MAXIMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF LIFE. SIR MATHEW HALE. Tars celebrated man united, in a remarkable degree, the virtues of moral life, and the wisdom of ancient philosophy, with the most ardent piety towards God and charity to man. He had one of the blessings of virtue in the highest measure, and which does not always follow it, that he was universally valued and admired by men of all sides and persuasions His name is scarcely ever mentioned but with accents of particular respect, and all those who knew, and have written of Sir Mathew Hale, (and the most illustrious writer of his age, Dr. Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, was his biographer) speak of him as one of the most perfect patterns of religion and virtue. His Maxims, which were written to his children, for the direction of their lives in the great affairs of religion and morality, deserve to be imprinted upon the minds of the rising Magdalen Hall in Oxford, where Obadiah Sedgwick was his tutor. He was an extraordinary proficient at school, and for some time at Oxford. But the stage-players coming thither, he was so much corrupted by seeing many plays, that he almost wholly forsook his studies By this he not only lost much time, but found that his head came to be thereby filled with much vain images of things, that they were at best unprofitable, if not hurtful to him; and being afterwards sensible of the mischief of this, he resolved upon his coming to London, (where he knew the opportunities of such sights would be more frequent and inviting) never to see a play again, to which he constantly adhered. "The corruption of a young man's mind in one particular generally draws on a great many more after it, so be being now taken off from generation. Without the foppery and affecta-following his studies, and from the gravity of tion of Chesterfield, the instructions helays down for manners are more amiable and sincere. They inculcate the proper principles of good breeding, by tracing them to the only teantain of benevolence the beart. They exalt manners to a high point in the scale of human virtue, by requiring that they should originate in a desire to please by conduct and not by gesture, by sincerity and not by affectation. In an age, when virtue is reduced to exterior conduct, and the honours of it pretty generally assigned to mere decorum; when life is artificially accommodated to popular gaze and applause, and the test of conscience is superseded by that of worldly approbation, when religion languishes without vital warmth, and morality is seldom nearer to the heart than the tongue, in such an age, we say, the MAXIMS of Sir Mathew Hale may be deemed a suitable staff for a declining virtue to repose his deportment, that was formerly eminent in him, far beyond his years, set himself to many of the vanities incident to youth, but still preserved his purity, and a great probity of mind. Heloved fine clothes, and delighted much in company: and being of a strong and robust body, he was a great master at all those exercises, that required much strength. He also learned to fence, and handled his weapons, in which he became so expert, that he worsted many of the masters of those arts: but as he was exercising himself in them, an instance appeared, that shewed a good judgment, and gave some hopes of better things. One of his masters told him he could teach him no more, for he was now better at his own trade than himself was. This Mr. Hale looked on as flattery: so to make the master discover himself, he promised him the house he lived in, for he was his tenant, if he could hit him a blow on the head; and bid him do his best, for he would be as good as his word: so after a little engagement, his master being really superior to him, hit him on the head, and he performed his promise; for he gave him the house freely and was not unwilling at that rate to learn so early to distinguish flattery from plain and simple truth. "When he was past the twentieth year of his age he was admitted into Lincolns-inn: and being deeply sensible how much time he had lost, and that idle and vain things had over run and almost corrupted his mind, he resolved to follow his studies with a diligence that could not be believed, if the signal effects of it did not gain it credit. He studied for many years at the rate of sixteen hours a day; he threw aside all fine clothes, and betook himself to a plain fashion, which he continued to use in many points to his dying day. "The honour of reclaiming him from the idleness of his former course of life, is due to the memory of that eminent lawyer, serjeant Glanvil, and since my design in writing is to purpose a pattern of heroic virtue to the world, I shali memion one passage of the serjeant which ought never to be forgotten. His father had a fair estate which he intended to before them, so that all that were present were not a little affrighted at it, who did what they could to bring him to himself again: this did particularly affect Mr. Hale, who there. upon went into another room, and shutting the door, fell on his knees, and prayed earnestly to God, both for his friend, that he might be restored to life again; and that himself might be forgiven for giving such countenance to so much excess: and he vowed to God, that he would never again keep company in that manner, nor drink a health while he lived: his friend recovered, and he most religiously ob. served his vow till his dying day. And though he was afterwards pressed to drink healths, particularly the king's, which was set up by too many as a distinguished mark of loyalty, and drew many into great excess after his majesty's happy restoration, yet he could never dispense with his vow, though he was sometimes roughly treated for this, which some hot and indiscreet men called obstinacy. "This wrought an entire change on him: now he forsook all vain company, and divided himself between the duties of religion, and the studies of his profession; in the former he was so regular, that for six-and-thirty years time, he never once failed going to church on the Lord's day; this observation he made when an ague first interrupted that constant settle on his elder brother, but he being a vicious young man, and there appearing no hopes of his recovery, he settled it on him, that was his second son. Upon his death, his eldest son finding that what he had before looked on as the threatnings of an angry father, was now but too certain, became melancholy, and that by degrees wrought so great a change on him, that what his father could not prevail in while he lived, was now effected by the severity of his last will, so that it was now too late for him to change in hopes of an estate that was gone from him. But his brother observing the reality of the change, resolved within himself what to do: so he call-course, and he reflected on it, as an acknow ed him, with many of his friends together to a feast, and after other dishes had been served to the dinner, he ordered one that was covered to be set before his brother, and desired him to uncover it; which he doing, the company was surprized to find it full of writings. So he told them that he was now to do what he was sure his father would have done if he had lived to see that happy change, which they now all saw in his brother: and therefore he freely restored to him the whole estate. This is so great an instance of a generous and just disposition, that I hope the reader will easily pardon this digression, and that the rather, since that worthy serjeant was so instrumental in the happy change that followed in the course of Mr. Hale's life. "Yea he did not at first break off from keeping too much company with some vain people, till a sad accident drove him from it; for he with some other young students, being invited to be merry out of town, one of the company called for so much wine, that notwithstanding all that Mr. Hale could do to prevent it, he went on in his excess till he fell down as dead ledgement of God's great goodness to him, in so long a continuance of his health. "Once as he was buying some cloth for a new suit, the draper, with whom he differed about the price, told him he should have it for no thing, if he would promise him an hundred pounds when he came to be Lord Chief Justice of England; to which he answered, that he could not with a good conscience wear any mau's cloth, unless he paid for it; so he satisfied the draper, and carried away the cloth, Yet that same draper lived to see him advanced to the same dignity." It will not seem strange, that a judge behaved himself as he did, who at the entry into his employment, set such excellent rules to himself, which will appear in the following paper, copied from the original under his own hand: THINGS NECESSARY TO BE CONTINUALLY 1. That in the administration of justice, I am intrusted for God, the king and country; and therefore, 2 That it be done, 1. Uprightly, 2. Delibe * These selections are from Burnet, who rately, 3. Resolutely. peaks in the first person. No. I. Vol. I.-N. 8. 3. That I rest not upon my own under E standing or strength, but implore and rest upon the direction and strength of God. 4. That in the execution of justice, I carefully lay aside my own passions, and not give way to them, however provoked. 5. That I be wholly intent upon the business I am about, remitting all other cares and thoughts, as unseasonable and interruptions. 6. That I suffer not myself to be prepossessed with any judgment at all, till the whole business and both parties be heard. of causes but in open court, where both parties were to be heard alike;' so he would not suffer bim to go on: whereupon his Grace (for he was a Duke) went away not a little dissatisfied, and complained of it to the King, as a rudeness that was not to be endured. But his Majesty bid him 'content himself that he was no worse used, and said, he verily believed he would have used himself no better, if he had gone to solicit him in any of his own causes.' "Another passage fell out in one of his cir 7. That I never engage myself in the begin-cuits, which was somewhat censured as an ning of any cause, but reserve myself unprejudiced till the whole be heard. 3. That in business capital, though my nature prompt me to pity; yet to consider, that there is also a pity due to the country. 9. That I he not too rigid in matters purely consciencions, where all the harm is diversity of judgment. 10. That I be not biassed with compassion to the poor, or favour to the rich, in point of justice. affectation of an unreasonable strictness, but it flowed from his exactness to the rules he had set himself: a gentleman had sent him a buck for his table, that had a trial at the assizes, so when he heard his name, he asked, if he was not the same person that had sent him venison, and finding he was the same, he told him, he could not suffer the trial to go on, till he had paid him for his buck; to which the gentleman answered, that he never sold his venison, and that he had done 11. That popular, or court applause, or dis-nothing to him, which he did not do to every taste, have no influence into any thing I do in point of distribution of justice. 12. Not to be solicitous what men will say or think, so long as I keep myself exactly according to the rule of justice. 13. If in criminals it be a measuring cast, to incline to mercy and acquittal. 14. In criminals that consist merely in words, when no more harm ensues, moderation is no injustice. 16. To abhor all private solicitations, of what kind soever and by whomsoever, in matters depending. 17. To charge my servants, L. Not to interpose in any business. 2. Not to take more than their known fees. 3. Not to give any undue precedence to causes. 4. Not to recommend counsel. 18. To be short and sparing at meals, that I may be the fitter for business. judge that had gone that circuit;' which was confirmed by several gentlemen then present: but all would not do, for the Lord Chief Baron had learned from Solomon, 'that a gift perverteth the ways of judgment,' and therefore he would not suffer the trial to go on, till he bad paid for the present; upon which the gentleman withdrew the record: and at Salisbury the dean and chapter having according to the custom presented him with six sugar. 15. In criminals of blood, if the fact be loaves in his circuit, he made his servants pay evident, severity is justice. for the sugar before he would try their cause. "It was not so easy for him to throw off the importunities of the poor, for whom his com. passion wrought more powerfully than bis regard to wealth and greatness; yet when justice was concerned, even that did not turn him out of the way. There was one that had been put out of a place for some ill behaviour, who urged the Lord Chief Baron to set his hand to a certificate, to restore him to it, or provide him with another: but he told him plainly, 'his fault was such that he could not do it; the other pressed him vehemently, and fell down on his knees, and begged it of him with many tears; but finding that could not prevail, he said, he should he utterly ruined if he did it not; and he should curse him for it every day. But that having no effect, then he fell out into all the reproachful words that passion and despair could inspire him with: to which, all the answer the Lord Chief Baron made, was, 'that he could very well bear all his re proaches, but he could not for all that set his "He would never receive private addresses or recommendations from the greatest persons in any matter, in which justice was concerned. One of the first peers of England went once to his chamber and told him,-' That having a suit in law to be tried before him, he was then to acquaint him with it, that he might the better understand it, when it should come to be heard in court." Upon which the Lord Chief Baron interrupted him, and said, "He did not deal fairly to come to his chamber about such atfairs, for he never received any information hand to his certificate. After having filled the highest offices of the law with unsuspected and blameless integrity, Sir Mathew Hale resolved to retire, which he did in a singular manner. The King and the Court loved and respected him so much, that they would not accept of his resignation; and old age and sickness coming upon him, he one day went into the Court of Chancery, and by a deed, sigued and sealed, restored his honours into the hands of the King, and retired from the office of Chief Justice of the King's Bench. MAXIMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF LIFE, AD- " Every morning and every evening, upon your knees, humbly commend yourselves to Almighty God in prayer, begging his mercy to pardon your sins, his grace to direct you, his providence to protect you; returning him humble thanks for all his dispensations towards you; yea, even for his very corrections and afflictions; intreating him to give you wisdom and grace, to make a sober, patient, humble, profitable use of them; and, in his due time, to deliver you from them; concluding your prayers with the Lord's prayer. This will be a certain means to bring your mind into a right frame; to procure you comfort and blessing, and to prevent thousands of inconveniencies and mischiefs, to which you will be otherwise subjected. " Every morning read seriously and reverently a portion of the holy scripture, and acquaint yourself with the history and doctrine thereof: it is a book full of light and wisdom, will make you wise to eternal life, and furnish you with directions and principles, to guide and order your life safely and prudently. "Conclude every evening with reading some part of the scripture, and prayer in your family. "Be strict and religious observers of the Lord's day; resort to your parish church twice that day, if your health will permit, and attend diligently and reverently to the public prayers and sermons: he cannot reasonably expect a blessing from God the rest of the week, that neglects his duty to God, in the due conseeration of this day to the special service and duty to God, which this day requires. "Be very careful to moderate your passions, especially of choler and anger; it inßames the blood, disorders the brain, and, for the time, exterminates not only religion, but common reason; it puts the mind into confusion, and throws wild-fire into the tongue, whereby men give others advantage against them; it reuders a man incapable of doing his duty to God, and puts a man upon acts of violence, unrighteousness, and injustice to men: therefore keep your passions under discipline, and under as strict a chain as you would keep an unruly curst mastiff: look to it, that you give it not too much line at first. But if it hath gotten any fire within you, quench it presently, with consideration; and let it not break out into passionate, or unruly words or actions; but, whatever you do, let it not gangrene into malice, envy, or spite. "Send your children early to learn their catechism, that they may take in the true principles of religion betimes, which may grow up" with them, and habituate them both to the knowlege and practise of it; that they may escape the danger of corruption by error or vice, being antecedently seasoned with better principles. "Receive the blessings of God, with very much thankfulness to him, for he is the root and fountain of all the good you do, or can receive. "Bear all afflictions and crosses patiently; it is your duty, for afflictions come not from the dust. The great God of heaven and earth is he that sends these messengers to you, though possibly evil occurrences may be the immediate instruments of them: you owe to Almighty God an infinite subjection and obedience, and to expostulate with him, is rebellion; and as it is your duty, so it is your wisdom, and your prudence: impatience will not discharge your yoke, but it will make it gall the worse, and sit the harder. "Learn not only patience under your afflictions, but also profitably to improve them to your soups good: learn by them how vain and unprofitable things the world, and the plea. sures thereof, are, that a sharp, or a lingering sickness renders utterly tasteless.. Learn how vain and weak a thing human nature is, which is pulled down to the gates of death, and cloathed with rottenness and corruption, by a little disorder in the blood, in a nerve, in a vain, in an artery. And since we have so little hold of a temporal life, which is shaken and shattered by any small occurrence, accident, or distemper: learn to lay hold of eternal life, and of that covenant of peace and salvation, which Christ hath brought for all that believe, and obey the gospel of peace and salvation: there shall be no death, no sickness, no pain, no weakness, but a state of unchangeable, and everlasting happiness: and if you thus improve affliction, you are gainers by it; and 1 most certain it is, that there is no more pro- "Reverence your minister; he is a wise, and a good mau, and one that loves you, and hath a tender care and respect for you: do not grieve him, either by neglect, or disrespect. Assure yourselves, if there be any person, that sets any of you against him, or provokes, or encourages any of you to despise, or neglect him; that person, whoever he be, loves not men listen to this voice of the rod, and con-you, nor the office he bears; and therefore as form to it, the rod hath done his erraud; and either will leave a man, or at least give a man singular comfort, even under the sharpest afliction: and this "affliction, which is but for a moment, thus improved, will work for us an exceeding and eternal weight of glory." the laws of the land, and the divine provi dence, hath placed him at Alderley, to have a care of your souls; so I must tell you, I do expect you should reverence and honour him for his own, for your, and for his office-sake." (To be continued.) THE CIRCASSIAN SLAVE. efforts towards the sole object of an advantage. ous establishment in the world. Ar the beginning of the eighteenth century the Turks pillaged a small town in Circassia, and carried off the inhabitants into captivity. The most beautiful girls were conveyed to Constantinople to adorn the harems of the great. Among these was a most lovelyed from nature such an excellent disposition, But Mademoiselle d'Aissé (the name given to her, for what reason we are not informed), had, in addition to her personal charms, receiv that neither precept nor example produced upon her a pernicious effect. She possessed profound sensibility, the most delicate taste, and the most amiable sincerity. Her gentleness, good-humour, and affability rendered her the idol of all who knew her, and amidst the alluring examples of vice she cherished in her child, four years old, probably the daughter of a Circassian prince; for the plunderers found her in one of the finest houses in the place, surrounded by attendant slaves. M. de Ferioles, who was at that time the Ambassador from France to the Sublime Porte, beheld the child, and her beauty, together with her misfortune, made a deep impression upon him. Hecares-heart the love of virtue. The Ambassador, a man of loose principles, unable to withstand so many charms, was captivated by his slave; he conceived for her the most violent passion, which he would fain have compelled her to return, and tormented her by the most vigilant jealousy. She carefully avoided every opportunity of being alone with him; she was sensi ble that she owed him the utmost gratitude for the benefits he had conferred, but steadfastly refused the too bigh price which he put upon them, and bore with equal fortitude the mortifications to which she was subjected in conse quence of this denial. Nevertheless no sooner did he fall dangerously ill, than she forgot her sufferings, and in the master who would have abused his rights, she now beheld only the benefactor. She flew to him, never quitted his chamber, and bestowed on him all those attentions that a parent can expect of a daugh sed the slave, who returned his caresses. This affected him still more, and he resolved if possible to ensure her future happiness. He purchased her for fifteen hundred livres, and being soon afterwards recalled, he took her with him to his native country. On his arrival at Paris, he requested Madame de Ferioles, the wife of his brother, in whose house he resided, to take care of the child. That lady actually conceived such an affection for her little charge, that she could scarcely bear her to be for a moment out of her sight. Every body that visited the house was enchanted with the child. The Ambassador, who was rich and unmarried, spared no expence in her education. She was taught, at least, every thing that it is necessary to know in order to shine in the fashionable world; but in the moral duties she received no instruction. She lived, on the contrary, among females who being themselvester. His disorder grew worse, he felt the ap ardent votaries of pleasure, took great pains to poison her heart also. They failed not in particular to repeat to her every day, that a poor girl ought to direct all her thoughts and proach of death. Deeply afflicted with her filial attachment, be settled on her an annuity of four thousand livres, and gave her a considerable sum besides, which his heirs were to |