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2 But Thou, my Glory and my Strength,
Shalt on the Tempter tread,
Shalt filence all my threatning Guilt,
And raise my drooping Head.

3 I cry'd; and from his holy Hill
He bow'd a lift'ning Ear:
I call'd my Father and my God,
And he fubdu'd my Fear.

4 He fhed foft Slumbers on mine Eyes,
In spite of all my Foes;


I'woke and wonder'd at the Grace
That guarded my Repose.

What though the Hofts of Death and Hell
All arm'd against me ftood,

Terrors no more shall shake my Soul;
My Refuge is my God.

6 Arife, O LORD, fulfil thy Grace,
While I thy Glory fing:

My GOD has broke the Serpent's Teeth,
And Death has loft his Sting.

7 Salvation to the LORD belongs;
His Arm alone can fave':

Bleffings attend thy People here,
And reach beyond the Grave.

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PSALM III. Metre ii.

LORD, how

many are my


In this weak State of Flesh and Blood?

My Peace they daily difcompofe;
But my Defence and Hope is God.

2 Tir'd with the Burdens of the Day,
To Thee I rais'd an Ev'ning Cry;
Thou heard'st when I began to pray,
And thine Almighty Help was nigh.

3 Supported by thine heav'nly Aid,
I laid me down and flept fecure ;
Not Death could make my Heart afraid,
Though I fhould wake and rife no more.

4 My GOD fuftain'd me all the Night;
Salvation doth to GOD belong:


He rais'd my Head to fee the Light,
And make his Praise my Morning Song.


PSALM IV. Metre i.


ORD, Thou wilt hear me when I pray;
I am for ever thine;

I fear before Thee all the Day,

Nor would I dare to fin.

2 And while I reft my weary Head
From Cares and Bufinefs free,
'Tis sweet converfing on my Bed
With my own Heart and Thee,

3 I pay this Evening Sacrifice;
And when my Work is done,
Great GOD, my Faith and Hope relies
Upon thy Grace alone.

4 Thus with my Thoughts compos'd to Peace, I'll give mine Eyes to fleep;

Thy Hand in Safety keeps my Days,
And will my Slumbers keep.

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GOD of Grace and Righteousness,
Hear and attend when I complain ;

Thou haft enlarg'd me in Distress,
Bow down a gracious Ear again.

2 Ye Sons of Men, in vain ye try
To turn my Glory into Shame;
How long will Scoffers love to lie,
And dare reproach my SAVIOUR's Name?



Know that the LORD divides his Saints
From all the Tribes of Men befide;
He hears the Cry of Penitents,

For the dear Sake of CHRIST who dy'd.

When our obedient Hands have done
A thoufand Works of Righteousness,
We put our Truft in GoD alone,
And glory in his pard'ning Grace,
5 Let th' unthinking Many fay,
"Who will beftow fome earthly Good?"
But LORD, thy Light and Love we pray,
Our Souls defire this heav'nly Food.

6 Then fhall my chearful Pow'rs rejoice
At Grace and Favours fo divine;
Nor will I change my happy Choice,
For all their Corn and all their Wine.


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ORD, in the Morning Thou fhalt hear
My Voice afcending high:

To Thee will I direct my Pray'r,
To Thee lift up mine Eye.

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2 Up to the Hills where CHRIST is gone
To plead for all his Saints,
Prefenting at his FATHER'S Throne,
Our Songs and our Complaints.

3 Thou art a GOD, before whose Sight
The Wicked fhall not ftand;
Sinners fhall ne'er be thy Delight,
Nor dwell at thy right Hand.

4 But to thy House will I refort,
To tafte thy Mercies there;
I will frequent thine holy Court,
And worship in thy Fear.

5 O may thy SPIRIT guide my Feet
In Ways of Righteoufnefs!

Make ev'ry Path of Duty ftrait
And plain before



6 The Men that love and fear thy Name
Shall fee their Hopes fulfill'd';
The mighty GOD will compafs them
With Favour as a Shield.



Metre i.



N Mercy, not in Wrath rebuke
Thy feeble Worm, my GoD;
My Spirit dreads thine angry Look,
And trembles at thy Rod.

2 Have Mercy,' LORD, for I am weak, Regard my heavy Groans;

O let thy Voice of Comfort fpeak
And heal my broken Bones.

3 My Soul quite faints, but, LORD, how long Shall I no Answer have?

O turn and free my Soul from Wrong,
My Soul in Mercy fave.

4 Return, and fhew thy Pow'r to fave
And fpare my fainting Breath;
For who can praise Thee in the Grave?
Or fing thy Name in Death?

5 All Night my reftlefs Bed with Tears,
With Tears my Couch o'er-flows;
My Sight quite dim with Age appears,
Through my prevailing Foes.

6 But hence ye Enemies depart,
Nor tempt me to defpair;

My SAVIOUR Comes to chear my Heart,
The LORD hath heard my Pray'r.



Metre ii.


Spare me, LORD, nor o'er my Head The Fulness of thy Vengeance fhed. With pitying Eye my Weakness view, Heal my vex'd Soul, my Strength renew, Permit my Pains, their Bounds to know And fix a Period to my Woe.

2 Return, great GOD, return and save
Thy Servant from the greedy Grave:
Shall Death's long-filent Tongue, O fay,
The Records of thy Pow'r difplay?
Or pale Corruption's ftartled Ear
Thy Praise within its Prison hear?

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