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effect rather high up in his side, the point exposed to me; those from the third were received in the animal's mouth, as he was coming with distended jaws towards us, when they carried away half his tongue and one of his fangs; whilst those from the fourth discharge passed either through or immediately near to his heart, and caused his almost instant dissolution."

So much for the chasse of the bear on skidor. But Mr Lloyd slew several bears with his own rifle, on simple foot-sole. Once in a very close thicket, when stooping down and peering under the surrounding trees, his eye caught a suspiciouslooking object, which he presently made out to be a bear, coiled up like a dog, at the foot of a large pine, and apparently fast asleep. He lost not a moment, but running up close alongside of the monster, shot him through the head. Death was so instantaneous, that he never moved in the slightest degree from his position. This system of stealing in upon and attacking bears at close quarters, though seldom adopted in Scandinavia, Mr Lloyd holds to be the most fatal method of destroying these animals. But the danger is great. For, when smothered with snow, both be low and above, what if you miss your aim? Instant death.

On another occasion, Mr Lloyd shot" the Branberg Bear;" and on another, he destroyed a whole denfull.

"Though the dog had found the bears, I did not at the first moment observe the entrance to their den, which was an excavation in the face of a little rising situated between, and partly formed by, the roots of the surrounding trees. On discovering it, however, I at once sprang on to the top of the hillock; and though at that time immediately over the den, the bears still remained quiet.

"On my hallooing, they felt so little inclination to leave their quarters, that the old bear simply contented herself with partially projecting ker snout. At this, from its being the only point exposed to my view, I levelled my rifle, which was then pointed in a perpendicular direction. On reflection, however, I refrained from firing, as I considered that, though I might have smashed the fore part of her head to pieces, there was little chance of my killing her outright.

"Instead, therefore, of firing whilst in that situation, I stepped, (and it certainly

was not the most prudent step' a man ever took,) with my left foot in advance, directly over her to the opposite side of the hole, when wheeling about on the instant, and having then a full view of her head, from which the muzzle of my gun was hardly two feet distant, and my left foot still less, for it was partially in the entrance to the den itself, I sent a bullet through her skull,

"I now called loudly to the people, none of whom, nor even the other dogs, which had been questing to some birds in another part of the forest, had as yet come up, for I was rather apprehensive the cubs might attempt to make their escape. To prevent this, I stood for a while over the den in readiness to give them a warm reception with the but-end of my rifle.

"Three or four minutes, however, elapsed before Jan Finne, who was to the left of our line, Svensson, and the peasants, made their appearance; for, strange to say, though Paijas had been in Jan Finne's possession for several years, he either did not recognise his challenge, or he had not a suspicion it was to the bears; and in consequence, neither he nor the people moved from where I had left them, until they heard my shot.

"My apprehensions as to the cubs at

tempting to escape were, however, groundless, for they still continued quiet; at first, indeed, we could see nothing of them for the old bear, who, as is usual with those animals when they have young, was

lying in the front of the den, and we

therefore almost began to think we had hit

upon a bear distinct from those of which

we were in search.

"On the people, however, introducing a stake, and moving the old bear a little to the side, one of the cubs, and subsequently a second, and a third, exhibited themselves, all of which I dispatched, either with my own or with Jan Finne's rifle.

"The work of death being at length completed, we drew the bears out of their den. This, however, was of such small dimensions, that it was the admiration of us all how they could have stowed themselves away in it. Bears usually prepare their winter-quarters during the autumnal months, and some time previously to taking possession of them; the animals, however, of which I am now speaking, having been disturbed from their original lair at a time when the ground was hard frozen, probably accounted for the small size of the excavation in which we found them.

"The old bear had attained her full growth; the cubs were nearly a year old,and of about the size of large dogs. The whole of them were in tolerably good condition."

Mr Lloyd then describes the process of skinning and cutting up bears. The weather being unfavourable, the operation took place within doors. The animals were laid on their backs on a table, and when divested of their skins, they much resembled, in many respects, their breasts and arms in particular, so many human beings. We remember a shaved bear being exhibited in Edinburgh as a non-descript animal-and he appeared to us to be liker a human being than the showman. The sight, Mr Lloyd says, was a shocking one; and forcibly reminded him of a disgusting exhibition he had witnessed a few years before at a celebrated anatomist's in London-the horrors of which-the macerating tub, with its attendant vulture-will never be effaced from his imagination. The galls were carefully preserved, being considered in Scandinavia a specific against a variety of disorders; and the fat, which is said to possess such extraordinary virtue, that if a deal-box be rubbed with it overnight, on the following morning it will be converted into a hair-trunk. Only the fat (ister) about the intestines is used in Scandinavia medicinally, or for the hair; of which there is but a small quantity; the fat itself, (fat,) which on a large bear may weigh sixty or eighty pounds, is merely used for culinary purposes. The hams, smoked, are great delicacies; and the remainder of the carcass is either salted, or eat fresh-in which state it resembles excellent beef. The paws are an exquisite dainty. The skin-in this case eight feet long-is worth several pounds. In Sweden, it is an understood thing in the interior of the country, that the man who rings the bear is entitled to him, and in consequence, without express permission, no other person dreams of disturbing the beast. In Norway, there is an ordinance making the bear the property of the man who rings him in the first instance, and in consequence, those who either disturb or destroy the animal, without authority, are subjected to rather severe penalties. As the peasants who,

in this case, attended Mr Lloyd, were very poor, he took only the fat, the tongues, and a little of the flesh of the bears, so that besides the flesh, their spoil was worth about five pounds-no inconsiderable sum in Sweden; or, indeed, as the world wags, anywhere else.

We now take farewell of Mr Lloyd, and place his volumes in that department of our library marked "Nimrod." He has added not a little to our knowledge of the character of the Bear, and his work contains much good natural history. Of men and manners, he has also given many interesting sketches; and we have a clearer conception now than we had before, of Scandinavian scenery and climate. Mr Lloyd ought to write some more books of the sort, and they will sell. By the by, we remember meeting him, a good many years ago, on board a Wick packet. He was somewhat sea-sick; and being enveloped in a monstrous dreadnought, he was not unlike a bear. Sea-sickness makes a man surly; and our author had nearly devoured a worthy friend of ours, who chanced to tread upon his toes as he lay upon a coil of cable. Under exasperation, he had a most formidable aspect, and his growl was fearsome. We heard some talk about throwing somebody into the sea; but we came forward in our character of peace-maker, and with our crutch stopt the conflict. Mr Lloyd's wrath subsided into a calm; and for the remainder of the voyage, he resembled a halcyon. We were much struck with the spirit and intelligence of his conversation; and seeing that he was a sportsman far above the common run, advised him to go to Scandinavia, and belabour the bears. He had no idea, at the time, who we were, as we were voyaging incog. But the hint was not lost upon him; and hence these two able-bodied octavos. It will doubtless please Mr Lloyd to know that the old lame gentleman in the Quaker garb was Christopher North. In a month or two we must pay our respects to another admirable brother sportsman, Colonel Hawker



ONE sultry afternoon in the month of September, three travellers on horseback, followed by a single attendant upon a mule, which also bore a pair of muffrushes, or Persian travelling-bags, were traversing the extensive plain of Erivan, intending, if possible, to reach that city early enough for procuring fresh horses to carry them on upon their journey. Of these travellers, two were easily to be recognised as Franks, or Europeans, in spite of their semi-Asiatic garb and appearance; the third, by his rough Persian cap, brown weather-beaten countenance three parts covered with a thick black beard, his red leather boots, wide shulwars, or riding trowsers, and great brown cloke, as well as by the silver-mounted pistol and Turkish yattaghan, might no less readily be known as the tatar, conducting the two strangers. All the three, as their jaded horses and dust-covered persons sufficiently indicated, were travelling chupper, or post, along the great highway which leads from Persia into Asia Minor.

In the grey of the preceding morning, these travellers, from the height of the winding pass which overlooks the great plain of the river Aras, had, for the first time, caught a faint glimpse of the venerable Ararat, rearing his summit in two almost visionary peaks above the sea of vapour in which the boundless plain was rather lost than terminated. But as they pursued their course, and the sun arose in the heavens, the dust and exhalations ascended together in a darkening haze which enveloped all the distance, and gradually deepened into masses of gloomy clouds. These in their turn became more dense, congregating upon all the mountains around, and veiling even the plain in unusual darkness, through which the sun sent a stifling heat, unrelieved by a single breath of air, more oppressive though less scorching than his unquenched rays would have shed from a cloudless sky.

"There will be a storm soon," re

marked Kara Moustapha, the tatar. "We shall have it here by and by, unless old Agri-Daugh* keeps it all to himself and his evil spirits; I see it thickening over him yonder. Would the agas choose to take shelter some where, until it passes over ?"

But the agas, having changed horses more cleverly than is usual upon such occasions, at Shereer, were resolved to maintain their advantage, and press forward. Perhaps the prospect of a drenching might be rather pleasant than formidable in so heated an atmosphere as that which surrounded the travellers, and they therefore continued to urge on their horses at a brisk pace, over the rough irregular ground and long plain which intervenes between Shereer and Develoo.

When they reached the latter place, the storm still lowered, but had not burst; and, regardless of the remonstrances of the villagers, who felt no eagerness to produce their horses in such threatening weather, and even unheeding the hints of the tatar, who spoke mysteriously of the danger of storms in these parts, they insisted upon proceeding: and accordingly, having wrung a change of beasts from the reluctant Ketkhodah, they left the shelter of the village, somewhat late in the afternoon, just as a great body of cloud, detaching itself under the influence of a sudden flaw of wind, from the mass which shrouded the mountain, first covered the whole grey vault of heaven with a dense sheet of curdling vapour, and then, after a few warning drops, descended in such a sweeping deluge, that for more than an hour the travellers could see nothing around them, and had enough to do in urging on their frighted horses, and keeping to the track which they believed to be the right one.

Clokes, jubbas, bashlogues,§ afforded no defence against the pelting rain. Wetted in a moment to the skin, the travellers, who had just before been melting under the influ

*The Persian, or rather the Turkish name for Ararat, signifying the rough or wild mountain.

+ Gentlemen.

Chief of the Village.

§ Various Persian garments.

ence of a sultry breathless air, were at once exposed to the unmitigated severity of a cold and heavy rain, driven against their persons by a piercing wind; and they soon suffered as much from the cold as they had lately done from heat. It was no trifling addition to their distress to find that in the confusion and darkness of the storm, they had managed to miss their road, and had got entangled in a maze of hillocks and irregular ground which bounds the plain upon the north-east; and although the tatar assured them that neither ill consequence, nor even material detention, could ensue from the accident, the travellers could not entirely divest themselves of anxiety, as delay in any shape was what they most wished to avoid.

So intently was the party occupied in remedying their error, that the changes which now rapidly took place in the weather, and upon the face of the heavens, attracted but slight attention. When the violence of the rain, and the depth of the darkness abated, they had indeed remarked, that a huge pile of clouds still remained around the mountain, rearing themselves high into the blue sky which began to break out overhead-and that the flashes of forky lightning, which darted and played among the mazes of this lurid mass, no less than the sullen roar of distant thunder, betokened the elemental strife which was still maintained within its recesses. But while threading the intricacies of the ground in which they were entangled, they neither noted the gradual subsidence and dispersion of this murky congregation of vapour, nor the clearing of the heavens above them; so that they were in no degree prepared for the scene which was about to burst upon them-a scene, which pen or pencil would in vain attempt to delineate, and to which, for its peculiar simplicity and grandeur of effect, the world itself perhaps cannot afford a parallel.

After winding for some time along a hollow between gravelly hillocks, the travellers stood upon the brow of a gentle eminence which sloped gradually down to a plain, from twenty to thirty miles in breadth, stretching far on either hand, and speckled with villages and gardens. But the suffusion of purple and golden

light shed over half its surface from a setting sun of such glorious splendour as Eastern skies alone are blessed with, rendered every object indistinct. In front, bathed in the same mellow radiance, arose from this noble plain, in solemn majesty, the grand, the venerable Ararat, gracefully rearing its two lofty peaks, until their snowy summits, richly lighted up by the same declinin; beam, were relieved against the clear pearly sky. A misty play of rich and delicate tints pervaded the whole atmosphere, and threw over the landscape that filmy golden haze, so enchanting in autumnal evenings, softening every harsh line and too prominent feature into ineffable harmony; while the recent shower had lent to the hues of the foreground, ruddied as they were by the fast sinking sun, a freshness which contrasted not less powerfully than happily with the rich but mellow tones of the distance. The deep and lengthened shadow of the mountain which fell across the plain, shrowding half its extent in mysterious darkness, finished the picture, by giving tenfold lustre and effect to its more brilliant features.

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Glorious! Splendid! Magnificent indeed!" burst, after a moment, from the lips of the two Franks, as this sublime spectacle flashed, as it were, upon their senses. Behold, old Agri-Daugh-there's a mountain for you, agas!" echoed the tatar, more keenly alive perhaps to the honour of his country and its wonders, than to the splendour of the scene before him. Yet not insensible to the enchanting contrast of the present hour to that which had preceded it, he continued, "See how the grim old fellow smiles at us after the passion he has been in ;-one would think that he never could frown, and that neither storm, nor thunder, nor lightning ever played around his head."

"By Heavens, C-," exclaimed one of the Franks, after a pause, "it is well worth riding a few hundred miles to see this well worth a drenching, and a cold too, should it follow-was there ever such a mountain! See how it rises in solitary grandeur from that noble plain, disdaining all connexion with the pigmy hills around!"-" And to see it under such happy circumstances," returned his friend; "what a rich crimson and

orange light is powdered, as it were, the tail of that ravine yonder; there, over all that shoulder-there just just under the cloud to the left of where the sun rests-and how it that great patch of snow; I got to the trembles in lines of radiance down eraggy shoulder below, and just to our very feet. And mark how peeped in. But it was quite enough," finely the sober grey that clothes the added the tatar, with a shudder; rest of the mountain, contrasts with "I should like to see the man that that rich light-how gauzy and vi- would venture further."-" "And what sionary is the contour and substance should hinder him, pray ?”—“ Hinof that loftiest peak, as it retires into der him?" echoed the tatar; "why, the warm yellow sky which now devils, ghouls, death would hinder rises behind it-and see! how fine him! for what is that place but the and calm the effect of yon streak of very khelwut of them all?-and grey cloud which rests upon the up- who would go and thrust his head per shoulder-almost the only re- into the devil's own house?"-"Psha! maining trace of that violent storm!" what do you talk of-devils? I should "And of what nature is the ground like to see the devil that would keep upon the mountain side?" enquired me from the top of Ararat, if I were the elder of the travellers, address- inclined to try.' "_" Don't speak so, ing the tatar, after a pause of some aga; you don't know-others have continuance." To me, from hence, said and thought the same, but-who the slope seems even and gradual, can tell the horrors of that chasmand the ground smooth-is it so in how deep-how dark!—the pit of reality? has the summit ever been hell is not more terrible, with its ascended, pray?"-" Smooth? any black shaggy rocks, and awful prething but that, aga; take my word cipices of ice and snow, from which for it. Many a height and hollow is great masses are tumbling every mithere, many a rocky chasm and ra- nute into the gulf at their feet with vine that would stop the march of a noise like thunder-and smoke an army. Observe these dark sha- ascends, and forms, oh, too horrible dows and lines; these are deep hol- to think of-I could only look for a lows and clefts of unknown wildness; moment, and turned away my eyes but there is plenty of good pasture for very fear of what might come." land also. See that shoulder there," And, in the name of God, what all red with the rays of the sun-the yeilak of the Sirdar+ is there, and he is somewhere thereabouts himself with his flocks and herds."-" You have been upon the mountain, then?" -“Ay, sir, often enough; that is, as far the yeilāks extend."" What, no higher?-never tried to get to the top?"-"Allah-il-allah!—the top of Agri-Daugh? me ?-no, no, aga-not to be the Sirdar himself, would I try such a prank-in fine, it is not to be done."" And why not, pray? It seems easy enough from hence, and there is not much snow."-" Ai! aga, who can judge of the difficulty or danger from such a distance as this? -All I can say is, that few have attempted the thing, and none have succeeded. I have gone pretty far myself once, when I was a madcap youth, I was tempted, by the devil I believe, to go and peep into


worse than the rocks and precipices
could have come to frighten you,
friend?—What did you dread ?"-
"What can I tell, aga? who knows
what might come from Shytaun's
own den? They say that the devils
and gins of the pit below, are no-
thing to the ghouls and spirits which
haunt the snow-rifts and the ice-
cracks above-creatures of dim un-
speakable shapes, with pale bluey
bodies, which flit about with a ghost-
like motion, and fix upon the sons of
Adam their visionless eyes, that glare
like those of a dead man in the moon-
light, until life and sense are sucked
as it were away!-Ugh!" exclaimed
he, with a half start, half shudder,
"it seems as if I saw them now."

"But if no one has ever ventured among the ice and snow, how is it known that all these fearful things exist? it must at best be conjec

*Summer quarters in a mountain.

The general commanding the king's troops on the frontier.
Private apartment-domicilium.
$ The devi!-Satan.

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