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[Continued from page 64.]

covering to him her preference of Edward. Being gifted, moreover, with that acute sagacity which is usually said to charac

My aunt thus continued her narrative:"The illness of Sir William was of a much more serious kind than was first ima-terize women, she had discerned the un

happy violence which made a part of the character of Sir William. Under these impulses, therefore, and this persuasion, the young lady had resolved to indulge her sentiments in secret, concealing even from Edward the preference which her heart acknowledged for him, and, as much as possible, holding an equal balance between the two.

gined; a physician of some eminence was called in, who pronounced him in the most extreme danger. The agitation of his spirits brought on a fever of the most alarming kind, and it was generally be lieved, that even his youth could not be proof against the severity of the attack. What do those philosophers mean, my dear Hymenæa, who deny the existence of what is called love in strong minds? The "Women, however, are wiser in their young Baronet was now on the verge be-resolutions than in their execution of them. tween death and life; like the flame which It is one thing to determine and another to hangs over the socket of a taper just be-act. Edward no sooner received the com

fore its extinction, the last breath of the young lover was momentarily expected to issue forth, and so absolute was the certainty that all farther care was laid aside, and every preparation made for the expected


"In the mean time, where was Clarissa || and her uncle? It will be now necessary to go back to a part of the story which I have left behind me in the course of my narrative.

mands of his patron to prepare for his prearranged departure for Petersburgh, than he hastened in search of Clarissa? As fortune, who too often favours the young lover would have it, he met her in the shrubbery which bounded the extreme part of the Doctor's garden. With that earnestness, and that natural eloquence which true passion and natural sensibility always give, he took her hand :-'My dear Clarissa, my dearest girl, but pardon me, for I am miserable.'

"For Heaven's sake speak, Edward.What mean you? exclaimed Clarissa, alarmed at his evident paleness and agitation, and thereby thrown off her guard. "Clarissa, continued he, 'it is no longer time for disguise or concealment.-I love

"You may remember, my dear Hymenca, that previously to the departure of Edward for Petersburgh, Clarissa had asked permission to visit heraunt, and that the || permission had been given, and the young lady departed accordingly. You may remember, moreover, the embarrassment of the worthy Doctor at the seeming indiffer-you, my dearest girl, beyond my life,-be

ence of Edward and Clarissa. It is now time to account for this apparent inconsistency.

yond every prospect of fortune and fame. I have no happiness, no end in life or in living, but the hope of possessing you. It is now necessary to leave you.'

'Leave me,' said Claris-a-'What mean you, Edward?"

"Clarissa, however apparently indifferent to her two suitors, was, in fact, most affectionately though secretly attached to Edward; but having been educated from "I leave you for years, my dearest girl, her childhood with the young Baronet, she for years,' replied he. -For Heaven's sake, loved the latter as a brother, and was un- if you have any feeling, if you have any willing to give him the uneasiness of disregard, give me now some assurance, some proof of your love. --Do not leave me miser | about to make an excellent match; and the

able and uncertain. -Clarissa, be at length generous, you will see me but a few hours.' "What is it you require? said she, much softened.

"My sweet lovely girl, replied he, but one assurance;'-saying which, he embraced the half-reluctant girl. The moment of parting always appeals strongly to the heart. The caresses of a favoured lover still more strongly. What wonder, therefore, that thus assailed the rigid prudery of Clarissa gave way, and she was brought to acknowledge her love and decided preference. She did so in the fullest manner which modesty and youthful candour could jus. tify; and Edward was as happy as youth and success could make him.

"A few days now passed between the preparation and the day finally fixed for the departure of Edward. There is some thing I think very peculiar in the character of a prude. Nature at last indemnifies herself for the unnatural rigour and re. straint to which she has been compelled. It was thus with Clarissa. Her candour had no sooner gained its natural vent, than she seemed totally the reverse of herself. Edward had now no difficulty to obtain the hourly repetition of her preference, or to speak more plainly, of her love. But a circumstance now occurred which made him happy even beyond his utmost hopes. "A regiment of soldiers, with their officers, were stationed in the neighbouring town. The Doctor, being the principal resident gentleman within the district, found it necessary to keep open house, and to admit the officers to his house and table. One of them, Lord W- was young, rich, gallant, and unmarried. The beauty

Doctor, having nothing before his eyes and his mind but the good of his niece, became uneasy at her apparent tolerance of a young man whose character and evident carelessnes he did not approve.

"Amongst the distinctive traits in the character of Edward, was a too great propensity to jealousy; this jealousy, however, had a feature, eculiar to itself. It assumed the tone and colour of his general nature. Instead of being boisterous and passionate, it was melancholy and depressed. Ile became silent, motionless, and sat with a look of despair.

"It is unnecessary to remark, that on a heart like that of Clarissa, this kind of jealousy must naturally have a powerful effect. Jealousy of every kind is often considered as complimentary. It argues the sincerity and the ardour of the lover's passion. But when this jealousy assumes the downcast look of sorrow, it appeals still more forcibly to the heart. It was thus with Clarissa. Edward said nothing; he made no complaint, but his looks were those of the most afflicting sorrow.

"You look very unhappy, Edward,' said she to him one day.

"I am unhappy, Clarissa,' said he.

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"I do not say that I doubt your love, Clarissa, you have pledged your faith to me. But I love you too sincerely, my dearest Clarissa, not to be miserable when I see you thus unceasingly pursued by another. I am aware that I have nothing to merit your love but my ardent passion; and I have read and heard so much of the nature of women, that I cannot trust my

of Clarissa, and her known fortune, render-fortune. In a few days you will see me no ed her very naturaliy an object of attrac- more, on the contrary this man and others tion. The young Major, therefore, for will be continually before your eyes. My such was the commission which his Lord-attentions and my love may be forgotten." ship bore, resolved immediately to lay siege to her; and accordingly in the military phrase, opened the trenches. It was in vain that Clarissa repressed his advances, the confident importunity of the young man disdained all obstacies, and even contrived to gain an appearance of success to his addresses. The country gossips began already to whisper that Miss Clarissa was

"Indeed, my friend,' replied Clarissa, you are unjust both to me and yourself. In what have I shewn so much levity, that you should believe me capable of such inconstancy? Believe me, women never change without a very sufficient reason. What is the worth of that woman who is a feather before the wind. It is a very poor compliment to me to suspect me of such vacuity of mind. Do me more justice. - pendant upon yourself, I am satisfied with Prove to me that I have your good opi-them. But are you exempted from the common condition of your nature? Are you above all possibility of change? Can


"I should be less uneasy if you possessed my good opinion less, replied Ed-you engage or answer for circumstances


ward. You are a jewel exposed before a would of thieves. It is your merit which renders me so anxiously suspicious. I cannot persuade myself that others will see you with less admiration than myself. Pardon me, therefore, my beloved Clarissa, that I am miserable, and cannot avoid being


not within you own contioul? Gonsider, moreover, the effects of absence. They will operate insensibly upon you. When I am absent, and another is present,-when the circumstances of that other person are in every way unexceptionable, when it is impossible but that your guardian in a worldly point of view must approve of such an offer. Undersuch circumstances, what confidence must I have in my merit to presume upon your inflexible constancy? I have no such confidence, I have no such

"Indeed I shall not pardon you,' said Clarissa. So farewel for the present.You shall not flatter me into a complaisant bumouring of you foibles.-I shall not allow you to be so unreasonably jealous." || presumption. I am miserable, and you union can be confirmed by the repetition of the ceremony by our own church, then will it be time enough to think of our final establishment.'

"The jealousy of Edward, however, was not to be thus eluded. Where, in fact, is the jealousy which will submit to reason? It continued to augment, therefore, and preying upon his spirits, seemed to have taken an hold which it would only quit with his life.

"What can I do to satisfy you?' demanded Clarissa.

"I know not, replied Edward. 'I am going on the commencement of next week, and you see the state of health and spirits in which you dismiss me.'

"It must not be; tell me, my friend, what I can do. Mention any thing in my power, and you shall not ask in vain.'

"You are all goodness,' replied he, but I must not avail myself of it. I must not sacrifice your prospects to my idle humours. Your uncle knows what is best for you, he seems to approve of the ad dresses of Lord W-.'

"You know not how you grieve me by this injustice,' returned Clarissa. 'I owe my uncle much. Heaven forbid that I should be ungrateful to him for so much kindness. But it is not within my obli- || gation to submit to such sacrifices. You have received my pledged faith. Fear not that I shall depart from it.'

"If every thing depended upon you, Clarissa, I should fear nothing. But consider, my beloved girl, that we are all creatures of circumstances, and no one can without presumption engage herself to any certain line of future conduct. Your resolutions are good, and as far as is de-ll

must allow me to be so.'

"I will not allow it; and since you make the demand,' returned Clarissa, 'since you compel me to the necessity, there is my hand, you must contrive the rest, find any priest that will unite us.'

"Charming girl, -beloved Clarissa,' exclaimed Edward, embracing her with the modest ardour of a respectful but ardent lover, 'now indeed you are my own.-Now you are all that I wish you. In the next town is a depot for French prisoners. I have made an acquaintance with a Catholic priest. The laws of the country admit this form of marriage, and it is the only one of which as minors we can avail ourselves.'

"There is one condition, however, upon which I must insist,' said Clarissa. 'I must speak candidly. You know that William loves me, and you know that we have all three been accustomed to regard ourselves as one family, and as brothers and sister. I cannot, therefore, consent to make William so abruptly miserable. It will be necessary, therefore, to conceal our union, and to give him the chance of time, and of another attachment. There is another consideration which must not be overlooked. Your advancement in life depends upon your obeying the invitation of your patron, and attending him to Petersburgh. The moment, therefore, the ceremony is performed, in the same moment we separate. You must depart for Petersburgh, and I will go on a visit to a relation in a distant part of the country. When you return from Petersburgh, and our

"It is impossible that I can refuse such goodness any thing,' replied Edward. 'You have now taken a load off my mind. You know not how happy you have made me,my whole life shall consist of one effort to repay you for such kindness. Believe me, you shall never have cause to repent your condescension.'

"Time will shew,' said Clarissa, smiling. But we have been absent so long that it is time to return. You have done great injustice to my guardian. He wishes nothing more than our union.'

"Shall we inform him of it?" said Edward.

"No,' said Clarissa, 'leave that to me.You must not act precipitately. I fear already that our resolutions are too hasty to be prudent. But time will shew.'

"Such, therefore, were the resolutions of these young parties, and as youth never wants ingenuity to execute any purpose on which it has fixed, they were executed without delay; and in less than three days from the period above mentioned, Clarissa and Edward were united by the rites of the Catholic church."

[To be continued.]


No. III.


it without hedge or walls." An English wife is a fruit-tree on a waste, or common; every traveller may pluck, if it so please him, for the owner is never near it.

SINCE I wrote to you last, most beloved of my heart, I have seen much, and I have reflected much, for who can be in such a land as this without reflection. Every thing it is true, is barbarous; nothing has the Persian refinement and the Mahometan elegance; the women go with their faces bare, and the men sit upon their | ferior dwelling, for the Monarch of the

I have been to Court, for thus they call the house of their Monarch. The English word Court, I suppose, ineans a dirty, in

British Isles is worse lodged than many of his noblemen. A recent fire, moreover, has consumed part of the palace, and it is left as it has been burned. There is no preparation to rebuild it. There is very little in a Court-introduction which is worthy of mention. "There are three kind of dogs," says the philosopher Sadi, "and the courtier is every where one of them." "Who is that man," said I, to our English interpetrer, "who wears that eternal

haunches, instead of lying prostrate; Mahomet is only mentioned to be ridiculed, and Fatima, the mother and wife, is as little known in London as the King of Great Britain in Ispahan. Yet, notwithstanding all this, it is a country of wonders, and we should not forget to thank our Prophet in all our daily prayers, that doubtless, by his intercession, he procured the creation of such a race as this, inasmuch as, if properly known and studied, they would much assist the knowledge of true Mussulmen. It is || smile, who receives every one with a bow

only by seeing this land of Christians that the country of the faithful becomes sensible of its blessings.-Happy Persia! do I now daily exclaim, where wives are silent and obedient, and every man is the guardian and surety of his own honour, by having it under lock and key. "He deserves to have his vineyard robbed," says the Poet Sadi, "who, though living by the road side, leaves

and a grin, but every now and then puts his hand to his forehead?"

"He is in the present moment very unhappy. A dreadful disease has carried off his only son; and his daughter, one of the beauties of the court and age, is not expected to live."

"And is this the way he bears it," said I, "is he a Philosopher?"

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"And can the ordinary habit of business thus supercede nature?" said I.

"Yes," replied the interpreter. "The undertaker returns from a funeral to drink or dance with his friend or neighbour; and this man comes from the house of mourning to a court of smiles; it is his pay and his business to grin."

"What is the subject of that nobleman who talks so loudly and so glibly, just beyond the circle? Is it any thing of public moment? Has any victory or defeat occurred?"

"Yes," replied the interpreter drily; "a glorious victory and a most signal


quitted. The odium of the accusation, however, attaches to Lim, and though released from all fear of law, he still smarts under infamy. No one doubts but that the money thus deficient was expended in the public service; no one doubts but that it was expended in a manner which long usage had sanctioned. Yet no one comes forward in his cause, and the people are left to their own judgment."

"His case is certainly hard," said I; "but by your own account, he has offended. Who is this?" said I, pointing to a Lady, whose attendants proved her rank." She is the "

"And where is her husband?"

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"Then that man should be bolden in is here?"

estimation by his king and countrymen, for his patriotic triumph is legibly in every feature of his face. Happy country! where patriotic feelings are thus buoyant."

"For that very reason," replied he; "there is an agreement that they shall attend alternate drawing-rooms and levees, to prevent unexpected and unpleasant rencontres."

"What rencontres?" demanded I. "Why, with each other," replied he. "What rencontre could possibly be more unpleasant."

"Than that of husband and wife?" геpeated I.

"Yes," returned he, "under the circumstances of this husband and wife: each of them holds the other in aversion; each of them would hail a divorce as a riddance, yet in compliance with what their peculiar situation demands of them, each of them observes the most polite conduct towards each other. They do every thing but live together, and can tolerate every thing but the society of each other and of the friends of each other."

"As to patriot feelings," replied the interpreter, "I cannot think that they have much to say to the subject of that man's discourse. The victory and defeat of which I am speaking has occurred and has been achieved on another occasion. The managers of the Opera have been defeated, and Catalani, an Italian singer, has been restored. The amateurs have thus carried a most important victory, and this man, who is at their head, is now announcing it. He is, or rather he was, one of the Secretaries of State, and the acknowledged patron of the celebrated singer. Such is the subject of his discourse and the object of his feelings-what think you of him now?" "I think that he is a better Italian than he is an Englishman. If we had him in Persia, we should very soon fit him for the seraglio. But who is that tall erect nobleman, who looks vigorous in despite of "She is likewise of the first rank, and his wrinkled forehead?"-" That Noble- in every respect a perfect contrast to the man," replied he, has suffered the other. Her husband is notorious for his grossest injustice of any man in this king-gallantries, has one or two acknowledged dom. His accounts were examined; in the calculation of some millions, and for a series of years, about ten thousand pounds were deficient; that is to say, vouchers could not be produced for their expenditure. He was brought to trial, and ac


"And who is that little woman and the military man beside her?"

mistresses, and conceals nothing. With all this, however, he loves his wife, and submits to the most tyrannic treatment from the little lady. The lady, on her part, repays this forbearance by winking at his inconstancy; and this is a singular


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