11 But GOD (his Name be ever bleft) Nor turn'd from Him my poor Request, PSALM LXVII. Metre i. O blefs thy chofen Race, And cause the Brightness of thy Face That fo thy wondrous Ways And thy Salvation own. 3 Let diffring Nations join 4 To celebrate thy Fame; Let all the World, O LORD, combine To praife thy glorious Name. O let them fhout and fing, Diffolv'd in holy Mirth; For THOU, the Righteous JUDGE and KING, Shalt govern all the Earth. To celebrate thy Fame; Let all the World, O LORD, combine 6 Then fhall the teeming Ground A large Increase difclofe; And we with Plenty fhall be crown'd, 7 Then GOD upon our Land Shall conftant Bleffings fhow'r; And all the World in Awe shall stand Of his resistless Pow'r. PSALM LXVII. Metre ii. HINE, mighty GoD, on Britain shine Reveal thy Pow'r through all our Coafts, 2 When fhall thy Name, from Shore to Shore, Sound all the Earth abroad; And diftant Nations know and love 3 Sing to the LORD, ye diftant Lands, 4 He, the great LORD, the fov'reign JUDGE, Who fits enthron'd above, Wifely commands the Worlds He made 5 Earth fhall obey her MAKER'S Will, Our GoD will crown his chofen Ifle 6 GOD the REDEEMER scatters round PSALM LXVII. M Metre iii. AY GOD his fav'ring Ear incline, And bid his Face on Ifrael fhine; That All, thy Counfels, LORD, may know Where Earth extends, or Oceans flow. 2 To THEE, of Life th' eternal Spring, Invifible, All-potent KING, 3 One Chorus let all Nations raife, Exult each Tribe, exult each Land; 4 Warm'd by his genial Suns, the Field 5 Great GOD, on us thy Bleffings fhow'r, 'L ET GOD arife in all his Might, 2 He comes array'd in burning Flames; 3 He rides and thunders through the Sky; 4 5 The Widow and the Fatherless He breaks the Captive's heavy Chain, Shall dwell in Chains and Darkness ftill. PART II. 6 KINGDOMS and Thrones to God belong; 7 He shakes the Heav'ns with loud Alarms; In Ifrael are his Mercies known, 8 Proclaim Him King, pronounce Him bleft, 9 LORD, when Thou didst afcend on high, 10 Not Sinai's Mountain could appear More glorious, when the LORD was there; 11 How bright the Triumph none can tell, 12 Rais'd by his FATHER to the Throne, 13 WE blefs the LORD, the Juft, the Good, Who fills our Hearts with Joy and Food; Who pours his Bleflings from the Skies, And loads our Days with rich Supplies. 14 He fends the Sun his Circuit round, To cheer the Fruits, to warm the Ground; 15 'Tis to his Care we owe our Breath, 16 He makes the Saint and Sinner prove |