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Oft He forgave their Sins,

Nor would deftroy their Race;
And oft He made his Vengeance known
When they abus'd his Grace.

8 Exalt the LORD our GOD,
Whofe Grace is ftill the faine;
Still He's a GOD of Holiness,
And jealous for his Name.




Metre ii.

EHOVAH reigns: Ye Nations own, With proftrate Hearts, his Sway: Between the Cherubs ftands his Throne; Earth tremble and obey.

2 Let Each, with humble Joy elate, Before thy Footstool bow;

Thee, ceafelefs, praife: For who fo Great,
So Holy, LORD, as Thou?

3 By GoD with facred Honours crown'd,
See Mofes, Aaron fee;
And Samuel, ever faithful found,



To Him incline the Knee.

To Him the favour'd Three aloud

The frequent Vow prefer'd,

And, inftant, from the pillar'd Cloud,

His awful Answer heard.

With wakeful Zeal their Bofoms burn'd,

Obfervant of his Will,

With Joy the heav'nly Precept learn'd,
And haften'd to fulfil.

6 To THEE, great GOD, their ev'ry Pray'r
In full Acceptance rose :

Thy Hand their Weakness knew to fpare,
And, pitying, heal'd their Woes.

7 Yet could thy Wrath, when Sin had dar'd
Their erring Breast to stain,
Deal to their Guilt a juft Reward,
And vindicate thy Reign.

8 Let Each, with humble Joy elate,
On Sion's Mountain bow;

Thee, ceafelefs, praife: For who fo Great,
So Holy, LORD, as Thou?

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I LL People that on Earth do dwell,
Sing to the LORD with cheerful Voice ;
Him ferve with Fear, his Praise forth-tell,
Come ye before Him and rejoice.

2 The LORD, ye know, is God indeed,
Without our Aid He did us make;
We are his Flock, He doth us feed,
And for his Sheep He doth us take.

3 O enter then his Gates with Praise,
Approach with Joy his Courts unto;
Praise, laud, and blefs his Name always,
For it is feemly fo to do.

4 For why? the LORD our GOD is good,
His Mercy is for ever fure:

His Truth at all Times firmly flood,
And fhall from Age to Age endure.




ITH one Confent let all the Earth To GOD their cheerful Voices raife, Glad Homage pay with hallow'd Mirth, And fing before Him Songs of Praise. 2 Convinc'd that He is God alone, From whom both we and All proceed; We whom He chooses for his own, The Flock that He vouchsafes to feed.



O enter then his Temple-Gate,
Thence to his Courts devoutly prefs,
And ftill your grateful Hymns repeat,
And ftill his Name with Praises blefs.
For He's the LORD, fupremely good,
His Mercy is for ever fure;

His Truth, which always firmly ftood,
To endless Ages fhall endure.

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BEFORE JEHOVAH's awful Throne

Ye Nations bow with facred Joy:

Know that the LORD is GOD alone;
He can create, and He destroy.

2 His fov'reign Pow'r, without our Aid,
Made us of Clay, and form'd us Men:
And when like wand'ring Sheep we ftray'd,
He brought us to his Fold again.

3 We are his People, we his Care,
Our Souls, and all our mortal Frame :-
What lafting Honours fhall we rear,
Almighty MAKER, to thy Name?

4 We'll crowd thy Gates with thankful Songs; High as the Heav'ns our Voices raife;

And Earth, with her ten Thousand Tongues,
Shall fill thy Courts with founding Praife.

5 Wide as the World is thy Command!
Vaft as Eternity thy Love!

Firm as a Rock thy Truth must stand,
When rolling Years fhall cease to move.

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I F Juftice and of Grace I fing,
And pay my GOD my Vows;

Thy Grace and Juftice, heav'nly King,
Teach me to rule my House.

2 Now to my Tent, O GOD, repair,
And make thy Servant wife;
I'll fuffer Nothing near me there,
That shall offend thine Eyes.


The Man that doth his Neighbour wrong
By Falfhood or by Force,

The fcornful Eye, the fland'rous Tongue,
I'll thrust them from my


4 I'll feek the Faithful and the Juft,
And will their Help enjoy;

These are the Friends that I will truft,
The Servants I'll employ.

5 The Wretch that meditates Deceit
I'll not endure a Night!

The Liar's Tongue I ever hate,
And banish from my Sight.

6 I'll purge my Family around,
And make the Wicked flee;
So fhall my Houfe be ever found
A Dwelling meet for Thee.


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ILEAR me, O GOD, nor hide thy Face,
But anfwer, left I die:

Haft Thou not built a Throne of Grace,
To hear when Sinners cry?

2 My Days are wafted like the Smoke
Diffolving in the Air:

My Strength is dry'd, my Heart is broke,
And finking in Despair.

3 So walks the Pelican diftreft,

The Bird of Night fo fhrieks:
So the fad Sparrow, from his Neft,
His loft Companion feeks.

4 Senfe can afford no real Joy

To Souls that feel thy Frown;
LORD, 'twas thy Hand advanc'd me high,
Thy Hand hath caft me down.

5 My Looks like wither'd Leaves appear;
And Life's declining Light
Grows faint as Ev'ning Shadows are
That vanish into Night.

6 But Thou for ever art the fame,
O my eternal GOD;

Ages to come fhall know thy Name,
And spread thy Works abroad.

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