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sent Pilate washing his hands before the Jews; the second time, the anointing of the body of our Saviour by Joseph of Arimathea, as recorded by St. John alone of the Evangelists; the prayer upon this is worthy of our compiler.-Oh most merciful Saviour, who after thy death wast pleased that thy body should be anointed (we give this as the most moderate translation of imbalsamato) and wrapped in pure linen by Joseph and Nicodemus, grant me grace, that when I shall receive in the most holy communion, thy most sacred body, I may imbalm it with the spices of devotion, and preserve it with all purity for ever within at my heart. Amen."

"Salvator mio clementissimo, che dopo morte voleste, che il vostro corpo fosse imbalsamato, e nella Sindone monda da Gioseffo, e Nicodemo rivolto, fatemi grazia, che, quando sarò per ricevere nella santissima comunione il vostro sagratissimo corpo, con gli aromati della divosione lo imbalsami, e con ogni purità lo conservi per sempre dentro al mio cuore. Amen."

It is time to draw to an end; we have said nothing of many of the fundamental points of difference between the Roman and Reformed Church, because no serious Catholic desires his adherence to the old persuasion in these points to be called in question. It was not necessary, therefore, to press these into the argument, but in truth they are supposed or asserted in every page of the book. All that King Philip once, or King Ferdinand the Beloved now, would have us believe as to the number and nature of the sacraments, the intercession of saints and guardian angels, the power of the Virgin, suffragatory masses and purgatory, is here taught as essential to true Catholic belief.

The argument then, as we put it, is at an end; the same difference in faith subsists now as ever between the "conscientious Romanist and sensible Protestant." Whether, if we are pressed with the other branch, which grounds itself on the diminished power of Popery, we have any case to stand upon in reply, we will leave to all those who possess a map of Europe, and have read its history during the last five years.

ART, IX. The History of Merchant Taylors' School, from its Foundation to the present Time; in Two Parts. I. Of its Founders, Patrons, Benefactors, and Masters. II. Of its principal Scholars. By the Rev. H. B. Wilson, B.D. Second Undermaster. 4to. 1254 pp. Rivingtons. 1814. A GOOD-SIZED quarto this, but our review of it may be short. It will not be supposed, that, in a volume containing


more than 1250 pages, many of them necessarily abounding with notes, we have read every word; but there is hardly a page, the index excepted, which we have not examined with care, and have scarcely found a single fact to rectify, a mistake of any moment to correct, or a sentiment to controvert, in the whole volume. It is precisely such a work as each of our illustrious seminaries, not to say every College in either University, should be ambitious to produce; but which, if we except Master's History of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, published in 1758, very few of them have yet produced.

A concise account of the work will be its best recommendation. It consists, as the title intimates, of two parts, each containing five chapters. In the first part, beginning with the foundation of the School by the Worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors in 1561, the author deduces the history, in the form of annals, to the present time; alloting to each chapter, as nearly as the duration of the successive Masterships, by which the narrative is regulated, would allow, the space of about fifty years. The chapters of the second part, bounded by the reigns of our sovereigns, as the first are by the masters of the school, comprise similar positions of time, each of them about half a century. This arrangement, as will be seen at once, has two advantages; it is natural, and it is commodious. Chronology is the light of all history, biographical as well as civil. That me. thod therefore is here pursued, but with the liberty which the great writers of antiquity assumed, to defer sometimes, or to anticipate, minute circumstances, as the connection of matter or of persons may suggest.

The work being necessarily of a miscellaneous nature, to be once perused, and consulted often, not only by persons educated at Merchant-Taylors, but by all, who, in this inquisitive age, are curious to investigate the literary history of the kingdom, to facilitate the use of it, there is not only prefixed a circumstantial table of the contents of each chapter, but a most copious index is subjoined; each of them, the latter especially, a work of im mense labour, which can only be adequately estimated by those "harmless drudges," (to borrow an expression of Dr. Johnson's) who, whether in compiling a dictionary or composing an index, are contented to toil without fame for the benefit of others.

The volume is inscribed, in a neat and appropriate dedication, "to the Master, Warden, and Court of Assistants, of the Worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors ;" and is embellished with six portraits, of so many distinguished ornaments of Mer chant-Taylors' School, the Archbishops Juxon, Dawes, and Boulter; and three of the Masters, Townley, Bishop, and

VOL. V. APRIL, 1816.



Cherry, which are finely engraved by Thielcke from original paintings.

From the second part of the work, where many memorable transactions, in the civil, ecclesiastical and military annals of our country, (connected with those great men, educated at Merchant Taylors, who sustained a principal part in them,) are sketched with an able hand, it were easy to bring forward passages innu. merable of commanding interest and importance. But" inopes nos copia fecit." Variety, though we could not choose amiss, makes selection difficult. The worthies also, though here fresh chaplets adorn their brows, were already, most of them, well known to fame. We therefore confine our attention to such passages (a few out of many) as exhibit the author himself in connection with his subject, and evince the rectitude of his judgment, the integrity of his patriotism, the purity of his faith, and what is generally apparent, the accuracy aud (no mean grace) simplicity of his language.

At the election to St. John's in 1601, there being two vacancies, a boy who had been elected the year before, when no vacancy happened for him, had a considerable majority in his favour; and Matthew Wren, afterwards Bishop of Ely, father of the famous Sir Christopher Wren, had the second number of votes, but in consequence of a second scrutiny lost his elec


"But the disappointment, which he experienced," says our author, "in thus being dashed from the pinnacle of his hopes, laid the foundation of his future greatness."

One of the learned men who attended the examination was Lancelot Andrews, an incomparable judge and promoter of merit, at this time Residentiary of St. Paul's and Master of Pembroke Hall, who had himself received his education at Merchant Taylors' School. He therefore,

"Pitying the hardship of Wren's case, took him under his pretection, and patronized him till his death. I will interrupt the narrative no longer," says the historian, "than while I observe, that this interesting occurrence should restrain the immoderate depression of those who miss the election to St. John's, and be an assurance to them, that if they do not fail through their own negligence, Providence will open for them other, and, perhaps, fairer prospects of advancement." P. 142.

The remark is not more just in itself, than it is seasonable in a work calculated throughout to animate and direct the hopes of youthful aspirants. In the limited circle of our own acquaintance we could mention more than one, now removed from the


career of mortal honours, who, in middle and later life, looked back with gratitude to disappointments, which, though naturally painful at the time, proved the very hinge and occasion of subsequent preferment.

It is matter of much satisfaction to the historian, as it doubtless will be to his readers, that in the Grand Rebellion,

"While the headship of almost every other school in the land was disposed of by the Presbyterian sequestrators, as best suited the views of their party, that Merchant-Taylors was saved to the successors of its founders, by the temper and firmness which they displayed on the occasion." P.268.

And by similar address and management, when James the Second, to forward "his project of establishing Popery and making himself absolute," "set himself above the rights of lawful patrons," and attempted to obtrude upon the Company a master of his own choice, they had again "the happiness to escape."

P. 387.

The effect of the restoration on the youthful seminary is well described. It

"Produced a change of scene at school as well as in the realm at, large. The countenances and manners of the boys were different from what they had been. Instead of demurely wearing their hats over their eyes, in imitation of the men who had now, for twelve miserable years, set the fashion in every thing, they assumed a more liberal air and English deportment. The clouds of discontent and chagrin at being obliged to stifle and subdue the generous feelings and buoyant spirits of youth, vanished as soon as they perceived those around them looking chearful and gay. Glad of an opportu nity of shaking off the Presbyterian discipline, which ill accorded with sports and pastimes, they omitted nothing, whereby they might testify their joy at what appeared to them a return of the goldenage."

We cannot wonder however that this was carried rather too far, and that" for some time, mirth and merriment superseded all application to books." P. 331.

At the close of the mastership of " the venerable Criche," who expired in 1759, " at the honourable age of fourscore," we have the names of some of his pupils:

"To whom the present generation have looked up as to fathers, friends, and instructors. The greater part of them, after serving mankind usefully and honourably in their several professions, have long since fallen a prey to the great destroyer. But some few remain, like the last oaks to which the woodman lays his axe, to shew us, by example, what their brethen were. And may they long re main an ornament to the school that trained them, and an honour

to the Company that patronized them; a blessing to their more immediate connections, and instruments to the last of promoting the public weal!" P. 454.

Mr. Wilson himself was educated under Mr. Bishop, known and admired for many of his poetical productions, equally elegant and original :

"Nor was he more respected by the Company than revered by the scholars, who still glow with affection for his memory, gratefully recollecting the judgment and ability with which he presided over the school, and opened to them the treasures of informa tion."

The names of some of these, “known and dear to science," are given:

"After whom, and many others that might be mentioned as the pride and boast of Merchant Taylors', may it be permitted to the writer of this work to rank himself, though in the back-ground of the piece, in the groupe of grateful pupils, from whose minds, neither the follies, nor the pleasures, nor the labours,nor the cares of this life, have been able to efface the fond remembrance of an instructor whom they loved!" P. 520.

Mr. Bishop's successor was Mr. Cherry; and

"How far the choice has been justified by experience, the flourishing state of the school can bear witness. It need only be observed here that he has uniformly inculcated that principle of disinterested loyalty, which has in every age been a distinguishing characteristic of Merchant Taylors'. P. 521.

Though we had not the honour of being educated at Merchant Taylors, nor have the pleasure of being acquainted with any of the worthy Masters of the School, we cardially say, " esto perpetua!" May it flourish, as the author, towards the close of his work, fervently "hopes and prays,"" till all institutions for the benefit of mankind merge in that general and grand melioration of the human race, which the Christian religion teaches us to expect." P. 1143.

We rejoice to see a numerous and respectable list of subscribers to a work, which in the collection of materials required indefatigable industry and multifarious research, and in its general form and structure displays much good taste and discriminating judgment. It is not a little satisfactory, that, in a work of such magnitude, there should be so few mistakes, and none of material consequence. Biography is, of all other species of writing, the most liable to error both in names and dates. Mr. Warton wrote, as Mr. Wilson does," cotemporary,” (p. 506. 1


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