The Works of Virgil in English Verse, Volume 3R.J. Dodsley, 1763 - Latin poetry |
Common terms and phrases
Æneas Æneid Anchiſes ancient anſwer arms Auguſtus beauteous becauſe Cæfar cauſe chief circumſtance courſe courſers deſcribed deſcription deſign divine dreadful epiſode Evander facred faid fame fate fays fide fierce fight fire firſt flain flames flew flood folemn fome foul fuch glorious gods golden bough hell hero Homer honours Iliad itſelf Jove juſt king laſt Latian Latium Livy Mezentius mighty moſt muſt mysteries o'er obſerves occafion paſs paſſage perſon plain pleaſing poem poet pow'rs preſent prince race rage rais'd raiſe reaſon repreſented rife riſe rites Roman Rome roſe ſacred ſaid ſame ſays ſcene ſea ſecond ſeems ſeen Servius ſeveral ſhade ſhall ſhe ſhews ſhield ſhining ſhips ſhore ſhould ſkies ſky ſome ſon ſpeaking ſpirit ſpoke ſpread ſtands ſtate ſtill ſtood ſtorm ſtory ſtream ſtrength ſtroke ſubject ſuch ſuppoſe ſurvey ſword Tartarus theſe thoſe thou thro tow'rs train Trojan Troy Turnus uſe vaſt verſe Virgil whoſe youth
Popular passages
Page 189 - ... a particular beauty, which I do not know that any one has taken notice of. The list which he has there drawn up was in general to do honour to the Roman name, but more particularly to compliment Augustus. For this reason Anchises, who shows .¿Eneas most of the rest of his descendants in the same order that they were to make their appearance in the world...
Page 211 - Aeneas, it may be worth while to consider with how much Judgment he has qualified it, and taken off every thing that might have appeared improper for a Passage in an Heroic Poem.
Page 291 - He made darkness his secret place, his pavilion round about Him with dark water, and thick clouds to cover Him.
Page 54 - But he was too good a painter, to leave any thing ambiguous ; and hath therefore concluded his hero's initiation, as was the custom, with instructing him in the Aporreta, or the doctrine of the unity.
Page 210 - I believe very many readers have been shocked at that ludicrous prophecy which one of the harpies pronounces to the Trojans in the third book ; namely, that before they had built their intended city they should be reduced by hunger to eat their very tables.
Page 310 - Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto the altar of the LORD thy God, which thou shalt make thee.
Page 41 - I can give no reason for their being stationed there in so particular a manner, but because none of them seem to have had a proper right to a place among the dead, as not having run out the whole thread of their days, and finished the term of life that had been allotted them upon earth. The first of these are the souls of infants, who are snatched away by untimely ends...
Page 261 - The hoarfe rough verfe fhould like the torrent roar. When Ajax ftrives fome rock's vaft weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow ; Not fo, wrr?n fwift Camilla fcours the plain, flies o'er th' unbending corn, and Ikiras along the main.
Page 52 - European law-givers; but better known under the character of poet: for the first laws being written in measure, to allure men to learn them, and, when learnt, to retain them, the fable would have it, that by the force of harmony, Orpheus softened the savage inhabitants of Thrace : -Threicius longa cum veste sacerdos Obloquitur numeris septem discrimina vocum: Jamque eadem digitis, jam pectine pulsat eburno (t).
Page 9 - Milton was the emulator of both. He found Homer possessed of the province of MORALITY ; Virgil of POLITICS : and nothing left for him, but that of RELIGION.