7 Thou wilt arife, and fhew thy Face, Beyond th' appointed Hour of Grace, 8 He hears his Saints, He knows their Cry, And by myfterious Ways Redeems the Pris'ners doom'd to die, PART II. 9 LET Zion and her Sons rejoice, Her GOD hath heard her mourning Voice, 10 Her Duft and Ruins that remain. II The LORD will raise Jerufalem 12 He fits a Sov'reign on his Throne, He hears the dying Pris'ners groan, 13 He frees the Souls condemn'd to Death, "Twill ne'er be faid, "That praying Breath "Was ever spent in vain." 14 This fhall be known when we are dead, That Ages yet unborn may read, PART III. 15 IT is the LORD our SAVIOUR'S Hand 16 Spare us, O LORD, aloud we pray, 17 Yet in the Midft of Death and Grief 18 'Twas He this Earth's Foundation laid; This Earth grows old, thefe Heav'ns fhall fade, 19 The ftarry Curtains of the Sky, Like Garments fhall be laid afide; 20 Before thy Face thy Church fhall live, I 2 PSALM CIII. Metre i. BLESS the LORD, my Soul! And aid my Tongue to blefs his Name, O blefs the LORD, my Soul! 4 'Tis He who heals thy Sickneffes, And makes thee young again. He crowns thy Life with Love, When ranfom'd from the Grave; He that redeem'd my Soul from Hell, Hath fovereign Pow'r to fave. 5 He fills the Poor with Good; He gives the Suff'rers Reft; The LORD hath Judgments for the Proud, And Juftice for th' Oppreft. 6 His wondrous Works and Ways He made by Mofes known; 7 But fent the World his Truth and Grace, By his beloved SON. MY Soul, repeat his Praife, Whose Mercies are fo great; Whose Anger is fo flow to rife, So ready to abate. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 GOD will not always chide; High as the Heav'ns are rais'd His Pow'r fubdues our Sins, Far as the Eaft is from the Weft, The Pity of the LORD He knows we are but Duft Our Days are as the Grass, If one fharp Blaft fweep o'er the Field, But thy Compaffions, LORD, And Children's Children ever find 15 16 17 18 THE LORD, the fov'reign KING, Ye Angels, great in Might, Ble's ye the LORD, whole Voice ye hear, Let the bright Hofts who wait And guard his Churches when they pray; While all his wondrous Works Their MAKER'S Glory,-thou, my Soul, PSALM CIII. Metre ii. BLESS, O my Soul, the living GOD, Call home thy Thoughts that rove abroad; Let all the Pow'rs within me join In Work and Worship fo divine. 2 Blefs, O my Soul, the GoD of Grace; 3 'Tis He, my Soul, that fent his SON To die for Crimes which thou haft done: The hourly Follies of our Lives. |