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There's a new Heav'n begun When I awake from Death, Dreft in the Likeness of thy SON,

And draw inmortal Breath.



Metre ii.

ORD, I am thine, but Thou wilt prove
My Faith, my Patience, and my Love:

When Men of Spite againft me join,
They are the Sword, the Hand is thine.

2 Their Hope and Portion lie below;
'Tis all the Happiness they know,

'Tis all they feek; they take their Shares, And leave the rest among their Heirs.

3 What Sinners value, I refign;

LORD, 'tis enough that Thou art mine:
I fhall behold thy blissful Face,
And ftand compleat in Righteousness.

4 This Life's a Dream, an empty Show;
But the bright World, to which I go,
Hath Joys fubftantial and fincere;
When fhall I wake, and find me there?

5 O glorious Hour! O bleft Abode !
I shall be near, and like my God!
And Flesh and Sin no more control
The facred Pleafures of the Soul.

6 My Flesh fhall flumber in the Ground,
"Till the laft Trumpet's joyful Sound;
Then burft the Chains with fweet Surprize,
And in my SAVIOUR'S Image rife.



BLEST OBJECT of my Soul's Defire,

On Thee my ftedfaft Hope I build;

To Thee my grateful Thoughts aspire;

My GOD, my REST, my ROCK, my SHIELD.
2 To Thee my Tow'R, my STRENGTH, I'll pray;
What Foe fhall then my Terror raise ?
What Bands combin'd my Heart dismay
While thus I pay my Debt of Praise ?

3 Death arm'd with Terrors, Hell with Woes,
Around me caft their difinal Shade;
While Floods of high Temptations rofe,
And inade my finking Soul afraid.

4 To Heav'n I made my mournful Prayer;
To God addrefs'd my humble Moan;
He graciously inclin'd his Ear,

And heard me from his lofty Throne.

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5 WHEN GOD arofe my Part to take,
The conscious Earth was ftruck with Fear;
The Hills did at his Prefence shake,
Nor could his dreadful Fury bear.

6 Thick Clouds of Smoke difperft abroad,
Enfigns of Wrath before him came;
Devouring Fire around Him glow'd,
That Coals were kindled at its Flame.

7 He left the beauteous Realms of Light,
Whilst Heav'n bow'd down its awful Head,
Beneath his Feet fubftantial Night
Was like a fable Carpet spread.

8 The Chariot of the KING of Kings
Which active Troops of Angels drew,
On a strong Tempeft's rapid Wings,
With most amazing Swiftnefs flew.

9 Black wat'ry Mifts and Clouds confpir'd
With thickest Shades his Face to veil ;
But at his Brightness foon retir'd,
And fell in Show'rs of Fire and Hail.

10 Thro' Heav'ns wide Arch a thund'ring Peal,
GOD's angry Voice did loudly roar ;
While Earth's fad Face with Heaps of Hail,
And Flakes of Fire was cover'd o'er.

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11 GREAT GOD, when thy fierce Fury ftorm'd, Diftracted Nature trembling lay;

And the unfathom'd Deep, deform'd
Through horrid Ruptures, felt the Day.

12 The Seas old Parent-Springs appear'd,
And the great World's Foundations torn;
The tott'ring Hills their Dooms-day fear'd
By thy impetuous Wrath o'erborne.

13 To me yet was his Love engag'd,

His Brow with fofter Glory fhin'd;
He fav'd me from the Gulphs enrag'd
And all the greedy Floods combin❜d.

14 His gracious Arm ftill refcues me
From all my Foes infulting Hate;
That Arm, which me alone can free,
And their prevailing Force abate.

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15 Their Rage my faddeft Moments watch'd, But GOD was then my Guard, my Stay; He lov'd, He lov'd my Soul, and fnatch'd From hungry Jaws the fainting Prey.

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16 JUST are thy Ways, and true thy Word,
Great Rock of my fecure Abode:
Who is a GOD befide the LORD?
Or where's a Refuge like our God?

17 'Tis He that girds me with his Might,
Gives me his holy Sword to wield:
And while with Sin and Hell I fight,
Spreads his Salvation for my Shield.
18 He lives, (and bleffed be my Rock)
The GoD of my Salvation lives:
The dark Designs of Hell are broke ;
Sweet is the Peace my FATHER gives.

19 Before the Scoffers of the Age,

I will exalt my FATHER'S Name;
Nor tremble at their mighty Rage,
But meet Reproach, and bear the Shame.

20 To David and his royal Seed
Thy Grace for ever fhall extend:

Thy Love to Saints in CHRIST their Head,
Knows not a Limit, nor an End.



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EHOLD the lofty Sky
Declares its Maker GOD,

And all his Starry Works on high

Proclaim his Power abroad.

2 The Darkness and the Light



Still keep their Course the fame
While Night to Day, and Day to Night
Divinely teach his Name.

In every different Land

Their general Voice is known;
They fhew the Wonders of his Hand,
And Orders of his Throne.

His Laws are just and pure,
His Truth without Deceit,
His Promifes for ever fure,
And his Rewards are great.

5 Not Honey to the Taste

Affords fo much Delight,
Nor Gold that has the Furnace paft
So much allures the Sight.

6 While of thy Works I fing
Thy Glory to proclaim,

Accept the Praife, my God, my KING,
In my REDEEMER's Name.


7 BEHOLD the Morning Sun Begins his glorious Way;

His Beams through all the Nations run, And Life and Light convey.

8 But where the Gospel comes It fpreads diviner Light,

It call's dead Sinners from their Tombs, And gives the Blind their Eight.

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