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Imaginaire was written by Simon Berington, a Catholic priest, and the member of a family resident for many years in Herefordshire. The following Query will relate to another work of the same class, but of an earlier date.

The Histoire des Sévarambes is a fictitious account of a nation in the Southern Ocean, visited by a supposed navigator named Siden. Its first appearance was as an English work, with this title:

"The History of the Sevarites or Sevarambi, a nation inhabiting part of the third continent, commonly called Terræ Australes Incognitæ; with an account of their admirable government, religion, customs, and language. Written by one Captain Siden, a worthy person, who, together with many others, was cast upon those coasts, and lived many years in that country. London: printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun, at the west end of St. Paul's Churchyard, 1675. 12mo. pp. 114." No preface.

There is a second part, "more wonderful and delightful than the first," published in 1679 (pp. 140.). The licence by Roger Lestrange bears date Feb. 25. 167. There is a short preface, without signature, arguing that the country of the Sevarites is not fabulous.

A copy of the original edition of these two parts is in the British Museum.

Shortly after its publication in England, this work appeared in France with the following title: :

"Histoire des Sévarambes, peuples qui habitent une partie du troisième continent ordinairement appellé Terre Australe, contenant un compte exact du gouvernement, des mœurs, de la réligion et du langage de cette nation, jusques aujourd'hui inconnue aux peuples de l'Europe. Traduite de l'Anglois." First Part, Paris, 1677. 2 vols. 12mo. Second Part, 1678-9. 3 vols. 12mo.

Both parts are dedicated to Monsieur Riquet, Baron de Bonrepos; and the dedications are both signed with the initials D. V. D. E. L.

The British Museum contains no French edition of this work earlier than an Amsterdam reprint of 1716. The above account of the early French edition is taken from the Dictionnaire Historique of Prosper Marchand (La Haye, 1758), tom. i. p. 11., art. ALLAIS. This article (which may be cited as a model of bibliographical research) attributes the authorship of the Histoire des Sévarambes, upon evidence, which, if not conclusive, is very strong, to Denis Vairasse, or Vayrasse. Marchand explains the initials appended to the dedications of the French edition to mean, Denis Vairasse d'Allais en Languedoc. He likewise considers Siden as the anagram of Denis; and Sevarias, the legislator of the Sevarambians, as the anagram of Vairasse. Some of the religious opinions expressed in this fiction were thought bold, and the authorship of the work was at one

time much discussed: it was attributed both to Isaac Vossius and Leibnitz. It was translated into Dutch, German, and Italian; and there is an English edition, London 1738, in 1 vol. 8vo., in which the preface from the French edition, alluding to Plato's Republic, More's Utopia, and Bacon's New Atlantis, not to be found in the original English edition, is introduced. This volume is entitled

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The History of the Sevarambians, a people of the south continent, in five parts, containing, &c Translated from the Memoirs of Capt. Siden, who lived fifteen years amongst them."

The work is included in the collection of Voyages Imaginaires, tom. v., where the editor speaks of the distinguished place which it holds among the fictions of that class; but he says that its authorship was unknown or uncertain. An account of another fictitious voyage to the Terra Australis, with a description of an imaginary people, published in 1692, may be seen in Bayle's Dict., art. SADEUR, Voyages Imaginaires, tom. xxiv.

According to the account given by Marchand, Vairasse began life by serving in the army in Piedmont, and he afterwards studied the law. Subsequently he went to England, where he is stated to have attempted to penetrate the intrigues of the court, and to discover the maxims of the English government. In 1665, he was in the ship commanded by the Duke of York against the Dutch; and some years afterwards, having been regarded as an accomplice in the designs of a public minister (apparently Lord Clarendon), he was forced to retire with him, and follow him to Paris. He re-entered the military service, and was with the French army which invaded Holland in 1672. Afterwards he taught English and French at Paris; he likewise published a French Grammar, and an abridgment of it in the English language (1683). He was of the reformed religion.


It is possible that Vairasse's visit to England may have been connected with his religion. He appears, during his residence here, to have acquired the English language; but it is difficult to understand what are the designs of Lord Clarendon in which he was an accomplice." Lord Clarendon's exile took place in 1667; which hardly accords with the expression "some years" after 1665. No person of the name of Vairasse is mentioned as having accompanied Lord Clarendon in his banishment.

The first part of the History of the Sevarambians was published in English in 1675, two years before the French edition of the first part. The second parts were published at London and Paris in the same year. Even if Vairasse did not leave England with Lord Clarendon, he had left it before the year in which the first part of this work appeared in English: for he is stated to

have been with the French army in Holland in 1672. It is therefore difficult to account for the publication of the English version of the History of the Sevarambians before its publication in France, upon the assumption that Vairasse was the author. The writer of the life of Vairasse (art. ALLAIS) in the Biographical Dictionary of the Society of Useful Knowledge thinks that he may have been only the translator: but the facts collected by Marchand show that he claimed the authorship; and there is no trace of its composition by any Englishman. Besides, its prior publication in England is just as inexplicable upon the assumption of his being the translator, as upon that of his being the author.

Query, Is Vairasse's residence in England mentioned by any English writer? And can any light be thrown upon the authorship of the History of the Sevarambians from any English source? L.

"when I had not a shilling to spare, I was passing by a cottage at Keswick where a carter was demanding a shilling for a letter, which the woman of the house appeared unwilling to give, and at last declined to take. I paid the postage, and when the man was out of sight, she told me that the letter was from her son, who took that means of letting her know that he was well. The letter was not to be paid for. It was then opened and found to be blank."

Now, while so many copies of "NOTES AND QUERIES" pass through the Post-office, it is to be hoped one at least may remain there, and be the means of inducing Mr. Hill to inform us whether Miss Martineau had any authority for fathering this story upon him; and whether the Post-office Reform is really indebted to any such trivial incident for its original idea. E. VENABLES.


Many of your readers have, I doubt not, perused with interest the vivid sketch of the origin of the Penny Postage System, given by Miss Martineau in her History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, vol. ii. p. 425., and have seen in the incident of the shilling letter delivered to the poor cottager, somewhere in the Lake district -refused by her from professed inability to pay the postage-paid for by Mr. Rowland Hill, who happened most opportunely to be passing that way - and, when opened, found to be blank (this plan being preconcerted between the woman and her correspondent, to know of each other's welfare without the expense of postage) A remarkable instance of "how great events from little causes spring," and have bestowed much admiration on the penetration of Mr. Hill's mind, which "wakened up at once to a significance of the fact," nor ever rested till he had devised and effected his scheme of Post-office Reform; though all the while an uncomfortable feeling might be lurking behind as to the perfect credibility of so interesting a mode of accounting for the initiation of this great social benefit.

I confess to having had some suspicions myself as to the trustworthiness of this story; and a few days since my suspicions were fully confirmed by discovering that the real hero of the tale was not the Post-office Reformer, but the poet Coleridge; unless, indeed, which is surely out of the range of ordinary probabilities, the same event, corresponding exactly as to place and amount of postage, happened to two persons at separate times.

Coleridge relates the story himself, in one of his "conversations," of which memoranda are preserved in the interesting volumes published by Moxon in 1836 (ii. 114.). "One day," he says,

RED BOOK OF THE IRISH EXCHEQUER. On one of the vellum leaves of which the Red Book of the Irish Exchequer is composed, there is depicted a pen and ink sketch of that court. In the centre of the picture is the table, which is covered (as it is at this day) with a chequered cloth, whereon are placed a bag upon which are the words "Baga cum rotulis," a book with a clasp, five large pieces of money, and a strip of parchment, upon which is written, "Ceo vous, &c." The table is surrounded on its four equal sides by thirteen human figures, namely, six at the top of the picture, three on the left hand, three on the right, and one at the bottom. Of the six figures at the top of the sketch, all of whom wear robes, he who is on the right hand holds a wand, bears upon his head a cap, and is in the act of leaving the court, exclaiming, "Ademayn." To the right of this man, who is probably the crier of the court, is one of the officers carrying a piece of parchment, upon which is written in contracted law Latin, "Preceptum fuit Vicecomiti per breve hujus Scaccarii." To the right of the last-named figure is another officer of the court, who is in the act of examining his pen by placing its nib at a short distance from his eyes; and this person carries in his left hand a piece of parchment upon which are written, in like character, the words, "Memorandum quod x die Maii, &c." To the right of this officer, who is probably the Chief Remembrancer, is placed another officer, wearing a cap, who is in the act of writing upon a piece of parchment bearing the words "Henricus dei gratia." The two remaining figures at the top of the picture are apparently conversing together: to one of them are applied the words, "Eynt bre vic.," with another word following the last which is scarcely decypherable; and to the other the word "Elgyn" seems to have reference; such

word being placed upon the ample sleeve of his gown. The three figures on the left of the picture are probably the three Barons. The head-dress of the judge who is sitting at the extreme right of the bench, varies in its form from that which is worn by the baron who is seated in the centre; and the third baron, who is sitting at the left, has

his head uncovered. The first-named baron seems in the act of counting or reckoning the pieces of coin which are placed before him upon the table, and says "xx d.;" the baron in the centre, who wears a cap similar in form to the night-cap now commonly used, says "Voyr dire ;" and the third baron says "Soient forfez." Opposite to the judges, and to the right of the picture, are three persons wearing gowns, and standing at the bar of the court. One of these points towards his face with the first finger of his right hand, and says, "Oy de brie;" the figure to his left extends his right arm towards the bench, and exclaims, "Soit oughte;" and the third figure says, "Chalange." This man, the handle of whose sword is distinctly visible on his right side, whose outer sleeves are wide and flowing, whose under garment is buttoned tightly at the wrist, and whose boots are in shape similar to ladies' boots of modern times, closely laced to the leg, has placed the thumb of his left hand between the thumb and first finger of his right. And, lastly, at the bottom of the picture is seated the sheriff, bearing upon his head a hood or cap, upon which the words "Vic. tot & unit" are written. Query, Are the persons here represented the barons and officers of the Exchequer? and, more especially, who are the persons who exclaim "Oy de brie," "Soit oughte," and 'Chalange."


Minor Queries.

J. F. F.

Abbey of Shapp, or Hepp. —I shall be much obliged to any of your readers who can inform me whether the Chartulary of the Abbey of Shapp, or Hepp, in Westmoreland, is now in existence; and if so, where it is. In the Monasticon, vol. vi. p. 869., it is stated that in 1638 it was in the possession of Lord William Howard, of Naworth; but though a search has been made among Lord William's papers and MSS. in the possession of his descendant, the Earl of Carlisle, at Castle Howard, the Chartulary is not now to be found among them. J. C.

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"But friendship's pure and lasting joys
My soul was form'd to prove,
Then welcome, win, and wear the prize,
But never talk of love."

A. M.

"Friday Weather." - Under this heading I have quoted and referred to a common proverb current here, in "NOTES AND QUERIES," Vol. i., p. 303. J. MILNER BARRY.

Lucy and Colin.-Can you tell me who was the author of "Lucy and Colin," so beautifully translated by Vincent Bourne, and by him entitled "Lucia et Corydon"?

In Southey's Common-place Book, 3d series, I found the following in p. 712.:

"Of the wretched poem Colin and Lucy (Tickel ?) published as a fragment of Elizabeth's age, the reviewer says, 'Is this the language of Q. Elizabeth's time, or something better? But to whatever age, or to whatever author we are indebted for this beautiful piece, it must be allowed an honour to both, and therefore worth contending for on behalf of our own time.'"

I wonder whether this be the "Colin and Lucy' that V. Bourne translated.

I have not Tickel's works, and therefore cannot discover whether he be the author of that beautiful (whatever Southey may say) ballad beginning with

"In Leinster famed for maidens fair," &c.

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[Moxon, in his Mechanick Exercises, vol. ii. p. 356. 4to. 1683, says: Every printing-house is by the custom of time out of mind called a chappel; and all the workmen that belong to it are members of the chappel: and the oldest freeman is father of the chappel. I suppose the style was originally conferred upon it by the courtesie of some great Churchman, or men, (doubtless, when chappels were in more veneration than of late years they have been here in England), who, for the books of divinity that proceeded from a printing-house, gave it the reverend title of chappel."]

Cockade is a ribband worn in the hat, as defined by Dr. Johnson. Query, What is the origin of its use by officers of the army and navy; who are privileged to wear it; when was it first introduced; and by what authority, if any, is it sanctioned or confined to the army and navy?

A. E.

Suem, Ferling, Grasson. In a copy of Court Roll, dated the 40th year of Elizabeth, and relat

ing to the manor of Rotherfield, co. Sussex, these furnish me with the rest of a Scotch song of which words occur:

"R. K. cepit extra manus domini unam suem tre nat' de ferling," &c.

I shall be obliged to any of your correspondents who will explain the words suem and ferling. What is the etymology of grasson, a word used in some north-country manors for a fine paid on alienation of copyhold lands? C. W. G. Cranmer's Descendants. — Being much interested in everything that concerns the martyrs of the Reformation, and not the less so from being descended (in the female line) from the father of Archbishop Cranmer, I should be very glad if any of your correspondents could inform me whether there are any of his male descendants still in existence. Gilpin, in his Lives of the Reformers, that the Archbishop's wife and children lived in great obscurity. This was probably on account of the prejudice, which had hardly passed away, against the marriage of the clergy; but surely the descendants of so great a man, if there be such, have not lost the records or pedigree by which Č. D. F.


their descent can be verified.

Collections of Pasquinades.-Can any of your correspondents inform me whether a collection has ever been published of the satirical verses affixed to the torso of Menelaus, at the corner of the Palazzo Braschi at Rome, and commonly known as Pasquinades, from the name of a tailor whose shop stood near the place of its discovery? (See Nibby, Itinerario di Roma, ii. 409.) I send you a specimen which I do not remember to have seen in print. It was occasioned by the Pope Pius VI. (Braschi) having placed his own coat of arms in various parts of St. Peter's. They consisted of the double-headed eagle, two stars, a lily, and the head of a boy, puffing at it.

"Redde aquilam imperio; Gallorum lilia regi; Sidera redde polo; cætera Brasche tibi.' The eagle being restored to the Holy Roman Empire, the lily to the Most Christian King, and the stars to the firmament, there remained for the Pope himself an empty puff. MARFORIO.

I have heard these two couplets?

"The Deil sat girning in a nook,
Breaking sticks to burn the duke.
A' the Whigs sal gae to hell!
Geordie sal gae there hissel."

And who was the writer?


Rodolph Gualter. — I think I have somewhere seen it stated that Rodolph Gualter (minister at Zurich, and well known as a correspondent of our divines in the age of the Reformation) was a Scotchman. Will any of your correspondents oblige me by supplying either a reference for this statement, or a disproof of it — or both?

J. C. R. Passage in St. Mark.-What Fathers of the early Christian Church have annotated that reσε οὐδὲ ὁ υἱὸς," markable text, Mark xiii. 32., "Neither the Son ?"

As this subject has certainly engaged the attention of many of your readers, it will be a great favour conferred on the present writer, if their replies should indicate the authors' names, the date and place of the edition, the page, and such other distinctive marks as shall lead to a prompt investigation of the subject: among them, whether the authors quoted are in the library of the British



"Fronte Capillatâ,"&c.—On the Grammar School at Guilsbro, in Northamptonshire, is inscribed the following hexameter :—

"Fronte capillatâ post est Occasio calva."

I suppose it alludes to some allegorical representation of Occasio; and is intended to convey the same meaning as our English proverb, "Seize time by the forelocks." From what author is this inscription taken? E. H. A.


(Vol. i., p. 230.)

L. S. asks, in what rebellion was the banner carried with the motto "God speed the plough?" -(Homily against Wilful Rebellion.)

Portraits of Bishops. - Can any of your correspondents inform me of portraits of John Williams, archbishop of York (previously bishop of Lincoln); Probably in the rebellion of the Earls of NorJohn Owen, bishop of St. Asaph; George Griffith, thumberland and Westmoreland in the north of bishop of St. Asaph; Lewis Bayley, bishop of Ban-England, during the autumn of A.D. 1569. In the gor; Humphrey Henchman, bishop of London (previously bishop of Salisbury); Lord Chief Justice Glynne; and Sir Thomas Milward, chief justice

of Chester.

Cassan, in his Bishops of Salisbury, mentions one of Henchman; but I mean exclusively of this. Y. Y.

The Butcher Duke.-Can any of your readers

passage of the homily which immediately follows the one quoted by L. S., occur these words:

five wounds painted, against those who put their only hope of salvation in the wounds of Christ..... and

"And though some rebels bear the picture of the

though they do bear the image of the cross painted in a rag.... yet let no good and godly subject.... follow such standard-bearers of rebellion."

Again just before the quotation cited by L. S.


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In this passage we have three out of four facts enumerated: 1st. The defacing of places; 2d. The banner with the five wounds; 3d. The standard with the cross. It does not, therefore, seem unreasonable to infer, that the other fact alluded to, viz. the banner with the motto, is to be referred to the same rebellion.

It is not, however, impossible that the rebellion, which broke out A.D. 1549, first in the western counties, and then in Oxfordshire, Bucks, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Yorkshire, may be also alluded to in the homily. For Cranmer, in his answer to the Devonshire and Cornish rebels, urges this amongst other reasons:—

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Fourthly, for that they let the harvest, which is the chief sustentation of our life; and God of his goodness hath sent it abundantly. And they by their folly do cause it to be lost and abandoned."-Strype's Mem. of C., ed. Oxf. 1840, vol. ii. p. 841.

An argument similar to the one used in the homily. The insurrection, in fact, in the midland and north-eastern counties, began with an attempt to redress an agricultural grievance; according to Fox (E. H. vol. ii. p. 665. edit. 1641); "about plucking down of enclosures and enlarging of commons." The date of the homily itself offers no objection; for though it is said (Oxf. ed. Pref. p. v.) not to occur in any collected edition printed before 1571, yet there exists a separate edition of it printed in 4to. by Jugge and Cawood, probably earlier than A.D. 1563. Collier does not quote his authority for the statement about the banners, but probably it was either Camden or Holinshed; and a reference to these authors, which I regret I have no means of making, might establish the particular point in question. E. A. D.

66 defender OF THE FAITH."
(Vol. ii., pp. 442. 481.)

I regret that my Note, inserted in your paper of Nov. 30th, was so ambiguously written as to elicit such a reply as it has been favoured with by MR. GIBSON of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

What I meant to say in my last Note was simply this-that two persons, viz. Messrs. Christopher Wren and Chamberlayne, have asserted that the title "Defender of the Faith" had been used by our monarchs anterior to 1521; and in support of their assertions, cite the Black Book of the order of the garter, and several charters granted to the University of Oxford: that is, each gives a distinct proof of his allegation.

Had MR. GIBSON understood my Note, as I trust he now will, he will see at once that the expression "untrue" is totally inapplicable to their statements, at least upon any showing upon his part; for he does not appear to me to have consulted either the Black Book or the charters, on which alone their assertions are based, to which alone we must in common honesty refer, and by which alone their veracity must be judged.

That their " startling" statements do not appear in Selden, nor in Luder's brief paper in the 19th vol. of the Archæologia, is conceded; but I think it might have occurred to the mind of one of less acumen than MR. GIBSON, that it was precisely because the allegations do not appear in these or any other writers or authorities that I considered them not unworthy of the attention of the readers of the "NOTES AND QUERIES." I am at a loss to reconcile MR. GIBSON's expression "startling," as applied to the assertions of Messrs. Wren and Chamberlayne (and I need not add, that had they not been startling to myself as to him, they would never have found their way to your paper), with the following paragraph :

"In this sense, the sovereign and every knight be. came a sworn defender of the faith. Can this duty have come to be popularly attributed as part of the royal style and title?"

I do not allude to this statement in a critical point of view, but simply, as, from the general tenor of his communication, MR. GIBSON appears to labour under an impression, that, from ignorance of historical authorities, I have merely given utterance to a popular fallacy, unheard of by him and other learned men; and, like the "curfew," to be found in no contemporaneous writer. I beg, however, to assure him, that before forwarding the note and question to your paper, I had examined not only the Bulls, and our best historians, but also the works of such writers as Prynne, Lord Herbert, Spelman, Camden, and others, who have in any way treated of regal titles and prerogatives.

I have only to add, that beyond the investigation of the truth of the assertions of Messrs. Wren and Chamberlayne, I am not in any way interested. I care not for the result. I only seek for the elucidation of that which is at once "startling" and a "popular fallacy." ROBERT ANstruther. Bayswater.

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