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us, we may be pardoned though we fink down to humbler virtue, trying, however, to keep our point always in view, and struggling not to lose ground, though we cannot gain it.

It is recorded of Sir Matthew Hale, that he, for a long time, concealed the confecration of himself to the ftricter duties of religion, left, by fome flagitious and fhameful action, he should bring piety into difgrace. For the fame reafon, it may be prudent for a writer, who apprehends that he fhall not inforce his own maxims by his domeftick character, to conceal his name that he may not injure them.

There are, indeed, a greater number whofe curiofity to gain a more familiar knowledge of fuccefsful writers, is not fo much prompted by an opinion of their power to improve as to delight, and who expect from them not arguments againft vice, or dif fertations on temperance or juftice, but flights of wit, and fallies of pleafantry, or, at leaft, acute remarks, nice diftinctions, juftness of fentiment, and elegance of diction.

This expectation is, indeed, fpecious and probable, and yet, fuch is the fate of all human hopes, that it is very often fruftrated, and thofe who raife admiration by their books, difguft by their company. A man of letters for the moft part fpends, in the privacies of ftudy, that feafon of life in which the manners are to be foftened into eafe, and polifhed into elegance, and, when he has gained knowledge enough to be refpected, has neglected the minuter acts by which he might have pleafed. When he enters life, if his temper be foft and timorous, he is diffident and bafhful, from the knowledge of his defects; or if he was born with fpirit and refolution, he is ferocious and arrogant, from the confcioufnefs of his merit he is either diffipated by the awe of company, and unable to recollect his reading, and arrange his arguments; or he is hot, and dogmati


cal, quick in oppofition, and tenacious in defence, difabled by his own violence, and confused by his hafte to triumph.

The graces of writing and converfation are of different kinds, and though he who excels in one might have been with opportunities and application equally fuccessful in the other, yet as many please by extemporary talk, though utterly unacquainted with the more accurate method, and more laboured beauties, which compofition requires; fo it is very poffible that men, wholly accustomed to works of ftudy, may be without that readiness of conception, and affluence of language, always neceflary to colloquial entertainment. They may want addrefs to watch the hints which converfation offers for the display of their particular attainments, or they may be fo much unfurnished with matter on common fubjects, that difcourfe not profeffedly literary glides over them as heterogeneous bodies, without admiting their conceptions to mix in the circulation.

A tranfition from an author's books to his converfation, is too often like an entrance into a large city, after a distant profpect. Remotely, we fee nothing but fpires of temples, and turrets of palaces, and imagine it the refidence of fplendor, grandeur, and magnificence; but, when we have paffed the gates, we find it perplexed with narrow paffages, difgraced with defpicable cottages, embarraffed with obftructions, and clouded with smoke.

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NUMB. 15. TUESDAY, May 8, 1750.

Ft quando uberior vitiorum copia? Quando
Major avaritiae, atuit finus? Alea quando
Hos animos?

What age fo large a crop of vices bore,

Or when was avarice extended more?


When were the dice with more profusion thrown? DRYDEN,

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HERE is no grievance, publick or private, of which, fince I took upon me the office of a periodical monitor, I have received fo many, or fo earneft complaints, as of the predominance of play; of a fatal paffion for cards and dice, which feems to have overturned, not only the ambition of excellence, but the defire of pleafure; to have extinguished the flames of the lover, as well as of the patriot; and threatens, in its further progrefs, to destroy all diftinctions, both of rank and fex, to crufh all emulation, but that of fraud, to corrupt all thofe claffes of our people, whofe ancestors have, by their virtue, their induftry, or their parfimony, given them the power of living in extravagance, idleness, and vice,' and to leave them without knowledge, but of the modifh games, and without wishes, but for lucky hands.

I have found, by long experience, that there are few enterprifes fo hopelets as contefts with the fashion, in which the opponents are not only made confident by their numbers, and firong by their union, but are hardened by contempt of their antagonist, whom they always look upon as a wretch of low notions, contracted views, mean converfation, and narrow fortune, who envies the elevations which he cannot reach, who would gladly imbitter the happinefs which his inelegance or indigence deny him to partake, and who has no other end in his advice,



than to revenge his own mortifications by hindering those whom their birth and tafte have fet above him, from the enjoyment of their fuperiority, and bringing them down to a level with himself.

Though I have never found myself much affected by this formidable cenfure, which I have incurred often enough to be acquainted with its full force, yet I fhall, in fome meafure, obviate it on this occafion, by offering very little in my own name, either of argument or intreaty, fince thofe who fuffer by this general infatuation, may be fuppofed best› able to relate its effects.


THERE feems to be fo little knowledge left in

the world, and fo little of that reflection practifed, by which knowledge is to be gained, that I am in doubt, whether I fhall be understood, when I complain of want of opportunity for thinking; or whether a condemnation, which at prefent feems irreverfible, to perpetual ignorance will raife any compaffion, either in you, or your readers: yet I will venture to lay my ftate before you, because, I believe, it is natural, to moft minds, to take fome pleasure in complaining of evils, of which they have no reason to be afhamed.

I am the daughter of a man of great fortune, whofe diffidence of mankind, and, perhaps, the pleasure of continual accumulation, incline him to refide upon his own eftate, and to educate his children in his own houfe, where I was bred, if not with the most brilliant examples of virtue before my eyes, at least remote enough from any incitements to vice; and, wanting neither leifure, nor books, nor the acquaintance of fome perfons of learning, in the neighbourhood, I endeavoured to acquire fuch knowledge as might most recommend me to esteem, and thought myself able to fupport a converíation upon

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moft of the fubjects, which my fex and condition made it proper for me to understand.

I had, befides my knowledge, as my mamma and my maid told me, a very fine face, and elegant fhape, and with all these advantages had been seventeen months the reigning toaft for twelve miles round, and never came to the monthly affembly, but I heard the old ladies that fat by, withing that it might end well, and their daughters criticifing my air, my features, or my drefs.

You know, Mr. Rambler, that ambition is natural to youth, and curiofity to understanding, and therefore, will hear, without wonder, that I was defirous to extend my victories over thofe, who might give more honour to the conqueror; and that I found in a country life a continual repetition of the fame pleafures, which was not fufficient to fill up the mind for the prefent, or raife any expectations of the future; and I will confefs to you, that I was impatient for a fight of the town, and filled my thoughts with the difcoveries which I fhould make, the triumphs that I fhould obtain, and the praifes that I fhould receive.

At laft the time came. My aunt, whofe hufband has a feat in parliament, and a place at court, buried her only child, and fent for me to fupply the lofs. The hope that I should so far infinuate myself into their favour, as to obtain a confiderable aug mentation of my fortune, procured me every convenience for my departure, with great expedition; and I could not, amidst all my tranfports, forbear fome indignation to fee with what readiness the natural guardians of my virtue fold me to a ftate, which they thought more hazardous than it really was, as foon as a new acceffion of fortune glittered in their


Three days I was upon the road, and on the fourth morning my heart danced at the fight of Lon


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