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one of the guns, and almost immediately expired. The child was taken care of by the messmates of ts deceased parents, aud fed with biscuit and water; all of them acting the part of nurses, by turns, and carefully removing it from hammock to Lammock, when they were called upon duty. On the ship's arrival in port, the fifty pounds above mentioned were collected among the ships company, and the object of their bounty transmitted to the Asylum. The child, which is re

Monday afternoon, May 14, at Chating-cross, as a chariot was passing along at a quick rate, in order to extricate it fronta train of brewer's drays, one of the hinder wheels caught one of the stoppers, and the chariot was overturned with considerable violence. It contained a lady and three children; one of the latter, about four years old, was so burt that she died soon afterwards.

A young man of the name of Yeough was killed on Tuesday, May 15, in the Park, in a pitched

markably healthy, has been baptized Sally Trun-battle with George Sorrel. The parties having


quarrelled, they staked two guiners cach, to de

The aggregate quantity of Corn and Flour im- | cide their dispute in a pugilistic combat. They

ported into Great Britain, in 1809, was 1,482,758 quarters of the former, and 265,938 ewt. of the latter; of which were imported from Ireland, 853,556 quarters of corn, and 74,993 cwt. of flour; and from all other countries, 629,292 quarters of the former, and 490,945 of the latter.


fought for three quarters of an hour, and neither would resign, until at length, whilst Yoough was running in upon his adversary, he met a blow on the forehead, which caused his death.

MARRIED.- At Northumberland


Lord Francis Murray, second son of the Duke of Athol, to Lady Anne Maria Percy, second daughter of the Duke of Northumberland. At St.. George's, Bloomsbury, George Stirling, Esq. of Glasgow, to Anna, third daughter of J. Stirling Esq. of Montague-street.-Captain Dacres, of the Royal Navy, to Miss Arabella Boyd Dalrymple, third daughter of Lieut.-General Sir H.

Sunday evening, May 13, as a party of ladies and gentlemen were returning to London from Twickenham, the boat in which they were ran foul of a barge below Hammersmith, and had nearly been sunk. A lady of the name of Stebbs, the wife of an artist in Argyle-street, was forced overboard by the shock, and immediately sunk. Her brother, who was in the boat, jumped after | Dairymple.-Lord Bolton, to the Hon. Maria

his sister, but she never rose. The deceased hus left three young children.

Carlton, eldest daughter of the late Lord Dorchester. The Marquis of Douglas, to Susan Euphemia, youngest daughter of William Beck

On Tuesday evening, May 15, as Mr. MortelJari, the composer, was passing through Portland-ford, Esq. of Fonthill. place, he saw a Gentleman leaning on the iron rails of a house, as if unwell He was approach-ning-In consequence of a fall from his horse,

ing to offer assistance, when the stranger fell into his arms and expired. He was about 52 years of age, and the name of Taylor was found on a card in his pocket.

DEATHS.-In Saville-row, the Hon. Mrs. Gun

Mr. Robert Wilmott, of Guildford-street, Russelsquare.-Auna Maria Kaphael, second daughter of R. Berney, Esq. of Anningsley, Surre), aged






An elderly labouring man, of the name of John Tucker, put an end to his existence, by hanging himself in his cottage, where he lived at Spittal, in the parish of Windsor; the reason assigned for his committing this rash act, and which was proved on the Coroner's Inquest, was, that he was in arrears for poor's rates, for his little cottage, about 30s. and for which he was summoned by the Overseer to appear before the Mayor.The day previous to the rash act he took a poundnote, which was all the money he could get, carried it to one of the Overseers, and begged bim to take it in part, and he would pay the remainder as soon as he could earn it; the Overseer refused to take it in part, but told the old man

| that unless he paid the whole, he would, the next day, make a distress on his premises. The poor man returned home to his wife and children, and told them what had passed, and gave his wife the one-pound note. He could not rest all night. It pressed so much upon his mind and spirits, that when he got up in the morning to go to his daily labour, he committed this rash act.-Lunacy.


A most barbarous murder was committed at Annesley Green, at the house of Peter Lloyd Tatenian, Esq. on the person of Abraham Hunt, who, with his wife, was left in the care of the house. Whilst the old people were getting their supper some persons knocked at the door of a On the 15th ult. the venerable and handsome old mansion of Tiptree House, was destroyed by fire. It was built in 1585, by one of the D'Arcy family, from the extensive ruins of Tiptree Priory; but has of late years been occupied only as a farm-house, the property of Peter Du Cane, Esq of Braxted Lodge.

parlour in which they were sitting, and on Hunt opening it, two men, craped, rushed upon him, forced him down, and bound him and his wife to some drawers. The villains then ransacked the house, but not being able to get into the study, they returned to the old man and demanded the Ley; but not being answered quickly, the villains beat him about the head with sticks until he was lifeless. The thieves took away with them property, in plate and other articles, to the amount of gool, and the poor old woman was found in the parlour the next morning insensible.

BIRTH. The Lady of the Rev. T. Powys, of Fawley, Bucks, of three children, two boys and one girl.

MARRIED -At his house, at Wing, the Hon. and Rev. Henry Jeroine de Salis, D.D. one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary, Count of the Holy Roman Empire,


DEATH-At Stainton, Mr. Sander, eminent in the profession of bone-setting. His death was occasioned by his being overtaken by a thick fog, in passing over the mountains from Burrowdate to Cockermouth, where he was obliged to remain all night, and a heavy rain failing, he had so far lost the use of his limbs that he was unable to mount his horse (which stood by him the whole time), and when day-light appeared, he was under the necessity of crawling a considerable way back again upon his hands and kuees,

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A very gratifying spectacle was lately present ed in the neighbourhood of Swansea to a great concourse of people assembled to witness the publie baptism of three persons, by immersion in the river.. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. J. Harris, Minister of the Baptist Church in Swansea, who delivered a very able and animated address on the occasion, in Welch and English,

which was heard with the greatest attention by the unserous audience that lined both sides of the river, and who testified their respect for the solemnity of the ordinance, by a most serious and becoming behaviour.

LONGEVITY.-In the small parish of Reynoldstone, a few miles from Swansea, there are now living twelve persons, whose united ages amount

to 1008.


DIED. At Newham, a female of the name of Ann Robins, at the advanced age of 108 years: she retained all her faculties to the last.


BOXING.-1 pitched battle for one hundred guineas a side, between two athletic provincial bruisers, of the names of Pearce and Gaton, the former coachman to Colonel H. Hare, who was backed by his master, and the latter the champion of Gloucestershire, backed by Sir C. Cane, was ought ou Cogshali Heath, near Rowney, on May 14th. Although the battle lasted two hours, neither ever fell without a blow, or being thrown by the iron grasp of his adversary. The features of the champions were so distorted, that their faces could not be recognized, and the body hits were such as an ordinary professor could not have endured. Gaton was ultimately beat by a crossbuttock. The winner was put to bed and remained there two days.

MARRIED. At Southampton, Thomas Mallet, Esq. of Jersey, to Miss Saunders, daughter of James Saunders, Esq. of Southampton.


Lately a silver eel, of a size the most remarkable that we believe has ever been recorded in the annals of Natural History, was taken by some labouring men on the muddy shores of the Medway, not far from the lime-works above Rochester. This most remarkable animal was six feet long, about 29 or 30 inches in circumference and weighed 34lbs. When dressed, the flesh was exceedingly white, and of a most delicious flavour.


MARRIED. On the 3d of May, at Manchester, the Rev. William Salmon, to Eliza, third daughter of George Uppleby, Esq. of Barrow Hall, Lincolnshire.


One of those scenes which are a disgrace to the police, lately took place at Spilsby. One Thomas Sowden, of Wainfleet, publicly exposed his wife for sale in Spilsby market, and sold her for five guineas, a larger sum than we have heard a wife to bring at a public sale for some time past. One of the engagements in this disgraceful bargain, was, that the husband should have the liberty of visiting her at what time he thought proper, with out let or molestation. After the conclusion of the sale the parties retired to a public-house, where for five days and nights they reasted upon the fruits of the bargain; but at length tired out by the powerful influence of Morpheus, like pigs, they all retired to the same stye, certainly the fittest place for this unnatural trio. We are astonished the magistrates do not interfere upon these occasions, and prevent such public insults to the morals of the people. Surely they are punishable for an offence contra bonos mores, if by no ether statute.

DIED.-At Holbeach, John Thomas, M. D. many years an eminent surgeon of that place, and sou of Mr. Thomas, of Howsham, near Maston.-- | After a lingering and painful illness, Thomas Preston, Esq. one of the Aldermen of Lincoln. In 1783, he was elected one of the Sheriff's of the city; and in 1792 and 1803, he served the office of Mayor. In his first mayoralty he proposed, and happily carried into eflect, the establishment of a fortnightly fat stock market, which has been of very great advantage, not only to the city, but also to the neighbouring farmers and graziers.At Boston, Miss I. Q. Hodgson, daughter of the late George Fitzwilliam Hodgson, Esq. of Claybrook Hall, Leicestershire-At Louth, aged 100, George Maddison, gent, father of Martin Maddison, Esq. bauker, Southampton.

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MARRIED. On the 7th of May, at St. Mary's, Mr. H. S. Horsley, hosier, of this town, to Miss A. James, daughter of Mr. Samuel James, of Ilkestone, Derbyshire.

the favour of Divine Providence, attained the 50th year of his Reign; to commemorate that happy event, and in testimony of their gratitude for the blessings enjoyed under the mild Government of the best of Kings, the loyal inhabitants of St. Paul's Parish erected this Statue, A. D. 1810."

A singular act of benevolence has occurred at Bristol. The Chairman of the Committee of the Infirmary received a letter, from an unknown individual, enclosing Bank Notes to the amount of 500 guineas, for the benefit of that institution. The letter was printed, probably at a private


MARRIED.-May 18, at Walcot Church, Lieut. Colonel Stirke, of the 6th West India Regiment, to Mary, youngest daughter of D. Carroll, Esq. of Lambridge-place.

DIED.-At Bath, aged 65, Major-General John Parnes, of the Royal Invalid Artillery; an old and much-respected officer.--At Bath, Mr. Thomas Luke, brewer, of Exeter.-On Monday, May 14, aged 72, John Lowder, Esq. an eminent and much respected banker of Bath.


DIED.-At Whitchurch, after a lingering illness, the Rev. Coventry Lichfield, D. D. late Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, Rector of Boyton, Wilts, and Vicar of Honington, Warwickshire. At Shrewsbury, Mrs. Hoskyns, widow of the late Rev. A. Hoskyns, Rector of Stockton, Worcestershire.


MARRIED.-The Rev. Thomas Harteup, som of Lieutenant-General Hartcup, to Miss Parker, daughter of J. Parker, Esq. of Bildestone.

DIED.-At Hintlesham Hall, in Suffolk, in his 80th year, Richard Savage Lloyd, Esq. He sat in two Parliaments, in 1759 and 1761, for the Borough of Totness, in Devonshire, and was son of Sir Richard Lloyd, Esq. formerly one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and Recorder of Ipswich.-Robert Field, Esq. of Gedgrave, near Or



DIED. On the 3d of May, at Blyth, much respected, the Rev. John Thompson, A. M. aged || MARRIED.- At Hull, Mr. W. Anelay, to Mrs.

76. He had been 48 years chaplain to the late Mr. Ridley, and Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. and was esteemed one of the best Hebrew scholars in the North of England.

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C. Whiting. -Mr. Melsom, to Miss Cousins. DIED.-Elizabeth Cobb, of Full Sutton, aged seventy-six, a maiden lady; and while her Trustees were consulting her brother, William Cobb, of Strensall, how she was to be buried, he died during the consultation, aged seventy-four. By their great frugality, and narrow way of living, they have scraped together about 11,000l. They have both made wills, and left 22001, to the poor of Strensall, Full Sutton, and High Catton, and about 20001. more in small legacies.

London: Printed by and for J. BELL, Southampton-street, Strand.



THIS Poem during the short time in which it has been before the public has excited great interest; and though we must confess, even in limine, that it has some faults, we are compelled, likewise, in justice to acknowledge, that it has very considerable merit. The characteristic feature of Walter Scott is, that he possesses a great susceptibility of mind, the images of nature present themselves strongly and clearly to his imagination, he sees distinctly, he conceives wish the spirit and vigour of a Poet, and he knows how to select. His fault is a namby pamby kind of versification, sometimes extended through a whole Canto, the inanity of which is concealed from himself, and from superficial readers, by an antiquated jargon, a nomenclature of words, which being out of date, and some of which, perhaps, never in use, give a seeming meaning to images which, denominated by their usual name, would be trite and familiar. This is a species of quackery which the genius of Walter Scott should have disdained; it is worthy only of a school-boy Poet, whose memory cannot divest itself of the images of the Gradus, and who strings together Arethusa, Pieria, and Arcada, according as genius and the occasion of his metre may require.

The story of the Lady of the Lake has not much variety; its main points are as follow: A Knight, Sir James Fitz-James, hunting in the vicinity of Loch Katrine is separated from his companions, his horse dies under him, and he finds himself alone in a solitude which is described in the true spirit of poetry. He sounds his horn, and a skiff immediately issues forth from under an oak tree, which branches over a lake. The boat contains a female figure, the Lady of the Lake-The Knight is received into the boat, and conducted over the Lake to the house of her father, the Earl of Douglas, who in the civil wars of that period bad sought refuge in the small Isles of Clan Alpine-The Knight, after being hospitably entertained for the night, departs in the morning. On the day of his departure, Roderick Dhu, the friend and champion of Douglas, likewise arrives, and with him Mal. coin the Græme.-Malcolm and Roderick are rivals.-Intelligence is received, that James King of Scotland, having discovered the netreat No. V. Vol. I.-N. S.

of Douglas and his daughter, the Lady of the Lake, was about to attack the Island -Roderick Dhu prepares for battle, and consults a Monk, something between a Wizard and a Monk. - The Monk, after making divers spells, and consultations, replies, that that party should gain the victory, who should kill the first man of the enemy

In the mean time, Sir James Fitz-James, being enamoured of the Lady of the Lake, and ignorant of any warlike preparations, comes back to the Island secretly, but is betrayed by his guide, Red Murdock, to Roderick Dhu.Roderick, believing him to be a spy, resolves that he shall be the victim marked out by the prediction, and accordingly plants his guards, so that in due time they might seize him-Sir James Fitz-James, however, on his return, is met by a maniac, who, in a song, mystically forewarns him of the ambuscade, in consequence of which, and some proofs of treachery, be endeavours to seize Murdock, his guide. The latter escapes but is killed in the fight, after having killed the maniac by an arrow aimed at the Knight. Roderick then continues his progress, and proceeds only by night. He suddenly comes upon a shepherd, watching around a fire in the forest. This shepherd is Rhoderick Dhu. The two Knights fight, and Roderick falls.

Whilst these events are proceeding, Douglas and his daughters resolved to spare the effusion of blood on their account, and take the resolution of throwing themselves on the mercy of King James. The Lady of the Lake goes on this errand, and employs a ring which Sir James Fitz-James had given her, and which the King had given him, to procure access to the monarch's person.-She succeeds, and on offering the ring, recognises Sir James FitzJames in the King of Scotland. The King having seen her father and herself under this disguise, becomes acquainted with their innocence, pardons them, and restores them to their lands and honours. The Lady of the Lake is married to Malcolm the Græme, and all is happiness. The feast and the dance con

clude the whole.

Such is the general plan of this Poem, which has certainly wildness and romance enough, and is therefore well calculated for the geniu, of Walter Scott. We have nothing to object to his choice of subject.

*l i

This fable is distributed through six Cantos, and the division is made with equal art and simplicity. In the first Canto, the Lady of the Lake is introduced. Nothing can be more picturesque than the description of the scenery of the place where Fitz-James loses himself, and whenc the Lady of the Lake issues. Indeed, if we were to characterize Mr. Walter Scott, we should say that he was infinitely the best descriptive Poct of his age; he evidently paints from Nature, and he paints from the feelings and with the powers of a Poet. His scenery is rich and luxuriant beyond all power of praise.

The reader, however, shall here judge for himself-Fitz-James bas lost his horse, and is separated from his suite.

"From the steep promontory gazed "The stranger, raptured and amazed: "And, What a scene were here,' he cried, "" For princely pomp or churchman's pride! "On this bold brow, a lordly tower; "In that soft vale, a lady's bower; "On yonder meadow, far away, "The turrets of a cloister grey; "How blithely might the bugle horn "Chide, on the lake, the lingering morn! "How sweet, at eve, the lover's lute "Chime, when the groves were still and mute! " And, when the midnight moon did lave "Her forehead in the silver wave, "How solemn on the ear would come "The holy mattin's distant hum, "While the deep peal's commanding tone

Should wake, in yonder islet lone, "A sainted hermit from his cell, "To drop a bead with every knell"And bugle, lute, and bell, and all, "Should each bewildered stranger call "To friendly feast, and lighted hall. "Blithe were it then to wander here! "But now, beshrew yon nimble deer,"Like that same hermit's, thin and spare, "The copse must give my evening fare; "Some mossy bank my couch must be, "Some rustling oak my canopy. "Yet pass we that;-the war and chase "Give little choice of resting-place;"A summer night, iu green-wood spent, "Were but to morrow's merriment;"But hosts may in these wilds abound, "Such as are better missed than found; "To meet with highland plunderers here "Were worse than loss of steed or deer."I am alone; -my bugle strain "May call some straggler of the train;

"Or, fall the worst that may betide,
"Ere now this falchion has been tried."

"But scare again his horn he wound,
"When lo! forth starting at the sound,
"From underneath an aged oak,
"That slanted from the islet rock,
"A damsel guider of its way,
"A little skiff shot to the bay,
"That round the promontory steep
"Led its deep line in graceful sweep,
" Eddying, in almost viewless wave,
"The weeping willow twig to lave,
"And kiss, with whispering sound and slow,
"The beach of pebbles bright as snow.
"The boat had touched this silver strand,
"Just as the hunter left his stand,
"And stood concealed amid the brake
"To view this Lady of the Lake.
"The maiden paused, as if again
"She thought to catch the distant strain.
"With head up-raised, and look intent,
"And eye and ea attentive bent,
"And locks flung back, and lips apart,
"Like monument of Grecian art.

"In listening mood she seemed to stand, "The guardian Naiad of the strand.

"And ne'er did Grecian chizzel trace "A Nymph, a Naiad, or a Grace, "Of finer form, or lovelier face! "What though the sun, with ardent frown, "Had slightly tinged her cheek with brown,"The sportive toil, which, short and light, "Had dyed her glowing hue so bright, "Served too in hastier swell to show "Short glimpses of a breast of snow; "What though no rule of courtly grace "To measured mood had trained her pa e,"A foot more light, a step more true, "Ne'er from the heath flower dashed the dew; "E'en the slight hare-bell raised its head, "Elastic from her airy tread : "What though upon her speech there hung "The accents of the mountain tongue,"Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, "The listener held his breath to hear.

"A chieftain's daughter seemed the maid; "Her sattin snood, ber silkeu plaid, "Her golden brooch, such birth betray'd, "And seldom was a snood amid "Such wild luxuriant ringlets hid, "Whose glossy black to shame might bring "The plumage of the raven's wing; "And seldom o'er a breast so fair "Mantled a plaid with modest care, "And never brooch the folds combined "Above a heart more good and kind. "Her kindness and her worth to spy, "You need but gaze on Ellen's eye ;

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