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3 The LORD in Heav'n has fix'd his Throne;
His Eyes furvey the World below :
To Him all mortal Things are known;
His Eyelids search our Spirits through.

4 If He afflicts his Saints so far,

To prove their Love, and try their Grace,
What may the bold Tranfgreffors fear?
His very Soul abhors their Ways.

5 The righteous LORD loves righteous Souls,
Whofe Thoughts and Actions are fincere ;
And with a gracious Eye beholds
The Men that his own Image bear.




Help me, LORD, for few I fee,

Acts conform to thy Decree;

New Arts of Fraud each Heart has known
And speaks a Language not its own;
But GOD with Vengeance arm'd shall rife,
And scourge the Tongues of Pride and Lies:

"Enough (th' eternal SIRE has cried)
"Enough my fuff'ring Saints have figh'd,
"To Me disclos'd their ceaseless Fear,
"And pour'd their Sorrows in mine Ear :


My Hand shall fee their Wrongs redrest, "And footh to Peace their troubled Breast,"

3 Pure are thy Words, Almighty LORD, As Silver oft by Fire explor'd:

Thy Love each fruitful Heart shall share,
And Joy in thy protecting Care
Unmov'd; though Wrongs the Earth o'erfpread,
And Vice triumphant lifts its Head.




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OW long wilt thou conceal thy Face? My GOD, how long delay ? When shall I feel those heav'nly Rays That chase my Fears away?

2 How long shall my poor lab'ring Soul
Wrestle and toil in vain ?

Thy Word can all my Fees control,
And ease my raging Pain.

3 See how the Prince of Darkness tries
All his malicious Arts,

He fpreads a Mist around my Eyes,
And throws his fiery Darts.

4 Be Thou my Sun, be Thou my Shield,
My Soul in Safety keep;
Make hafte before mine Eyes are feal'd
In Death's eternal Sleep.

5 Since I have always plac'd my Trust
Beneath thy Mercy's Wing,
Thy saving Health will come, and then
My Heart with Joy shall spring.

6 Thou wilt display that fov'reign Grace
Where all my Hopes have hung;
I shall employ my Lips in Praife,
And Vict'ry shall be fung.



LORD, who's the happy Man that may

To thy bleft Courts repair?

Not Stranger like, to visit them,
But to inhabit there?

2 The Man who walks in pious Ways,
And works with righteous Hands;
Who trufts his Maker's Promises,
And follows his Commands.

3 He speaks the Meaning of his Heart,
Nor slanders with his Tongue ;
Will scarce believe an ill Report,
Nor do his Neighbour Wrong.

4 Who Vice, in all its Pomp and Pow'r
Can treat with just Neglect;
And Piety, though cloath'd in Rags,
Religiously respect.

5 Who on his plighted Vows and Trust
Has ever firmly stood;
And tho' he promise to his Lofs,
He makes his Promise good.

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6 Whose Hands disdain a golden Bribe,
And never gripe the Poor;
This Man when Earth's Foundation shakes

Shall stand with God secure.

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RESERVE me, LORD, in Time of Need,


For Succour to thy Throne I

But have no Merits there to plead;


My Goodness cannot reach to Thee.

2 Oft have my Heart and Tongue confeft How empty and how poor I am;

My Praife can never make Thee blest,

Nor add new Glories to thy Name.

3 Yet, Lord, thy Saints on Earth may reap Some Profit by the Good we do; These are the Company I keep,

These are the choiceft Friends I know.

4 Let others chuse the Sons of Mirth
To give a Relish to their Wine;
I love the Men of heav'nly Birth,
Whose Thoughts and Language are divine.


5 HOW faft their Guilt and Sorrows rife,
Who hafte to feek fome Idol-God?
I will not taste their Sacrifice,
Their Off'rings of forbidden Blood.

6 My God provides a richer Cup,
And nobler Food to live upon;
He for my Life has offer'd up
JESUS his best beloved Son.

7 His Love is my perpetual Feast;
By Day his Counsels guide me right:
And be his Name for ever blest,
Who gives me sweet Advice by Night.

8 I fet Him still before mine Eyes;
At my right Hand He stands, prepar'd
To keep my Soul from all Surprise,
And be my everlasting Guard.


WHEN GOD is nigh, my Faith is strong,
His Arm is my Almighty Prop:

Re glad, my Heart, rejoice my Tongue,
My dying Flesh shall reft in Hope.

10 Tho' in the Dust I lay my Head,
Yet, gracious God, Thou wilt not leave
My Soul for ever with the Dead,
Nor lose thy Children in the Grave.

11 My Flesh shall thy first Call obey,
Shake off the Duft, and rise on high;
Then shalt Thou lead the wondrous Way
Up to thy Throne above the Sky.

12 There Streams of endless Pleasure flow;
And full Difcov'ries of thy Grace
(Which we but tasted here below)
Spread heav'nly Joys thro' all the Place.



PSALM XVII. Metre i.

ARISE, my gracious GOD,

And make the Wicked flee:

They are but thy chastising Rod,
To drive thy Saints to Thee.

Behold the Sinner dies,
His haughty Words are vain;
Here in this Life his Pleasure lies,
And all beyond is Pain.

Then let his Pride advance,
And boast of all his Store;
The LORD is my Inheritance,
My Soul can wish no more.

I shall behold the Face
Of my forgiving GOD ;
And stand compleat in Righteousness,
Wash'd in my SAVIOUR'S Blood.

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