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1810 - 384 pages
...would not trust my heart — the dear delight Seems so to be desir'd, perhaps I might. — But no — what here we call our life is such, So little to be lov'd, and thou so much, VOL. II. Y That I should ill requite tbee to constrain Thy unbound spirit... | |
 | William Cowper - English poetry - 1814 - 496 pages
...thon so mnch, That I shonld ill reqnite thee to coustrain Thy nubonnd spirit into bonds again. Thon, as a gallant bark from Albion's coast (The storms...weather'd and the ocean cross'd) Shoots into port at some wcll-haven'd isle, Where spices breathe, and brighter seasous smile, There sits qniescent on the floods,... | |
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