"Tis written in thy great Decree, "'Tis in thy Book foretold of Me; "I must fulfil the SAVIOUR's Part; "And lo! thy Law is in my Heart. 6I'll magnify thy holy Law, "And Rebels to Obedience draw, "When on my Crofs I'm lifted high, "Or to my Crown above the Sky:
"The SPIRIT fhall defcend, and fhow "What Thou haft done, and what I do; "The wond'ring World fhall learn thy Grace, 66 Thy Wifdom, and thy Righteousness."
ITH patient Hope my GOD I fought; He to his Suppliant's Want his Thought In happieft Hour apply'd :
He, from the dark and miry Pit, High on a Rock has rais'd my Feet, Nor fear my Steps to flide.
2 His Praife infpires my grateful Tongue, And dictates to my Lips a Song
In Strains unheard before: Admiring Crowds his Work fhall fee, Their Strength on HIM repofe with Me, With Me his Name adore.
3 Bleft who in THEE, great GOD, confide, Nor madly truft the Arm of Pride, And Helps which but betray.
Thy Mercies, LORD, all Praife furmount, Nor Numbers can their Sum recount,
Nor Words their Worth display.
4 No Sacrifice thy Love can win, Nor Off'rings from the Stain of Sin Obnoxious Man fhall clear:
Thy Hand a mortal Frame prepares, (Thy Hand whofe Signature it bears) And opes a willing Ear.
5 "And fince the Blood of Victims flain, "And hallow'd Gifts, attempt in vain "T'avert th' Offender's Doom; "Myself th' Atonement will provide ; (Touch'd with our Woes, the SAVIOUR cry'd) "I come, my GOD, I come."
6 "Thy Book, by facred Bards unroll'd, "My full Obedience has foretold "To thy myfterious Will: "His juft Affent thy Servant gives, "Thy Words my Breaft with Joy receives, "My Hands with Zeal fulfil."
Great HELPER and REDEEMER, hear! O, inftant in our Caufe, appear. With Tokens of thy Grace!
Thy Blifs let All who feek Thee fhare, And, taught thy Love, that Love declare In Songs of ceaseless Praise.
LEST, who with gen'rous Pity glows, Who learns to feel Another's Woes,
Bows to the poor Man's Wants his Ear, And wipes the helpless Orphan's Tear: In ev'ry Want, in ev'ry Woe, Himself thy Pity, LORD, fhall know.
2 Thy Love his Life fhall guard; thy Hand Give to his Lot the chofen Land; Nor leave him in the dreadful Day To unrelenting Foes a Prey;
In Sickness Thou fhalt raife his Head, And turn with tend'reft Care his Bed.
3 O thankful blefs th' Almighty LORD, The GOD by Jacob's Sons ador'd: His Fame, e'er Time its Course began, O'er Heav'n's wide Region echoing ran; TO HIM, through endless Ages, raise One Song of oft-repeated Praife.
S pants the Hart for cooling Streams, When heated in the Chace, So longs my Soul, O GOD, for THEE, And thy refreshing Grace.
2 For THEE, my GoD, the living God, My thirsty Soul doth pine;
O when fhall I behold thy Face, Thou Majefty divine!
conftant Food, while thus
Infulting Foes upbraid,
"Deluded Wretch, where's now thy God? "And where his promis'd Aid?"
4 Why reftlefs, why caft down my Soul? Truft GoD, and He'll employ
His Aid for thee; and change these Sighs To thankful Hyinns of Joy.
5 When thy bleft Prefence, LORD OF LIFE, Has once difpell'd the Storm ; To Thee I'll midnight Anthems fing, And all my Vows perform.
6 GOD of my Strength, how long fhall I Like one forgotten mourn! Forlorn, forfaken, and expos'd To my Oppreffor's Scorn!
7 My Heart is pierc'd as with a Sword, While thus my Foes upbraid,
"Vain Boafter, where is now thy GOD? "And where his promis'd Aid?"
8 Why reftlefs, why caft down my Soul? Hope ftill, and thou fhalt fing The Praife of Him who is thy God, Thy Health's eternal SPRING.
S pants the Hart for cooling Springs, So longs my Soul, O KING OF KINGS, Thy Face in near Approach to fee,
So thirfts, great SOURCE OF LIFE, for THEE. When shall I reach thy bleft Abode ! When meet the Prefence of my GOD!
2 Thy Mercies, LORD, before my Eyes, Shall yet in fweet Remembrance rife; Though Deeps to boift'rous Deeps aloud Have call'd;-and from the bursting Cloud Their licens'd Rage the Storms have fhed, And heap'd the Billows o'er my Head.
Yet 'midft the Storm and 'midft the Wave Thy Love the Beams of Comfort gave: Thy Name to Rapture prompts my Tongue, My Joy by Day, by Night my Song: TO THEE My Soul afcends in Pray'r, And in thy Bofom pours its Care.
4 Then why my Soul with Care opprefs'd? And whence the Woes that fill my Breast? In all thy Cares, in all thy Woes
On Gon thy fteadfaft Hope repofe; TO HIM my Thanks fhall still be paid, My fure DEFENCE, my conftant AID.
UST JUDGE of Heav'n, against my Foes Do THOU affert my injur'd Right: O fet me free, my GoD, from those That in Deceit and Wrong delight..
2 Let me with Light and Truth be bleft, Be THOU my Guide, and lead the Way, Till on thy holy Hill I reft,
And in thy facred Temple pray.
Then will I there fresh Altars raise
To GOD, who is my only Joy;
And well-tun'd Harps with Songs of Praise Shall all my grateful Hours employ.
4 Why then caft down, my Soul, and why So much opprefs'd with anxious Care? On GCD, thy God, for Aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd State repair.
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