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10 Vain is the Strength of Beasts or Men
To hope for Safety thence;.
But holy Souls from GoD obtain
A ftrong and fure Defence.

II GOD is their Fear, and GOD their Trust:
When Plagues or Famines spread,
His watchful Eye fecures the Juft
Among ten thousand Dead.

12 LORD, let our Hearts in Thee rejoice,
And blefs us from thy. Throne;

For we have made thy Word our Choice,
And trust thy Grace alone.


XXXIV. Metre i.

HROUGH all the changing Scenes of Life,
In Trouble and in Joy,

The Praises of my GOD fhall ftill
My Heart and Tongue employ.

2 Of his Deliv'rance I will boaft,
Till All that are diftreft,



From my Example Comfort take,
And charm their Griefs to rest.

O magnify the LORD with Me,

With Me exalt his Name;

When in Distress to Him I call'd
He to
my Rescue came..

The Hofts of GoD encamp around.

The Dwellings of the Juft;

Deliv'rance He affords to All

Who on his Succour trust.

O make but Trial of his Love,

Experience will decide

How blefs'd they are, and only they,
Who in his Truth confide.

6 Fear HIM, ye Saints, and you will then Have Nothing else to fear


Make you his Service your Delight,
He'll make your Wants his Care.


HEE will I thank, and Day by Day
Form to thy Praife, the joyful Lay;
From Morn to Eve the Song extend,
My GOD, my FATHER, and my FRIEND.

2 While pleas'd each Heart of humble Frame
Shall wake, great GOD, to hear thy Fame;
O come, your Voice triumphant raife,
And fing, with me, your MAKER's Praise.

3 To Him my Soul difclofs'd its Care
He heard, and, prefent to my Pray'r,
(His faithful Buckler o'er me held),
Each Terror from my Breaft difpell'd.

4 His Angel, nigh the juft Man's Tent
Encamp'd, each Danger to prevent,
His fure Protection round him throws,
Though harness'd Hofts his Peace oppofe.

O tafte with me, O tafte and prove
The Bleflings of his boundless Love;
And fearlefs of Repulfe or Shame,
The Promife of his Mercy claim.

6 Hail, SAVIOUR of the human Race!
Hail, FOUNTAIN of exhauftlefs Grace!
Thrice happy, who on THEE recline,
Nor own, nor afk a Help, but Thine.

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LEAD THOU my Caufe, O LORD :—My


Let thy refiftless Pow'r oppofe;

Say to my troubl'd Soul; " In ME

66 Thy Strength and fure Salvation fee."

2 Thou feeft my Foes a Pit

And plant before my Steps their Snare;
Thou feeft them urge (to Falfehood prone)
The Guilt my Breaft has never known.

3 Yet I their Suff'rings oft lament,

Oft at thy Throne their Griefs prefent,
(And find the Pray'r their Pride has spurn'd,
With Bleffings on my Head return'd.)

4 Nor feels the Son his melting Breaft
With deeper Senfe of Grief imprefs'd,
That grafps a dying Mother's Hand,
And waits to take her laft Command.

5 Not fuch the Pity fhown to Me:
Ev'n Abjects my Abjection fee!-
How long wilt THOU, my God, how long
With patient Eye behold my Wrong?

60 let not my uninjur'd Foes

With fpeaking Eye, amidft my Woes,
As round they ftand in clofe Array,
The Triumphs of their Heart betray.

↑ But near me rang'd, with thankful Voice
Let ev'ry Friend to Truth rejoice;
While, loudeft in the Choir, my Tongue.
To Notes of Praife fhal! tune its Song;

8" Bleft be the Name of Jacob's LORD
"The GOD by Heav'n and Earth ador'd,
"Who joys his Servant's Caufe to plead,
"And crowns with Peace his favour'd Head."


LORD, thy Mercy, (my fure Hope, ) The higheft Orb of Heav'n tranfcends; Thy facred Truth's unmeafur'd Scope Beyond the spreading Skies extends.

2 Thy Juftice like the Hills remains ;
Unfathom'd Depths thy Judgments are ;
Thy Providence the World fuftains;
The whole Creation is thy Care.

3 Since of thy Goodnefs All partake,
With what Affurance fhould the Juft
Thy fhelt'ring Wings their Refuge make,
And Saints to thy Protection truft?

4 Such Guests fhall to thy Courts be led,
To banquet on thy Love's Repaft,
And drink, as from a Fountain's Head,
Of Joys that fhall for ever laft.

5 With THEE the Springs of Life remain,
Thy Prefence is eternal Day;

O let thy Saints thy Favour gain,
To upright Hearts thy Truth display.


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1 LET not the Sinner's Wealth or Might
The Envy of thy Soul excite :

Anon thine Eye fhall fee him fade
Quick as the Flow'r or vernal Blade.

2 But thou thy Will to Heav'ns high LORD
(Thy Truft His TRUTH, thy Rule His WORD,)
Submit;-and nourifh'd by his Hand,

Inherit from his Gift the Land.

3 In Him delight, on Him depend;

Him chufe thy GUIDE, thy WAY, thy END;
So fhall his Love thy Wifles grant,
His Care anticipate thy Want.

4 And bid thy Acts, in Light ferene,
Far as the rifing Morn be feen;
Thy Juftice, as the Noon of Day,
Diffufive, pour its cloudlefs Ray.

5 With patient Hope await his Will,
Nor let the Sight of profp'rous Ill
Impel thee, with Difquiet vain,
His wife Difpofals to arraign.

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6 WAIT but awhile; then look around:
No more the impious Race are found;
Nor the proud Roof, nor wide Domain
The Mem'ry of their Lord retain.


But fee the meek and pious Band
(Advanc'd by GOD's Almighty Hand)
His Smiles obtain, and thence poffefs
True Riches, with abundant Peace.

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