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"But some reply, what foole would daunce,

If that when daunce is doone,

He may not have at ladyes lips

That which in daunce he woon."

The custom still holds among the country-people in many, perhaps all, parts of the kingdom. When the fiddler thinks his young couple have had music enough, says Ritson, he makes his instrument squeak out two notes, which are readily interpreted to signify “Kiss her!"

In the Tempest occurs the line "Curtsied when you have and kissed;" upon which Reed annotates: "As was antiently done at the beginning of some dances. So in Henry VIII. that prince says

'I were unmannerly to take you out

And not to kiss you.""

In the Collier's Wedding the bride is introduced as being way. laid, after the ceremony, at the church stile, for this purpose.

I take the annexed curious particulars, relating to the nuptial kiss in the church and other matters from Randolph's letters, cited by Andrews in his continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain (1796). Speaking of the marriage of Mary Queen of Scots to Lord Darnley, he writes: She had on her back the great mourning gown of black, with the great wide mourning hood, &c. The rings, which were three, the middle a rich diamond, were put on her finger. They kneel together, and many prayers were said over them; she tarrieth out the mass, and he taketh a Kiss, and leaveth her there, and went to her chamber, whither, within a space, she followeth, and being required (according to the solemnity) to cast off her cares, and leave aside these sorrowful garments, and give herself to a more pleasant life, after some pretty refusal (more, I believe, for manner sake than grief of heart), she suffereth them that stood by, every man that could approach, to take out a pin; and so, being committed to her ladies, changed her garments, but went not to bed: to signifie to the World that it was not lust that moved them to marry, but only the necessity of her country, not, if God will, to leave it without an heir."

In Vaughan's Golden Grove (1608) it is written: "Among the Romans, the future Couple sent certain pledges one to another, which, most commonly they themselves afterwards being present, would confirme with a religious Kisse."


With the Anglo-Saxons the nuptial benediction was performed under a veil, or square piece of cloth, held at each corner by a tall man over the bridegroom and bride, to conceal her virgin blushes: but, if the bride was a Widow, the veil was esteemed useless.

According to the use of the Church of Sarum, when there was a marriage before mass, the parties knelt together and had a fine linen cloth, called the Care Cloth, laid over their heads during the time of

mass till they received the benediction, after which they were dismissed.

The Hereford Missal directs that, at a particular prayer, the married couple shall prostrate themselves, while four clerks hold the pall, i.e., the care cloth, over them. The rubric in the Sarum Manual is somewhat different; and the York Manual also varies here.

There is a curious wedding sermon by William Whateley, preacher of Banbury in Oxfordshire (1624), entitled A Care-Cloth, or a Treatise of the Cumbers and Troubles of Marriage. The etymology of the word "Care" used here in composition with "Cloth" is dubious. Whateley has given it the ordinary meaning of the word, but, as we think, erroneously. Like many other etymologists, he has adapted it to his own purpose.

Something like this care cloth is used by the modern Jews, from whom it has probably been introduced into the Christian Church. Modena's History of Jewish Rites refers to "a square Vestment called Taleth, with pendants about it, put over the Head of the Bridegroom and the Bride together;" and Levi, in his work on the same subject, speaks of a Velvet Canopy." The latter writer adds that, when the priest has taken the glass of wine into his hand, he says as follows


"Blessed art thou, O Lord our God! King of the Universe, the Creator of the fruit of the Vine. Blessed art thou, O Lord our God! King of the Universe, who hath sanctified us with his commandments, and hath forbid us fornication, and hath prohibited unto us the betrothed, but hath allowed unto us, those that are married unto us, by the means of the CANOPY, and the Wedding Ring: Blessed art thou, O Lord! the sanctifier of his people Israel, by the means of the CANOPY and Wedlock."

In Sinclair's Statistical Account of Scotland (1793) the minister of Logierait, in Perthshire, under the head of Parish Superstitions, deposes: "Immediately before the Celebration of the Marriage Ceremony, every Knot about the Bride and Bridegroom (Garters, Shoe-strings, Strings of Petticoats, &c.) is carefully loosened. After leaving the Church, the whole company walk round it, keeping the Church walls always upon the right hand. The Bridegroom, however, first retires one way with some young men to tie the Knots that were loosened about him; while the young married woman, in the same manner, retires somewhere else to adjust the disorder of her Dress."


Bride-ale, bride-bush, and bride-stake, are nearly synonymous terms, being all derived from the circumstance of the bride's selling ale on the wedding-day, for which she received, by way of contribution, whatever handsome price the friends and relatives assembled on the occasion chose to pay her for it; and it may be inferred that the


institution was designed to enable the happy pair to defray expense of a wedding-dinner.

"When t

In the Christian State of Matrimony (1543) we read: come home from the Church, then beginneth excesse of eatyng: dryncking-and as much is waisted in one daye, as were suffici for the two newe maried Folkes halfe a year to lyve upon." From the Court Rolls of Hales-Owen Borough, Salop, of the I year of Elizabeth, I excerpt


"Custom of Bride-Ale.

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Item, a payne is made that no person or persons that shall br any Weddyn Ale to sell, shall not brewe above twelve strike of M: at the most, and that the said persons so married shall not keep have above eight messe of persons at his dinner within the burro and before his brydall daye he shall keep no unlawfull Games in house, nor out of hys house, on pain of 20 shillings."

In Harrison's Description of Britain it is remarked: "In feasting also the Husbandmen do exceed after their manner, especially at Bridales, &c. where it is incredible to tell what meat is consumed and spent, ech one brings such a Dish, or so manie with him, as his Wife and he doo consult upon, but alwaies with this consideration, that the leefer Friend shall have the better provision."

Thus it appears that among persons of inferior rank a contribution was made for the express purpose of assisting the bridegroom and bride in their new situation. Doubtless the custom was often abused; yet it betokened large philanthropy, and would naturally help to increase population by encouraging matrimony. This custom of making presents at weddings seems also to have prevailed amongst the higher classes. From the account of the nuptials of the Lady Susan with Sir Philip Herbert, in the reign of James I., which I have cited before, it appears that the presents of plate and other things given by the noblemen were valued at £2500, and that the king gave £500 for the bride's jointure. His Majesty gave her away, and, as his manner was, archly observed on the occasion that "if he were unmarried, he would not give her but keep her for himself."

From a passage in Ben Jonson's Silent Woman, Andrews (in his Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain) infers it to have been a general custom to make presents to the married pair, in proportion to the gay appearance of their wedding.

Morant's History of Essex, under the head of Great Yeldham in Hinckford Hundred, records of a house near the church, since converted into a school, that it "was antiently used and appropriated for dressing a Dinner for poor Folks when married, and had all Utensils and Furniture convenient for that purpose;" and of Matching in Harlow Half-hundred we read that "A House close to the Church

* The following lines are in Christopher Brooke's Epithalamium, in Eng land's Helicon"The Board being spread, furnish'd with various plenties; The Brides fair object in the middle plac'd.”

In the margin is introduced the explanation of "Dinner."


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yard, said to be built by one. t by a Club among the Guests. Two entertainment of poor people ones, we issue of the same work for 1799, will sometimes be convened on an

none fail to bring or send some Contrieaking of the time of "our
to Half-a-crown or a Shilling. An accntine Eve, the Rood-day,
young Couple do well, it is expected thad Practices congenial to
any future bidding of their generous Gu place was to the Peasant
of fifty pounds being thus collected, and Theatre of Shew and of
produced even a hundred."
olved every Amusement
In the Cambrian Register for 1796 was the PENNY BRIDAL.
frequently preceded, on the evening bestipulated consideration
of Provisions and articles of Househole, and then ranged the
Bridegroom. On the Wedding-Day, aƆne, two, and even three
gether accompany them to the Church, sions, to make merry at
Collection is made in money from eac scene of feasting, drink-
their Inclination or Ability; which somenjoyed with the highest
aid in establishing the newly married scene, furnished ample
to begin the world,' as they call it, with But now the Penny
same time, considered as a debt, to be r Money and of want of
at any future Wedding of the Contributed by people in business.
Children, in similar circumstances. Boys. Dancing taught
Weddings, where they mean to receive G, are the Amusements
Crook or Wand, adorned with ribbons, livened by a moderate
bourhood, and makes his 'Bidding' or Inree by people of every
The knight errant Calvacade on horsebac

the Rescue, the wordy War in rythm beit is said: "Marriages
formerly formed a singular Spectacle of r of Penny Weddings.
tion of Nuptials, I believe to be now almose, and Whisky. The
everywhere through the Principality." :ertained with a dram
The Gentleman's Magazine for 1789 coperformed, every Man
"Bidding. On an old violoncello,
ne in great numbers.

"As we intend entering the Nuptial Sing, and a house for Bidding on the occasion on Thursday th or three days, till instant, at our own House on the Parade church, the married good Company will be highly esteemed; the present friends you please to confer on us, shall be gvhole, bring little gain retaliated on a similar occasion by yo


William J Bride-Wain; a term
Ann Daviract from the Glossary

"N.B. The Young Man's Father (St.tom in the Highlands
Woman's Aunt (Ann Williams) will be gons, who had no great
Carts and Horses with
ferred on them that Day."
ends, and received from

In the same publication for 1784 would get."

custom in Scotland under the style of PEN the Cumberland there was a Marriage of two poor people who

of the neighbouring Gentry, they agreed among

and have a dance upon the occasion; the result of w
some Donation, in order to assist the new married
out-set in Life."

The Statistical Account of Scotland (1792), referring to t
of Drainy in Elgin, explains: "A Penny Wedding is
he Marriage entertainment is not defrayed by


institution was designed to

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expense of a weddi... Chimney, was designed for the In the Christian, their Wedding Day. It seems to be come home from timilarly Gough's edition of Camden dryncking—and a. "At Therfield, as at Braughing, was for the two newe Initure lent to the poor at Weddings; From the Court Cumberland affirms of the parish of year of Elizabeth,d Peasants beg Corn to sow their first ilaiters."


sh Dictionary (v. CAWSA), “it is cus“Item, a payne for poor Women newly married to go any Weddyn Ale t Cheese; which they call Cawsa;" and at the most, and the poor in Wales have ❝ a marriage of have above eight guest brings a present of some sort of and before his brysthe new Couple to begin the World." house, nor out of hy Puttenham in his Arte of Poesie In Harrison's Dy Queen Elizabeth's Entertainments at also the Husbandr. Bryde-Ale was celebrated with a great

Bridales, &c. where

Wife and he doo

that the leefer Frie

spent, ech one brible says of rushes: "Herewith be made es for Bride-Ales, and other Solemnities, aniers, Pitchers, Dishes, Combes, Brushes, was made for the Conceits, which at such times many do Thus it appears strings, Girdles, and manie such other abused; yet it behang up in the Houses, as tokens of goodride and after the Solemnitie ended, to ts or Presents."

bride in their ne

help to increase po of making presents the higher classes. Susan with Sir Phi cited before, it ap given by the noble


e same writer attests: At Bride-Ales the woont to be strawed with these odoriferous le that in Wedlocke all pensive sullennes, gling strife, jarring, variance, and discorde, £500 for the bridded and abandoned; and that, in place tnes, Cheerfulnes, Mildnes, Quietnes, and and that in matters passing betweene the secresie should be used." From a passage secres es pole was the ancient badge of a

his manner was,

unmarried, he woul

Continuation of He

been a general custo portion to the gay ap

d this bride-stake the guests used to dance

Morant's History o.

Hinckford Hundred, hant'sies of Hey-troll verted into a school, ththe Bridal Bowl, dressing a Dinner for the broad Bride Cake and Furniture con at the Bride's Stake."


Harlow Half-huide-ale seems to have been called a bidding, ce of the bride and bridegroom's bidding or in

• The fol

land's He'the Gentleman's Magazine for May 1784 records the evalence, at the marriage of servants, tradesfolk and snall In to South Wales, of a custom which he regards as peculia to "Before the Wedding an Entertainment is provided to Friends of each party are bid or invited,



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