On his Defign for GEORGIA.
OW great, how juft thy Zeal, advent'rous Youth!
To fpiead in Heathen Climes, the Light of Truth !
Go lov'd of Heaven! with every Grace refin'd,
Inform, enrapture each dark Indian's Mind;
Grateful, as when to Realms long hid from Day,
The chearful Dawn fore-fhews the folar Ray.
How great thy Charity whose large Embrace
(Intends th'eternal Weal of all thy Race}
Prompts thee, the Rage of Winds and Seas to Scorn,
T'effect the Work for which thy Soul was born.
What Multitudes, whom Pagan Dreams deceive,
Shall, when they hear thy pow'rful Voice, believe?
On Georgia's Shore thy WESTLEY shall attend,
To hail the wifh'd Arrival of his Friend:
With Joy, the promis'd Harvest he furveys,
And to his Lord for faithful Lab'rers prays:
Tho' crowded Temples here would plead thy ftay,
Yet hafle, bless'd Prophet on thy destin'd Way.
Be gentle, Winds and breathe an easy Breeze '
Be clear, ye Skies! and fmooth, ye flowing Seas'
From Heav'n, ye guardian Angels' swift defcend,
Delighted, his bleft Mission to attend
Which shall from Satan's Pow'r whole Nations free,
While half the World to JESUS bow the Knee.
Long as Savannah, peaceful Stream! fhall glide,
Your Worth renown'd fhall be extended wide :
Children, as yet unborn, fhall bless your Lore,
Who thus, to fave them, left your Native Shore.
Th' Apoftles thus, with ardent Zeal infpir'd,
To gain all Nations for their LORD defir'd:
They meafur'd Seas, a Life laborious knew,
And num'rous Converts to their MASTER drew;
Whofe Halleluja's on the ætherial Plains,
Rife fcarce beneath the bright Seraphic Strains