FOR JANUARY, 1810. 1. An Elegant PORTRAIT of the RIGHT HON. THE COUNTESS OF KINGSTON. 2. TWO WHOLE-LENGTH FIGURES in the FASHIONS of the SEASON, COLOURED. 3. SKETCH of the INTERIOR of the NEW THEATRE COVENT GARDEN. 4. An ORIGINAL SONG, set to Music for the Harp and Piano-forte; composed exclu- Hymenæa in search of a Husband Persian Letter from Muley Cid Sadi, one of the Secretaries of his Excellency the Persian Ambassador in London, to Osman Cali Beg, his friend at Ispahan.. 6 General Observations on the most approved THE NEW SERIES. OUR Readers are now presented with the FIRST NUMBER of a NEW IMPROVED SERIES OF The BOTANY, it is hoped, will be sufficiently recommended by the high and scientific character of THE SKETCH OF THE INTERIOR OF COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE is given this Month, instead of the SECOND PLATE of Fashions; but, in the future Numbers, Two The New Subscribers will find some Continuations of Original Stories (from the former Numbers of Such of our Subscribers as have not completed their Sets, are requested to make early application for |