3 By Languor, Grief and Care oppress'd, 4 Hence ye Profane-My SAVIOUR hears; While yet I fpeak, he wipes my Tears; Accepts my Pray'r and bids each Foe With Shame, their vain Attempts forego, And, ftruck with Horror from on high, In wild Disorder backward fly. Save me, LORD, and to my Foes Do Thou (in Thee I truft) oppofe Thy Pow'r; and let the Arm divine Stretch'd in my Cause, befpeak me thine. 2 My God, if Truth their Cenfure guide, And Earth's dark Womb my Glory fhade. 3 Rife, mightieft LORD, triumphant rise, 4.0 Thou whofe strictly searching Eye 5 Th' impartial JUDGE, whofe Eyes each Day 6 If Man his Law refufe to know, He whets his Sword, He bends his Bow, 7 Thy Truth, O LORD, fhall on my Breaft I PSALM LORD, VIII. Metre i. LORD, our GOD, how wond'rous great The Glories of thy heav'nly State 2 When I behold thy Works on high, 3 LORD, what is Man, or all his Race, That Thou fhould'ft vifit him with Grace, 4 That thy eternal Son fhould bear Made lower than his Angels are, 5 Let Him be crown'd with Majesty, By all Things that have Breath. 6 JESUS, our LORD, how wondrous great Is thine exalted Name! The Glories of thy heav'nly State PSALM VIII. Metre ii. MMORTAL KING! through Earth's wide Frame From Infants Thou canft ftrength upraife, 2 When, rapt in Thought, with wakeful Eye 3 The filent Moon, with waxing Horn, The Stars, with vivid Luftre crown'd, 4 LORD! what is Man, that in thy Care 5 His Rank awhile, by thy Decree, 6 IMMORTAL KING! through Earth's wide Frame How great thy Honour, Praife, and Name! Whofe Reign o'er diftant Worlds extends, Whose Glory Heav'ns vaft Height transcends. O PSALM IX. To celebrate thy Praife, O LORD, I wil my Heart prepare ; To all the lift'ning World thy Works, 2 The Thought of them shall to my Soul Whilft to thy Name, O Thou MOST HIGH, 3 GOD is a conftant, fure Defence As Troubles rife, his needful Aids 4 All those who have his Goodness prov'd 5 Sing Praises therefore to the LORD, Proclaim his Deeds, till all the World WHY doth the LORD ftand off so far? W And why conceal his Face, When great Calamities appear, 2 LORD, fhall the Wicked ftill deride. Thy Juftice and thy Pow'r? Shall they advance their Heads in Pride, 3 They put thy Judgments from their Sight, 4 Arife, O GOD, lift up thine Hand, 5 Thou wilt prepare our Hearts to pray, 6 Proud Tyrants fhall no more oppress, M Y Refuge is the GoD of Love; Why do my Foes infult and cry "Fly like a tim'rous trembling Dove; "To diftant Woods or Mountains fly ?" 2 If Government be all deftroy'd, (That firm Foundation of our Peace) And Violence make Juftice void, Where fhall the Righteous feek Redress? |