The stairs, and was cut down, but not soon church, not by way of sacrament, but merely in WARWICKSHIRE. As a nursery-maid, in the service of Sir T. Pilkington, of Chevitt, was lately sitting with the Baronet's infant child near the fire, a spark flew on the child's clothes and set them on a blaze. The maid, with a sentiment of humanity and duty that merited a better fate, instantly ran to the cradle, and by wrapping the infant in the bed A fine Buck was lately observed by Mr. John Baucutt, of Northend, feeding in the inclosures near that place. The deer, on Mr. B. riding towards him, made off, at speed, across the country; topping every fence in his way, he took a circuit through Burton Dassett, be-furniture, saved it; her own dress, however, was yond which place, being hard pressed, in endeavouring to cover a thick high hedge, the noble animal got entangled by his antlers, when his pursuer jumped off his horse and secured him. It is remarkable, that Mr. Baucutt followed the buck over every inch of ground, and over every leap, and that he caught him without a dog, and took him home without any assistance. The buck is kept in a stall, and takes his feed as quietly as a cow. The distance run was about four miles. DIED.-At Moor-hall, John Hackett, Esq. At Birmingham, aged 88, Mrs. Haden. WESTMORLAND. DIED. At Dove Nest, Ambleside, in consequence of her clothes taking fire, Miss Pedder, daughter of Edward Pedder, Esq.--At Newby, Mrs. Robinson, relict of James Robinson, of Ploverick. YORKSHIRE. The Treasury of the Cathedral of York has lately been enriched with a curious silver bowl, on which an inscription purports, that it was given by Archbishop Scrope, who was beheaded in 1405, to the confraternity of cordwainers of this city, with the promise of forty days pardon to those who should drink out of it. To under- For by this time in flames; she ran into another room, and rolled herself in the carpet, but unhappily too late, for she was burnt to such a degree that, after five days excessive torment, she expired. MARRIED. At Kirby-hall, the Rev. Dr. Claudius Buchanan, to Miss Mary Thompson.-J. Ridley, Esq. of the Plantation, near Whitby, to Letitia, daughter of the late Dr. Wells-At Campsall, near Doncaster, W. Rowley, Esq. of Kirk Smeaton, to Miss Sarah Bedford, of Fenwick Grange.-At Hull, Capt. Cresser, of the Cumberland Militia to Miss Metcalfe. DIED-At York, J. Bilton, Esq. -Mrs. Brandon, aunt to Sir W. Fettes, of Wamphray, Bart. in her g1st year. At Hull, J. Robinson, Esq. At Sheffield, Mrs. C. Lindley. At Pocklington, Mr. Simpson.-At Wakefield, Miss Lonsdale, in her 17th year. WALES. The late Rev. Rice Pritcharch, was for some time after his admission into the church, awfully ensnared by the sin of drunkenness; he was at length recovered from it in the following singular way:-He had a tame goat which was wont to follow him to the alehouse which he frequented; and he one day, by way of frolic, gave the poor animal so much ale that it became intoxicated. What particularly struck Mr. P. was, from that time, though the creature would follow him to the door, he never could get it to enter the houseRevolving on this circumstance, Mr. P. was led to see how much the sin by which he had been enslaved, had sunk him beneath a beast, and from that time, he not only became a sober man, but an exemplary Christian, and a very eminent minister of the gospel. MARRIED. Captain Brigstooke, of the North Gloucester Militia, to Harriet, sister of Sir William Mansel, Baronet, of Iswed, Carmarthen. London: Printed by and for J. BELL, Southampton-street, Strand. FOR APRIL, 1810. A New Series. CONTAINING A NEW SYSTEM OF BOTANY, BY DR. THORNTON; AND A SERIES OF ORIGINAL MUSIC, BY MR. HOOK. EMBELLISHMENTS. 1. An Elegant PORTRAIT of the RIGHT HON. THE COUNTESS OF BESBOROUGH. 2. TWO WHOLE-LENGTH FIGURES in the FASHIONS of the SEASON, COLOURED. 3. An ORIGINAL SONG, set to Music for the Harp and Piano-forte; composed exclu sively for this Work, by Mr. Ноок. 4. Two ekgant and new PATTERNS for NEEDLE-WORK. CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ILLUS BEAUTIES OF THE BRITISH POETS. PRINTED BY AND FOR JOHN BELL, PROPRIETOR OF THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, |