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made of, being completely soaked in blood: the first blow given his Royal Highness was providentially prevented from proving fatal, from the Duke wearing a padded ribbon bandage round his cap, and a tassel, which came in contact with the sword; the bed-clothes generally were blooded, the paper of the room, the prints, and paintings, the door at the head of the bed through which his Royal Highness endeavoured to make his escape) was cut with the sword at the time the villain was cutting at the Duke, and the dark assassin must have followed his Royal Highness to the door of an anti-room, which was also spotted with blood.

The Jury then proceeded to the room where the corpse of the departed villain remained. They found it, with the whole of the body (except the head and feet) covered with blood; the razor which did the deed in a very bloody state. The deceased's neckcloth was cut through in several places. The drawers, wash-hand bason-stand, and the bason, were bloody.

After the examination of the rooms, the Jury proceeded to the investigation of the witnesses. Thomas Joues, a surgeon and apothecary of the Strand, said he had attended the Duke's family since the year 1803. He knew the deceased well; he never saw him in a low or desponding way.


Ann Neale, the housekeeper, said, she was called up at about three o'clock, on Thursday morning, by her husband; at the same time she heard the Duke saying, "I am murdered." She got up with all possible speed, and saw the Duke bleeding very much in the valet's room; went with several others, to the deceased's door, to call him, she found it fastened on the inside; no answer was given to their calls; she and other servants went to another door, which opened to his room. As they approached the door, they heard a noise, as if a man was gargling water in his throat. The porter entered first, and he exclaimed-" Good God! Mr. Sellis has cut his

throat." He was a very obstinate and quarrelsome man; he would not bear contradiction, not even from the Duke.

was quite dead, but not cold; the blood was then running and frothing out of his neck. He did not appear to have struggled with any person, but his hands lay quite straight down by his side. The deceased had on pantaloons and stockings.

Thomas Creedy, a private in the Coldstream Regiment of Guards, who was on duty, and the first man who entered the room of Sellis, the servant being afraid, he tren bled so much that he let the candle fall, but he caught it up, and prevented it from going out. After seeing Sellis's throat ent, and hearing robbers were in the house, he looked under the bed. He did not see a coat in the room (which is very small) although there was a blue one belonging to Sellis with blood on the left cuff, and blood on the left side. He observed a wash-hand basin with blood on the sides, and blood in some water. The deceased did not appear to have struggled with any one; his head was against his watch at the head of the bed.

Joseph Strickland, under butler to his Royal Highness, saw the deceased in the dressing-room of his Royal Highness the preceding evening, when witness entered to put the Duke's cup upon the table. When he first entered the room he did not see him, and was surprised to find him there, as he knew it was not his night to wait. It was about eleven o'clock. The deceased looked hard and laughed at him, but said nothing, which made him more surprised. He did not know whether it was a ghastly laugh, but it was not in his usual manner. Witness was almost going to ask whether he was going to Windsor, but he did not. It was not the witness's duty to enter the room when a page was there, nor would he have then entered it, if he knew that Sellis was there. He did not notice whether he had slippers on, but he was sure he had a coat. Witness was not intimate with the deceased, but he always found him very civil.

Mrs. Hannab Sellis, the widow of the deceased, was next called in. She was extremely agitated; and though it was probably the intention of the Coroner and the Jury to have examined her minutely, they were satisfied with her

Mr. Jackson, a surgeon. He had examined the body of the deceased; he had found the wind-acknowledging the deposition which she had pipe completely divided: he had seen larger wounds done by a man's own hands; the arteries on both sides were completely separated; be bad no doubt but they were done by a razor, or sharp instrument; the wound was five or six inches wide, and an inch and a half deep; he had no other wound in his body, and had no doubt but his throat being cut was the cause of his death.

Serjeant Creighton, of the Coldstream Regi ment of Foot Guards, said, in consequence of the alarm of the Duke being murdered, he went with several men into the house; when they came to the deceased's room, the servants were afraid to go in on account of the noise; he, in consequence, took the candle from them. He found the deceased dead, with his throat cut, and a ra zor about two yards from the bed; the deceased

made before the Magistrate. The deposition was read over to her, and she stated that it was the evidence she had before given. It was to the following effect: That the deceased had passed nearly the whole of Wednesday in her company; that he went to the market, and afterwards walked with her in the park, when he said he should sleep that night in the Duke's apartments. She verily believed he had shoes or gaiters on at that time, and not slippers. He had a severe cold lately, but this week he was more cheerful than he had been for some time before. He had remarked to her not long since, that death was a debt all sooner or later must pay, but she did not think that he then had any particular intention in his mind. She never heard him complain of the treatment which he received from his Ro, al

Highness, but, on the contrary, was highly gratified by the kindness he and other branches of the Royal Family shewed him, particularly the present of muslin which witness received from the Queen, and Princes Augusta standing god. mother to the child. He was not embarrassed in his circumstances, for she did not know of any debt he owed, but one to the apothecary.

tion for the ceremony were totally unaware of his intention. It was said, indeed, that from the beginning he had expressed great repugnance to the exhibition intended; but his party flattered themselves, that in the end he would yield to their wishes.

fect of a procession where the principal hero was absent. The multitudes assembled in all the line of the march exceeded any thing we ever witnessed.

It was nearly five o'clock before the procession moved from Tower-hill. The phaeton with four After supper, on Wednesday, he mixed a glass || horses provided for Sir Francis Burdett was of brandy and water, which he made her drink, || empty. And our Readers may conceive the efas she was troubled with spasins in the stomach. He partook of a little of it, shook hands, and wished her a good night, and she never saw him more cheerful. He took some clean linen with him, and said he would bring home the dirty linen on the following morning. She said he was a tender father, and an affectionate husband.

Ladies from every window were seen waving their handkerchiefs, and the spectators in the streets uncovering and huzzaing as it passed.

The Strand and the principal streets through which the procession had passed, were illumi

Here the evidence closed. The Jury continned in deliberation nearly an hour and a half,nated at night-a crowd parading the streets, and finally, about 12 o'clock, returned a verdict of FELO DE SE.

LIBERATION OF SR FRANCIS BURDETT AND MR. GALE JONES-Thursday, June 21, the prorogation of Parliament took place, and it was universally expected that Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Gale Jones were to be drawn home from their respective prisons in popular cavalcade as a means of proving the sentiment of the nation on the power assumed by the House of Commons.

The day had scarcely dawned when the people were in motion-when music was heard in every direction. At the several appointed rendezvous in the several parishes of Westminster the people began to assemble about ten o'clock, and from thence proceeded to the Tower. Scarcely a street, lane, or alley was to be found in which the cockade of Sir Francis Burdett was not to be seen-in which the cry of "Burdett for ever" was not to be heard. Before one o'clock Tower-bill and all the avenues approaching it were literally thronged. By half after two o'clock the whole of the procession was in readiness to move, and from that moment the most eager expectation prevailed, but which in the end was totally disappointed; for, about half-after three Lord Moira appeared on his way to the Tower, -and was received with acclamations. His Lordship remained a short time in the Tower, and when he came out, he communicated to some of the principal persons concerned in conducting the procession, that Sir F. Burdett had crossed the river, and proceeded to Wimbledon. This communication was immediately announced, but there was general indisposition to believe it. Indeed the people appeared to regard it rather as an expedient fabricated by their enemies to induce them to disperse, and so to weaken the effect which their assemblage had in view.

It is in vain to conjecture the cause of his disappearance, for all the Members of the Committee who had been the most active in prepara

and calling out for lights; and windows were broken where no lights were put up.

MARRIED-Sir William Oglander, Bart. to Lady Maria Fitzroy, eldest daughter of the Earl of Euston-Mr. William Wansey, of Queensquare, to Miss Towgood, eldest daughter of Mr. Matthew Towgood.

DIED.-At Brompton, in the 45th year of his age, Louis Schiavonetti. The Arts have seldom sustained a greater loss than by the death of this eminent Engraver, who, to a consummate knowledge in the art of delineation, united a clearness and freedom of stroke, a force and delicacy of expression, and a taste and power in the effect of his works, which have never been excelled. Mr. Schiavonetti was born and educated at Bassano, in the territories of Venice, but he finished his studies as an engraver, under Bartolozzi, in England. It was from this eminent Artist that he acquired the knowledge and understood the value of correct delineation. It was from Bartolozzi likewise, that he obtained that versatility of talent, which enabled him to apply himself with equal success to both branches of the Graphic Art, and to comprehend the distinct excellencies of chalk and line engravings. Mr. Schiavonetti was employed on some of the works which were intended for a great national publication in France. He finished an engraving from a picture of Vandyke, which we believe to be the only one, of a large size, which he lived to execute. Most of the works of Schiavonetti are on a small scale, and were produced by the patronage of Booksellers, for vari ous elegant publications. He was lately einployed on that beautiful composition, Stothard's "Canterbury Pilgrims:" he lived to complete the etching, and some of the principal parts of the figures, but he left it unfinished. If the graver of Bartolozzi were left in England to Schiavonetti, Mr. Schiavonetti has carefully transmitted it to Mr. Cardon.





DIED. Lately, in a garret, in Kirklington, near Carlisle, Jeremiah Graham, in the 79th year of his age. A great part of the life of this old man was devoted to the accumulation of money, and nothing more gratified him than a view of his rising hoards, to which he was in the habit of paying daily visits. Among his treasures was found a great number of gold pieces, the coin of Portugal, and which formerly had currency in this kingdom. Though his personal estate amounted to at least five thousand pounds, his annual expences during the last years of his life did not amount to more than five shillings; for his victuals were the voluntary contribution of his relations, and the coat which he wore was coeval with his beard, being nearly sixty years old.


A most extraordinary and very melancholy accident lately befel a young man in a mine, in the neighbourhood of Camborn, Cornwall. Father and son were employed in blowing up of rocks under ground, by the means of gunpowder; they had bored a hole in a large rock, filled it with powder, and regularly tamped it, but owing to some unaccountable cause, the powder exploded without bursting the rock. It was filled a second time, and owing to a spark (which it is conjectured must have been secreted) communicating to the powder, it went off while they were in the act of tamping, burst the rock into pieces, || some of which struck, and instantly killed the father; while the tamping iron (which is a round piece of iron of about 22 inches in length, and one inch in diameter) was driven into the young

He was

man's forehead two or three inches. found standing erect against the side of the cave, with both hands at the bar attempting to pull it out, but he could not; in that state he was brought up to the surface, which was many fathoms from the place where the accident happened. Two men then attempted to draw the bar out but could not; in the mean time a surgeon was sent for, and he was obliged to open the back part of the skull, and to draw that long piece of iron through the head: Although the young man underwent this excruciating torture, he survived upwards of forty-eight hours, in a sensible but speechless state.


MARRIED. At Cherterfield, Mr. John Taylor, of Brimington, blacksmith, to Miss Polly Mason, a pauper in the poorhouse of the former place. When this elegant couple appeared at the altar,

Mr. Taylor was without a coat, and Miss Mason without a gown. On the clergyman refusing to marry them in such light dresses, the blacksmith left the church, and returned in a few moments, having borrowed the coat of a person who happened accidentally to be in the church-yard, and which he very politely returned when the ceremony was completed.-N. B. The officiating father had only one leg.


A shocking accident lately happened to one of the guards of the Cheshire Militia, stationed at the Royal Military Hospital, Plymouth. He had the charge of a deserter from the Cornwall regiment, who being an invalid, was permitted to walk round the Hospital. He persuaded the centinel to go and drink with him, which he did, and under some pretence went out and made off. The centinel knowing the severe punishment that awaited such conduct, immediately went into a desponding fit, and when on duty in the night fired his musket, by a string fastened to the trig ger, and actually blew off the top of his head. When the relief came round they found him extended on the grass a lifeless corpse.

R. Ivey has been fully committed to Exeter gaol, on a charge of sacrilege. He broke into Stonehouse Chapel, and stole thereout upwards of seventy prayer-books. He is an old offender, and lost one of his legs a few years ago in a mantrap.


A severe blight has destroyed the hope of a plentiful crop of fruit in Gloucestershire and the adjoining counties.

MARRIED. Mr. Jaye, of Leckhampton, to Miss Edith Buckle, of Bedlam, near Cheltenham.


DIED. Mr. Cave, surgeon of Petersfield; the circumstances of whose death must excite respect for his memory, much sympathy for his loss, as well as caution to the profession. On Saturday se'nnight, previous to his death, a seafaring man who had been ill a few days preceding, was attacked whilst at Petersfield, with a violent in flammation on the lungs; and after being attended several times during the day by Messrs. Cave and Whicher, he died the next morning. The surgeons being of various opinions as to the real cause of his death, agreed to open the body, which they did on Monday morning, and found the lungs in a complete state of putrefaction. They afterwards sewed up the body, in doing which

they pricked their fingers; and, in the evening, both of them were seized with violent pains in the arm, which soon extented to nearly the whole of the body. Mr. Cave, after enduring the most excruciating pains, died on the following Monday. Mr. Whicher is still alive, though suffering extreme pain; but his hand and arm have been opened by several of the most skilful surgeons of the neighbourhood, and from the metropolis, and a discharge being obtained from the wounds, it is hoped his life will be saved.

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GENEROUS HIGHWAYMAN!-Mr. Nicholas, a farmer, at Toft, near Bourn, in this county, was stopped by a highwayman, who robbed him of 161. Mr. N. at first delivered a pocket-book, containing 281. with a representation that it was all the money he had to assist him in bis journey, the robber hereupon returned him two 11. notes. They were then parting, but Mr. N. told him that he might as well give back the pocket-book. The fellow acquiesced, and with the pocket-book returned him a 101. note, saying, it was more than he should want.

A very fine statue of his Majesty, in his Parliamentary robes, has been purchased by the Earl of Buckinghamshire, with the intention of having it erected on the pillar on Lincoln Heath, in commemoration of the Jubilee: it is fifteen feet in height, and is composed of a durable manufacture of artificial stone.



DIED.-At Winterton, in the 97th year of his age, William Feanby. He retained all his faculties to the last-taught a school-could write the Lord's Prayer on a paper the size of six. pence-and wrote a hand that would be taken for a boy's of seventeen. He had engraven his own grave-stone, and had his coffin in his house. SOMERSETSHIRE.

The following melancholy circumstance lately took place at Bath. A young man, who was bringing two blood horses to the city, very im prudently fastened the bridle by which he was leading them round his waist. At the foot of Dunkerton Hill the horses took fright at a heap of stones, and ran off at full speed, dragging the man from the poney on which he was riding, and continued to drag him along the turnpike-road between them, kicking and mangling him a most shocking manuer. After languishing for about twenty minutes he died.


A curious circumstance occurred on Friday, June 22d, in Bull-Green, and which was witnessed by several people. A rat that had left its retreat and was running along the pavement, was attacked by a sparrow flying by at the time; which annoyed the rat so much, by frequently darting at and pecking it, that the four legged animal kept upon an almost incessant squeak; nor did the assailant quit the object of his attack until one of the spectators, becoming the ally of the sparrow, pursued the rat and killed it.


A blind man, of Tandragee, has constructed a perfect chamber repeating clock and a set of bag. pipes. The clock, excepting the spring barrel, springs, and fusee; and the bagpipes, with the exception of casting and soldering the silver pipes, are all the work of his own hands.

A curious transaction has occurred in Ireland. The Bishop of Derry (the best see in that kingnom) has been Gazetted a bankrupt; he had long been speculating, and at length was enveloped by pecuniary difficulties.


A chicken of a very remarkable form was lately DIED.-At Twickenham, aged 71, the Right hatched at Dumfries. Its head. neck and back Hon. Countess of Elgin and Kincardine.


MARRIED. At Kinoulton, in this county, by the Rev. Mr. Hoe, Mr. Joseph Archer, of Outhorpe, to Miss Sarah Mounteney, of the former place. The bride was married, churched, and had a daughter christened at the same time. The child, if it lives, can boast of what few can, that it was present at its mother's wedding.

were well formed, and its wings and legs were precisely of the proper form, but instead of a breast, nature had substituted another back with other wings, and legs equally perfect, so that, had it not been for the manner in which the head was placed, it would have been a matter of indifference which of the backs had been uppermost. This curious anomaly did not long survive its exclusion from the shell. Tel.

London: Printed by JOHN BELL, Southampton street, Strand








The Seventh Number.







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