VARIETIES, CRITICAL, LITERARY, AND HISTORICAL. MONTHLY MISCELLANY. INCLUDING VARIETIES CRITICAL, LITERARY, AND HISTORICAL. COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE. TRAGEDY OF LEAR. THE long interval of turbulence has sharpened the appetites of the public, and the excellencies; of the drama are now better understood, because better felt. The managers meet this increased interest of the public with increased efforts ou their parts. The best plays of Shakespeare are gotten up, and it is not too much to say, that they are gotten up in the best possible manner. The paraphernalia of the Tragic Muse keeps pace with the progress of the arts and the luxury of the times; and England now exhibits spectacles, which Greece in all her elegance, and Rome in all her magnificence, could never exceed. degree of inventive genius in finding ont that be With respect to the manner in which the play has been gotten up, it may generally said, that the magnificence of the scenery was not inferior to the dignity of the tragedy. Propriety of and time would have here perhaps destroyed the effects of the piece, If LEAR ever lived at all, it was in an age before British King's wore purple and gold, before there were Farts and Dukes, before there were palaces, and almost houses. A Manager is not to be pinned down to this rigid propriety; the times were Saxon, and the scenery and appendages were generally of the Saxon character. This was enough; nore would have Mr. Kemble has revived Shakespeare's KING | hurt the effect of the scene. THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME. A new Pantomime, under the name of "HARLEQUIN PEDLAR, or the HAUNTED WELL," has been produced at this Theatre. LEAR. This is certainly not the time of day to criticise Shakespeare. He has been tried so often that he has been dismissed from the assay. LEAR is one of those plays which has all his faults and almost all his excellencies. Its excellence is the faithful and forcible representation of general nature, as seen in filial ingratitude on one side, and in the phrenzied agony of passion which it excites on the other. Shakespeare, alone of all writers, knows how to follow up hispassion through all varieties, and to give to it the shades and colours which those varieties, like different mechanic principles, necessarily produce in the origi-turesque representation of any known place; A Pantomime, as it appears to us, should hare two leading qualities---its scenery should be of the nature of Panorama, and its tricks the farce of action. We cannot say of this Pantomime that it has any scene of this kind; there is no pie nal. The defects of LEAR are---a total disregard of the inferior constituents of the drama. LEAR, a Pagan, prays and talks like a Christian; has his heaven and his hell; and refers to all the philosophical doctrines of Greece, who, by dint of the excellency of human wisdom and segacity,bon or Madrid? If descriptions of these places there is no single scene for which a person would of the audience approached as near to truth as it was possible, or allowed, to mere human reason. The images and appendages are equally contrary to the nature of the times in which LEAR was supposed to live. Kemble was nearly all that we could wish in LEAR. The character, as we have said, consists of two parts,---the energy of a strong passion, as tempered by the natural weakness of an old man, ---alternately raving and weeping, and occasion-Comedy and Tragedy the labour of the scene In the tenderness of the passion ally doing both. In the energy of the passion, well, than curse pronounced nature Another quality of Pantomimic scenery should be the perspective, picturesque---of natural scenery.---Pantomime affords the only means of intro. during such scenery on the stage, inasmuch as in would detract too much from the interest of the action. HARLEQUIN PEDLAR bad one scene of this kind, the Snow scene; MOTHER Goose had many. With respect to the action of a Pantomime, it will have more effect where, though farcical and extraordinary, it has some nature; such as the SQUIRE in MOTHER GOOSE. We do not see why characters of this kind might not be frequently introduced. There is something, however, for which we must praise this Pantomime; that all the Devils with their torches and brimstone beards, are left out. Perhaps there are too many Fairies, and too much of them. This is a kind of machinery which should be very sparingly used. Good mechanical tricks, and real farcical action---the natural awkwardness of a Clown, and the incidental humour of goods and chattels, are worth all the clouds, the roses, and gold and silver nefactor. But his endeavours fail. ALFORD is rescued from robbers by the interference of HENRY TORRINGHAM. The villainy of Old TRANSIENT is unmasked, and in despair he prepares to make his escape from London. The Countess de ROSALBA, who loves and is beloved by HENRY TORRINGHAM, is however enabled, by means of a letter falling into her hands by mistake, to prevent Old TRANSIENT'S escape. Af this moment Major TORRINGHAM, who was supposed to have lost his life in the duel, arrives in London. This inveterate duellist has followed ALFORD on the Continent, resolved that death alone should decide the difference. A meeting || between the combatants occurs in the presence of the Countess, who exposes the fallacy of false honour---and TORRINGHAM bows to the protecter of his children, awed and humbled by superior virtue. The comic efforts of this piece result principally from the character of GEORGE TRANSIENT, a good natured, thoughtless, absent man, who is tormented with the wish of becoming a man of business, and who, "as too busy by half," disappoints all the characters in the piece by falling asleep at the very hour when he had engaged to arrange every thing in which they are most interested. rected, and all leading to discoveries which place the parties in absurd situations. Such is the plot of this play. It is one of those sentimental productions which, like some good kind of folks in common life, it is as diffienit to find fault with as to tolerate. It is a string of tedious sentiment, the truth of one of which no maw can deny; and every one of which is as old as the Christion æта. The Poets of the present day have fortunately succeeded in erecting another standard of criticism; they are judged by a reference to their own works, and Reynolds and Diblin are acquitted, if Morton end Arnold have gone before them. The new world is governed by totally different laws from the old world; nothing is borrowed from nature; a man dies and revives again; a slopseller at Wapping becomes a person of fashion, and a man, who will trust no one else, trusts an attorney. Every lady is married just at the moment she becomes impatient, and be the difficutties ever so great, the fifth act, and the general reconciliation, in spite of nature, and perhaps the prohibited degrees of the laws of the land and the marriage act, concludes every thing. Mr. Cobb, however, certainly deserves the praise of not having offended, and whilst insufferable nonsense is not only acted but applauded, Mr. Cobb likewise may come in for his share of toleration. REVIVAL OF CINDERELLA. The Old Drury-Lane Company seems to be doing little at the Lyceum. The revival of CINDERELLA---the most insipidly and unskilfully dramatised of any of the nursery tales, will, we fear, do them little good. There is too much of the heavy machinery of the Pagan Heaven, and a total want of that kind and degree of nature which we expect to find in such things. MOTHER BUNCH was more of a conjuror than the compiler of this Pantomime. Her tales are full of nature; and though she adops the machinery of fairies, she works it according to the rules of a well governed fancy. If she builds castles in the air, they are of just symmetry and proportion, and con structed upon the plan of regular architecture. ACCOUNT OF THE RECEPTION OF HIS MAJESTY'S MISSION AT THE COURT OF The reception which his Majesty's Mission met with on the day of its entry into Tæhran (the present capital of Persia), although it had been marked all through the country by acts of unparalleled courtesy, was more flattering there than it had been at any other place. Two noblemen were deputed by the King to meet Sir Harford Jones. These persons, and their numerous attendants, escorted the Envoy to a palace which was allotted for his habitation, belonging to the second Minister of State, where refreshments of all descripti ons were in waiting for him. On the third day after his arrival, Sir Harford Jones was admitted to the Royal Presence: about eleven o'clock in the morning, Sir Harford Jones, bearing his Majesty's letter in a beautiful ornamented case, followed by Mr. Morier with the presents in a gold dish, and attended by the other Gentlemen of the suite, issued from his apartment, and walked in procession to where the horses and attendants were in waiting, when they proceeded A variety of incidents arise from this, among which is the circumstance of GEORGE TRANSIENT writing letters to the principal characters in the Comedy; all which letters are wrongly di-in the following order to the King's palace: Persian Guards. An Indian Officer, and four Troopers. The Envoy's led Horse. The Mirakhor, Ferash Basha, &c. Six Running Footmen in Scarlet and Gold. The ENVOΥ. The Envoy's Secretary and Suite. The Body Guard, Forty in number, with peter and Colours. 1 ries of Views, exhibiting the most remarkable Dr. Botla will speedily publish his Travels A collection of Poems, selected from the posthumous papers of John Dawes Worgan, late of Bristol, is in the press. They will be accompa nied by a sketch of his life and character, by an Trum-early associate and friend; and an Introductory Preface by William Hawley, Esq. up The procession going through the principal streets of the city, the troops with swords drawn and colours flying, at length reached the Gate of State, where soldiers formed a line for the Envoy and his suite to pass through. When they had dismounted from their horses, Sir Harford took the letter, and Mr. Morier the presents from the litter, and then with the rest of the suite were conducted by the Lord Chamberlain and the Master of the Ceremonies through the different walks of the Court, and at every angle where they could be seen by the King, they were stopped and made profound bows. They were then brought facing to where his Persian Majesty was seated, when the Lord Chamberlain announced that an Envoy from the King of England was arrived with a letter and presents, and begged to approach his Roval presence.. The King, from within his apartment, exclaimed with a lond voice, "Hosh Amedeed," or "You are welcome." Sir Harford and his suite then entered, having previously taken off their shoes at the door; and having made their bows, Sir Harford Jones addressed the King in a short speech, which was interpreted by Jafer Ali Khan, one of the Envoy's suite. He was then conducted to a chair that had been placed on purpose for him. His Majesty asked, with great apparent solicitude, after the health of his Brother of England, then enquired after the Envoy's health, the cir The Favourite Village, with another Poem never before published, by Dr. Hurdis, late Professor of Poetry at Oxford, wiil speedily appear. The Letters of the late Miss Seward are in the press they will form tive volumes, post octave, and will be embellished with portraits and other plates. The Rev. Mr. Dudley will shortly publish a Poem on the Hindoo Mythology, with a copious vocabulary. The Kor. Mr. Hodgson, is preparing a collec tive edition of the Works of his venerable relation, the late Bishop of London; to which will be prefixed a life of the author, founded on the most authentic materials. The Rev. Josh Pratt is preparing for the press two volumes, one of which will contain Memoirs of young Men, and the other Memoirs of young Women, compiled or abridged from authentic documents, and designed to illustrate te nature and operation of real religion. Sir Richard Colt Hoare has in the press the History of Ancient Wiltshire, and the first part, illustrated with several plates, will appear early in the spring. From an enumeration recently made it appears that in the principal works on the science of Botany, are described 19,303 species of plants, forming 2046 genera, 6-3 of which have but one spe This enumeration is, however, onis an approximation to the truth, as the works referred to are defective, and the number of described plants may be safely set down at 22,000. cumstances of his journey, and a thousand ques-cies, 263 but two, 174 but three, and 124 but four. tions about his welfare; expressed his satisfaction at having him at his Court, and then required that all the rest of the Gentlemen of the Envoy's suite should be introduced to him one by one; which having been performed by the Vizir, his Majesty said with great affability to every separate person, "You are welcome." The visit having lasted nearly an hour, Sir Harford and his suite returned to their house nearly with the same ceremony with which they came. It is a fact which ought to be known to all Louse-wives, that if they begin to grate a nutmeg at the stalk end, it will prove hollow throughout; whereas the summe nutmeg grated from the other end would have proved sound and solid to the last. This is accounted for in the following manner: the centre of the antmeg consists of a number of fibres issuing from the stalk and its continuation through the centre of the fruit; the other ends of the fibres, though closely surrounded and pressed by fruit, The Public will speedily be gratified by the not adhere to it. When the stalk publication of a series of Letters from Madame is grated away, those fibres having lost their hold, la Marquise du Deftand to the Hon. Horace Wal-gradually drop ont and the nutmeg appears bol low; by beginning at the contrary end, the fibres above-mentioned are grated off at the core end with the surrounding fruit, and do not drop out and cause a hole. WORKS IN THE PRESS. pole, afterwards Earl of Orford, between the years 1766 and 1780. To these will be added some Letters from the same lady to Voltaire, published from the originals at Strawberry-hill. A life of Mad. du Deffand will be prefixed by the Editor; and the Letters will be accompanied with copious explanatory notes. An Historical Narrative of the late War in the the do For some time the curiosity of the Parisians has been gratied by M. Franconi, with a spectacle truly extraordinary, that of a Stag, the most timid of animals, tamed and trained to the same pere Levant, from 1793 to 1801, is preparing for pub-formances as the most tractable and courageous fication. It will be accompanied with picturesque views, marine scenery, and a map of the Ottoman empire. Messrs. Daniells intend to publish under the title of Picturesque Voyages and Travels, a se horse. Led by his instructor, the docile animal advances into the arena, looking round on every side with an air equally expressive of gentleness and intelligence. At the command of his master he bends his knees and respectfully bows his head. M. Franconi gets upon his back, cracks his whip, He happened by accident one day to omit hangand fires pistols, at which the animal shows neithering this amulet about his neck; a second and a third day passed, and as several years had elapsed without a fit, he began to think that the magnet had altered his very system, and rendered him intangible by gout. One night, however, he awoke in torment; his dreams of security were dissipated. He called for his safeguard, threw it about his neck, and escaped with a slight attack. Never since has he been without his loadstone, which he wears night and day, and enjoys perfect freedom from all the pains inflicted by his old enemy. The skeleton of the mammoth found in the ice at the mouth of the river Lena, in Siberia, has been for some time publicly exhibited at Moscow. It is said to be intended for the museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh. Professor Tilesius has made forty drawings of the skeleton and its various parts, which he means to publish in folio, with observations. fear nor alarm. After this first experiment he is left to himself, and made to perform the exercises of the manage like the best trained horse. He sets off at full gallop, turns and stops at the word of command. He leaps over rails with wonderful agility, and even clears two horses at once. After every performance be stands still, fixes his eyes on his master, and endeavours to discover from his Jooks whether he is satisfied. M. Franconi then goes up to him, pats him, and bestows other caresses, for which the gentle animal testifies the highest gratitude. In the last place, a triumphal arch, charged with fire-works, is erected in the middle of the arena: it is set on fire, and the Stag, impatient for the signal, starts off the moment it is given, and passes twice under the blazing arch, amidst the shouts and applauses of the spectators. The following remarkable case, which is given upon unquestionable authority, appears to deserve A shark of extraordinary dimensions lately the attention of all who are afflicted with that made its appearance in the upper parts of the painful disease the gout. Henry Hind Pelly, Esq. river Hoogley (in Bengal) where the Hindoos are of Upton, Essex, a gentleman advanced in years, accustomed to perform their ablutions. Many And who used to be laid up with a violent fit for attempts were made to destroy it, but in vain. three or four months every year, having read in Three Bramins, with several of their followers, some old hook that a loadstone worn next the were among its victims; and the greatest conskin is a sure preservative against the gout, and sternation prevailed among the bathers, who, raknowing that some of the finest and most power-ther than forego the practice consecrated by their ful magnets are found in Golconda, employed an religion, were content to enjoy it at the risk of agent in India to procure him one from that pro- their lives. vince. This stone, chipped into a convenient A French traveller who not long ago visited the shape, he constantly wears sewed in a little flan-island of St. Domingo, and the town of that name, nel case, suspended by a black ribbon round his neck, next his skin. It is about two inches long, au inch and a half broad, and two tenths of an fuch thick; and its magnetic virtue is very great. It nearly resembles a piece of slate. Mr. Pelly observes that he has now and then some slight twinges which only serve to remind him of the terrible paroxysms to which he was once subject. highly commends the judgment of Columbus in selecting so happy a situation, where the heat of the climate is constantly moderated by breezes, The house which that distinguished navigator built for his own residence is still standing, but in a dilapidated condition. No respect is paid to it; no inscription marks it; no attention is bestowed on repairing it. INCIDENTS OCCURRING IN AND NEAR LONDON, INTERESTING MARRIAGES, &c EXTRAORDINARY SUICIDES. On Friday Jan. 5, an Inquest was held at the Nag's Head, Orange-court, Leicester-fields, before Anthony Gell, Esq. Coroner for Westminster, on the body of Mademoiselle Annette Paris, then lying dead at No. 4, St. Martin's-street, Leicester-fields. Sarah Upton deposed, that she is housemaid to the place, that the deceased had lodged about seven weeks in the house, during which time the witness attended more particularly than any other servant about the person of the deceased. She frequently observed that the unfortunate young lady appeared to be rather flightyand tiresome in her manner, such as ringing the bell violently, one had said she was mad; another time she gave. the witness a shilling to buy her some laudanum. The witness said, "Good God, Miss, you surely must be mad to think of such a thing; besides, you know it is contrary to law, and I can't procure it." She then sat down and wept bitterly; she said she could get it in a minute, she had been used to take it for a pain in her bowels. The witness replied, "Very well, Miss, you may kill yourself but I shall not give my assistance to the deed." At other times, the poor young lady would be to all appearance in excellent spirits, when all of a sudden she would burst into tears, withont any thing being said or done at the time to occasion it; and she would sometimes fiddle with her clothes, like a person who was beside herself. On Wednesday she went out at six, and returned ing counter orders; at other times she would ring dizened with artificial flowers; she got a candle, with equal violence, and when any of the servants went up to her own apartments, and returned in inquired what she wanted, she would tell them she about seven minutes; she refused to take tea with wanted nothing. She was also extremely inco-two young ladies that were in the parlour at the herent in her discourse, rambling from one sub- time; she sat down at first in an extremely penject to another with the utmost rapidity, and with-sive manner; then, in the course of a minute or out there being the least connection between each. two, with the utmost wildness in her countenance, At one time the deceased told witness that some she exclaimed, "Oh, I shall neversee him again giving orders, and almost immediately after giv-again at eight o'clock, having her bonnet all be, I have done the job! I have taken good care that the laudun I took should do the business." The witness was instantly alarmed, knowing that the deceased had ordered her to get some lankaatun for her before then. She ran up stairs in the utmost consternation, and saw one small bottle full of landanum, and two others empty which evidently had contained the same sort of poisonous liquid. Medical assistance was sent for immediately, three professional gentlemen attended, but they could afford her no relief. The witness endeavoured to get some explanation from her as to what induced her to commit such an act of desperation, but in vain---she looked wild, and continued raving for some time, said she knew that she had done wrong, and in disjointed sentence sand broken accents raved something about her loving a young man. The Jury, without a moment's hesitation, returned their verdict---INSANITY. This young lady was the daughter of Monsieur Paris, a French emigrant of rank, who, together with his wife and child, was protected by the benevolence and liberality of Mr. Pearce, Member for Northallerton. Her father has been dead some years: her mother died lately. Miss Paris was placed by this gentleman in a respectable school near Brunswick-square, and one evening at the Foundling formed an acquaintance quaintance with a gentleman of the name of Jones, a very respectable young man, serving in the Navy. Having found out his lodgings, with out invitation on his part, she eloped to him in the dead of night.---He received her, but respecting her situation, and with a tenderness which is creditable to him, restored her to her governess. Shortly afterwards he visited in the family, made proposals of marriage; was accepted by Mr. Pearce, and, in his presence, and by his consent as her guardian, he was married to Miss Paris. Some triffing settlement, not exceeding £60 per annum, was made by Mr. Pearce upon this young lady, and we believe that Mr. Jones received scarcely any pecuniary advantage by the marriage. He was in the Navy, and the son of a wealthy and respectable tradesman, we believe an armyclothier. He took his wife to his father's house, who received her with parental attention, and offered to contribute every thing to her happiness. But such was the perverseness and unhappy indiseretion of this young woman, that she soon quarrelled with her husband's family, and obliged him to remove her to lodgings, either in Camden Town or Edgeware-road. They lived here about a month; when, having reason to be dissatisfied with her extravagance and conduct, he procured her to be watched, one evening, out of the house, and she was traced, in company with a young officer, whose arm she appears to have seized hold of casually in the street, to a notorious brothel. In these circumstances, Mr. Jones proceeded with remarkable tenderness; but, upon taxing his wife with her infidelity, she made no justification, acknowledged it without reserve or hesitation; protested her insuperable her insuperable hatred and contempt of her husband; slighted her proferred proferr conditional forgiveness; eloped from his house, and immediately went upon the town. Her prostitution was undisguised and promiscuous; she became, with respect to personal virtue, wholly abandoned; and the consequence was, that she was compelled, very lately, to take refuge in an hospital,---the asylum of criminal disease, and indigent indiscretion.---Upon being restored to health, she disdained all invitation to repentance, which the kindness of her friends indaced them to make.---She again broke out into No. I. Vol. I.-N S. 1 her profligate courses, and it is to be feared, that mortification and violence of passion, concurring with intemperance, upon a mind wholly vacant and unimpressed with moral and religious principles, induced her to shorten her course and terminate her career of profligacy by poison. It is, however, but charitable to conclude, that her mind was disordered. Her person was extremely beautiful; her age seventeen; her figure light and delicate, and her manners truly prepossessing; she sang, and understood music well, and possessed many of the customary accomplishments of females; but of real solid education, of mental improvement, of moral and Christian knowledge, she had not the faintest vestige---never was savage in this respect more unenlightened. This statement is made, from personal knowledge, in justice to those who survive her. With respect to her death, the circumstances are truly dreadful. On Thursday, Jan. 18, Mr Lyon Levi, a diamond merchant, of about fifty years of age, precipitated himself from the top of the Monument, and was literally dashed to pieces. Mr. Levi attend. ed to several appointments in the city about eleven o'clock, and transacted his usual business; and at twelve obtained admission to view the Monument. He walked several times round the outside of the iron railing before he sprung off, and in falling, the body turned over and over hefore it reached the ground. When near the bottom it came in contract with one of the griffins which ornamented the lower part of the building. A porter, with a load on his back, narrowly escaped the body of the deceased, which fell a few paces from him in Monument-yard. Mr. Levi has left a wife and eight grown-up children. The only evidence before the Coroner was, that the deceased had paid for admission into the Monument, observing to the keeper, that some ladies were shortly to join him, upon which the man said, "Sir, had not you better wait until the ladies come?" The deceased, however, proceeded onwards directly; and on reaching the gallery, precipitated himself over the railing, and falling on his head, expired without a groan. He was one of the most extensive dealers in diamonds, pearls, rubies, topazes, emeralds, and other precious stones, in England. He had been, however, unfortunate in several very extensive speculations, and having spent many years in the most honourable affluence, his altered circumstances made a deep impression on his mind; he was observed to be frequently of a gloomy habit, was totally absorbed in thought, and absent from every thing that was the topic of conversation around him. Under all these circumstances, the Jury returned a verdict of---Insanity. Other two instances of this kind have happened in the last 60 years. The first is mentioned in Chamberlain's History of London. "June 25, 1750, about four o'clock in the afternoon, a man, supposed to be a weaver, fell from the top; he struck the pedestal, and pitched on a post which laid open his skull, and he was otherwise most terribly shattered." Second, July 7, 1788, Thomas Craddock, a baker, threw himself over the North side; he cleared the pedestal and the iron rails, but fell just outside of them, near the N. W. corner. The fall from the top of the gallery inclosure to the ground, is about 175 feet. The extreme height of the Monument is 202 feet.---The gallery is 32 feet below the top of the vase; it leaves 170 feet for the height of the floor of the gallery, to which add five fect for the height of its inclosure, it makes 175 feet fall. H |