3 His Wrath has but a Moment's Reign, His Favour no Decay;
Your Night of Grief is recompens'd With Joy's returning Day.
4 ONCE, blefs'd with Peace, I boafting faid I ne'er fhould fall, nor move :
Thou, LORD, my Hill fo ftrong had'ft made By thy furrounding Love.
5 Thy Face withdrawn, a thousand Cares Difturb'd my tortur'd Breaft:
Then I my GOD, with earnest Prayers And fervent Cries, address'd.
6" What Honours can my Blood to Thee, My Death what Trophies raise ?
"Can mould'ring Duft thy Glories fee,
Thy Truth or Goodness praise ?"
7 "Hear, LORD, and pity him who mourns; "To my Affiftance fly !"
Thy Love my Tears to Dancing turns, My fable Weeds to Joy.
8 Exalted thus, I'll gladly Sing The Honours of thy Name; And as thy Mercies ceafelefs fpring Thy ceafelets Praise proclaim.
E faithful Sons of Ifrael's Name,
Your MAKER'S Sanctity proclaim;
And, while his Mercies on your Breaft In sweet Memorial stand impreft;
To Him, in joyful Accents, raise
The Song of Gratitude and Praife.
2 How flow his Wrath! How fwift his Grace Sends forth its life-imparting Rays! Grief for a Night, unwelcome Guest, Beneath our Roof perchance may reft, But Joy, with the returning Day, Shall wipe each tranfient Tear away.
3 As pleas'd I caft my Eyes around, And view'd my Life with Bleffings crown'd, (While, fale in thy protecting Hand, High on the Rock I took my ftand,) In Confidence of Soul I faid,
“ What Ills fhall e'er my Peace invade ?” 4 But, inftant, Thou thy Face hadft turn'd, And proftrate on the Earth I mourn'd:
I mourn'd, and, O my GUARD, my GUIDE, (With humbler Spirit thus I cried) Thy Aid, my GOD, in Pity lend And gracious to my Plaints attend.
5 Again the Face of Joy I wear;
Thy Hand, indulgent to my Pray'r, (The Sackcloth from my Loins unbound) With Mirths fair Cincture wraps me round. For this, through Life, my grateful Tongue, To Thee fhall confecrate its Song.
OD of my Strength, the Wife, the Juft, To Thee my Spirit I intruft:
From Thee, when Terrors clos'd me round, My Soul its full Redemption found.
2 Thy Mercy fhall my Thanks employ, For Thou iny Theme, my Life, my Joy, Haft call'd me thine, and bid me share The Gifts of thy paternal Care.
3 O, How fhall All who feek thy Love The Fulness of thy Bounty prove! And teach th' admiring World to fee How bleft the Souls that truft in Thee!
4 Thy Saints, while Breath their Life prolongs, At Diftance from the Strife of Tongues, Shall fee thy Tabernacle spread
Its awful Splendors o'er their Head.
Be ftrong, be fteadfaft; fo your Mind From Him its full Support fhall find; Ye Saints that in his Care confide, Nor own, nor afk a Help befide.
LEST is the Man, for ever blefs'd, Whofe Guilt is pardon'd by his GOD; Whofe Sins with Sorrow are confefs'd, And cover'd with his SAVIOUR'S Blood.
2 Bleft is the Man, to whom the LORD Imputes not his Iniquities:
He pleads no Merit of Reward, And not on Works, but Grace relies.
From Guile his Heart and Lips are free; His humble Joy, his holy Fear,
With deep Repentance well agree, And join to prove his Faith fincere.
4 How glorious is that Righteousness That hides and cancels all his Sins ! While a bright Evidence of Grace Thro' his whole Life appears and shines.
5 WHILE I keep Silence, and conceal My heavy Guilt within my Heart, What Torments doth my Confcience feel What Agonies of inward Smart!
6 I spread my Sins before the LORD, And all my fecret Faults confess; Thy Gofpel fpeaks a pard'ning Word, Thy HOLY SPIRIT feals the Grace.
For this fhall ev'ry humble Soul Make swift Addreffes to thy Seat : When Floods of ftrong Temptations roll, There fhall they find a bleft Retreat.
8 How fafe beneath thy Wings I lie, When Days grow dark, and Storms appear! And when I walk, thy watchful Eye Shall guide me fafe from ev'ry Snare.
ET all the Juft, to GOD, with Joy, Their chearful Voices raife For well the Righteous it becomes To fing glad Songs of Praife.
2 How faithful is the Word of God! His Works with Truth abound; He Juftice loves, and all the Earth Is with his Goodnefs crown'd.
3 By his Almighty Word at first The heav'nly Arch was rear'd: And all the beauteous Hofts of Light, At his command appear'd.
4 The fwelling Floods together roll'd, He makes in Heaps to lie;
And lays, as in a Store-house safe, The wat❜ry Treasures by.
Let Earth and all that dwell therein, Before Him trembling ftand:
For when He fpake the Word, 'twas made, 'Twas fix'd at his Command.
6 He scorns the angry Nations Rage, And breaks their vain Designs: His Counsel ftands through ev'ry Age, And in full Glory fhines.
7 BLEST is the Nation where the Lord Hath fix'd his gracious Throne; Where He reveals his heav'nly Word, And calls their Tribes his own.
8 His Eye, with infinite Survey, Does the whole World behold; He form'd us an of equal Clay,
And knows our feeble Mould.
9 Kings are not refcu'd by the Force Of Armies from the Grave; Nor Speed nor Courage of an Horse Can the bold Rider fave.
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