395 The Goddess smiling seem'd to give consent; So back to Pollio, hand in hand, they went. Then thick as Locusts blackening all the ground, A tribe, with weeds and shells fantastic crown'd, Each with fome wondrous gift approach'd the Power, A Nest, a Toad, a Fungus, or a Flower. But far the foremost, two, with earnest zeal, And aspect ardent, to the Throne appeal. The first thus open'd: Hear thy suppliant's call, 400 Great Queen, and common Mother of us all ! 405 Soft on the paper ruff its leaves I spread, Such vary'd light in one promiscuous blaze! REMARKS. Now Ver. 394. Douglas] A physician of great Learning and no less Taste; above all, curious in what related to Horace, of whom he collected every Edition, Tranflation, and Comment, to the number of several hundred volumes. Ver. 409. and nam'd it Caroline :) It is a compliment which the Florists usually pay to Princes and great perfons, to give their names to the most curious Flowers of their raifing: Some have been very jealous of vindicating this honour, but none more than that ambitious Gardener, at Hammersmith, who caused his Favourite to be painted on his Sign, with this inscription, This is My Queen Caroline. Now prostrate! dead! behold that Caroline: 415 Oh punish him, or to the Elysian shades He ceas'd, and wept. With innocence of mien, Of all th' enamel'd race, whose silvery wing 421 Waves to the tepid Zephyrs of the spring, 445 The rifing game, and chac'd from flower to flower. 430 435 Fair ev'n in death! this peerless Butterfly. My fons! (she answer'd) both have done your parts: Live happy both, and long promote our arts. But hear a Mother, when she recommends To your fraternal care our fleeping friends. 449 The common Soul, of Heaven's more frugal make, Serves but to keep fools pert and knaves awake; A drowfy 445 450 A drowsy Watchman, that just gives a knock, VARIATION. 455 460 Whofe Ver. 441. The common foul, &c.] in the first Edit. thus, REMARKS. Ver. 452. Wilkins' wings.] One of the first Projectors of the Royal Society, who, among many enlarged and useful notions, entertained the extravagant hope of a poffibility to fly to the Moon; which has put some voJatile Geniuses upon making wings for that purpose. Whose pious hope aspires to fee the day REMARKS. 465 470 475 Find Ver. 462. When Moral Evidence shall quite decay,] Alluding to a ridiculous and abfurd way of fome Mathematicians, in calculating the gradual decay of Moral Evidence by mathematical proportions: according to which calculation, in about fifty years it will be no longer probable that Julius Cæfar was in Gaul, or died in the Senate House. See Craig's Theologiæ Chriftianæ Principia Mathematica. But as it seems evident, that facts of a thousand years old, for inftance, are now as probable as they were five hundred years ago; it is plain, that if in fifty more they quite difappear, it must be owing, not to their Arguments, but to the extraordinary power of our Goddess; for whose help therefore they have reafon to pray. Find Virtue local, all Relation scorn, Or wanders wild in Academic Groves; Where Tindal dictates, and Silenus fnores. REMARKS. 480 485 490 Rous'd Ver. 492. Where Tindal dictates, and Silenus snores.] It cannot be denied but that this fine stroke of fatire against Atheism was well intended. But how must the Reader fmile at our Author's officious zeal, when he is. told, that at the time this was written, you might as foon have found a Wolf in England as an Atheist? The truth is, the whole species was exterminated. There is a trifling difference indeed concerning the Author of the Atchievement. Some, as Dr. Afhenhurst, gave it to Bentley's Boylean Lectures. And he fo well convinced that great Man of the truth, that wherever afterwards he found Atheist, he always read it A Theist. But, in spite of a claim so well made out, others gave the honour of this exploit to a latter Boylean Lecturer. A judicious Apologift for Dr. Clarke, againft Mr. Whifton, says, with no less elegance than positiveness of Expreffion, It is a moft certain truth that the Demon- stration of the being and attributes of God, has extirpated |