Mathematical WritingDo you need help getting started as an individual or as a member of a group facing the need to prepare formal documents? This is an all-out attack on the problem of teaching people the art of mathematical writing. Learn how others have made use of student assistants in ways that benefit all parties. Read how feedback from students supplies early warning signals from instructors, as well as helping students clarify their thought processes. This book will give aid and encouragement to those wishing to teach a course in technical writing, or to those who wish to write themselves. |
1 Minicourse on technical writing 17 | 1 |
2 An exercise on technical writing | 7 |
3 An answer to the exercise | 8 |
4 Comments on student answers 1 | 10 |
5 Comments on student answers 2 | 12 |
6 Preparing books for publication 1 | 14 |
7 Preparing books for publication 2 | 15 |
8 Preparing books for publication 3 | 18 |
A Report on Evaluation Efforts and National Impact from 1988 to 1998 Susan L Ganter | 56 |
Resources for Professional DevelopmentMatthew Delong and Dale Winter | 57 |
Fractals Graphics and Mathematics Education Benoit Mandelbrot and Michael Frame Editors | 58 |
Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics David Carlson Charles R Johnson David C Lay and A Duane Porter Editors | 59 |
Innovations in Teaching Abstract Algebra Allen C Hibbard and Ellen J Maycock Editors | 60 |
Changing Core Mathematics Chris Arney and Donald Small Editors | 61 |
An Urgent Challenge for Higher Education Lynn Arthur Steen | 62 |
A Sourcebook of Significant Writings Miriam Cooney Editor | 63 |
9 Handy reference books | 19 |
10 Presenting algorithms | 20 |
11 Literate Programming 1 | 21 |
12 Literate Programming 2 | 26 |
13 User manuals | 28 |
14 Galley proofs | 30 |
15 Refereeing 1 | 32 |
16 Refereeing 2 | 35 |
17 Hints for Referees | 36 |
18 Illustrations 1 | 38 |
Subscripts and superscripts | 40 |
Solutions | 43 |
Innovative Programs Using Technology Susan Lenker Editor | 47 |
Writing in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics John Meier and Thomas Rishel | 48 |
Assessment Practices in Undergraduate Mathematics Bonnie Gold Editor | 49 |
Exploring ODES with Modern TechnologyMichael J Kallaher Editor | 50 |
An International Perspective Victor J Katz Editor | 51 |
Resources for Undergraduate Instructors Thomas L Moore Editor | 52 |
Papers in Applied Geometry Catherine A Gorini Editor | 53 |
A Guide for New Mathematicians Thomas W Rishel | 54 |
Issues That Matter and Strategies That Work Elizabeth C Rogers Barbara E Reynolds Neil A Davidson and Anthony D Thomas Editors | 55 |
A Resource for Chairs Tina H Straley Marcia P Sward and Jon W Scott Editors | 64 |
Innovations in Teaching Statistics Joan B Garfield Editor | 65 |
Concepts and models for servicelearning in the mathematical sciencesCharles R Hadlock Editor | 66 |
Innovative Approaches to Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Beyond Calculus Richard J Maher Editor | 67 |
Using the last 200 years of mathematics history in the classroom Amy ShellGellasch and Dick Jardine Editors | 68 |
Rethinking the Courses below Calculus Nancy Baxter Hastings Editor | 69 |
Current Practices in Quantitative Literacy Rick Gillman Editor | 70 |
Undergraduate Consultancy Projects Robert Fraga Editor | 71 |
33 Lamports handout on styles of proof | 72 |
34 Nils Nilsson on Art and Writing | 73 |
35 MaryClaire van Leunen on Calisthenics 1 | 77 |
36 MaryClaires handout on Composition Exercises | 81 |
37 Comments on student work | 89 |
38 MaryClaire van Leunen on Which vs That | 93 |
39 MaryClaire van Leunen on Calisthenics 2 | 98 |
40 Computer aids to writing | 100 |
41 Rosalie Stemer on Copy Editing | 102 |
42 Paul Halmos on Mathematical Writing | 106 |
43 Final truths | 112 |
Common terms and phrases
adverbs algorithm ARPA asked better changes commas Computer Programming Computer Science Concrete Mathematics Continuum Hypothesis copy editor countable set dictionary Don Knuth Don says Don showed Don thought Don told Don's editing element English example Excerpts from class exercises exposition fn(a fn(S fonts formula Grimm's Fairy Tales hopefully hypothesis idea integer Jeff Jon Bentley journal Knuth language Lemma Leslie Leslie Lamport Literate Programming look manuals Mary-Claire Mary-Claire van Leunen Math means module necklaces notation notes by PMR notes by TLL ordered pair paragraph parentheses Paul Paul Halmos periodic sentence prime problem proof prove published quotation quoted reader real numbers referee rewrite Rosalie sentence adverb sequence Sierpiński solution someone spec(a ẞ E Aa student style subset symbol talk technical writing term papers theorem things typeset usage variable Wilf words written wrote