Paradisus amissus: Poema Joannis Miltoni. Latine redditum a Guilielmo Dobson ...e theatro Sheldoniano, 1750 - 304 pages |
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Page 6
... else inflict , do I repent or change , Though chang'd in outward luftre , that fix'd mind And high disdain , from sense of injur'd merit , That with the Mightiest rais'd me to contend , Quot Quot juga detrectare ausi , dominumque ...
... else inflict , do I repent or change , Though chang'd in outward luftre , that fix'd mind And high disdain , from sense of injur'd merit , That with the Mightiest rais'd me to contend , Quot Quot juga detrectare ausi , dominumque ...
Page 7
... else not to be overcome . That Glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me . To bow and fue for grace With fuppliant knee , and deifie his Power , Who from the terror of this Arm so late Doubted his Empire : That were low indeed ...
... else not to be overcome . That Glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me . To bow and fue for grace With fuppliant knee , and deifie his Power , Who from the terror of this Arm so late Doubted his Empire : That were low indeed ...
Page 38
... else , enjoy'd In Vision Beatific : by him first Men also , and by his suggestion taught , Ransack'd the Centre , and with impious hands Rifled the Bowels of their mother Earth , For Treafures better hid . Soon had his crew And digg'd ...
... else , enjoy'd In Vision Beatific : by him first Men also , and by his suggestion taught , Ransack'd the Centre , and with impious hands Rifled the Bowels of their mother Earth , For Treafures better hid . Soon had his crew And digg'd ...
Page 66
... else in fome mild Zone Dwell not unvisited of Heav'n's fair Light Secure , and at the bright'ning Orient beam Purge off this gloom : the soft delicious Air , To heal the fear of these corrofive Fires , Shall breathe her balm . But first ...
... else in fome mild Zone Dwell not unvisited of Heav'n's fair Light Secure , and at the bright'ning Orient beam Purge off this gloom : the soft delicious Air , To heal the fear of these corrofive Fires , Shall breathe her balm . But first ...
Page 86
... else ? ) to our Almighty Foe Clear Victory ; to Our part loss , and rout , Through all the Empyrean : down they fell , Driv'n headlong from the pitch of Heaven down Into this Deep ; and in the general fall I also : at which time this ...
... else ? ) to our Almighty Foe Clear Victory ; to Our part loss , and rout , Through all the Empyrean : down they fell , Driv'n headlong from the pitch of Heaven down Into this Deep ; and in the general fall I also : at which time this ...
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Adam adeò Agmina alſo Angel behold beſt bright cæli call'd Chaos cœli cœlo dark darkness death deep Deus earth elſe eſt Eternal evil eyes fair fear fight fimul find fire firſt foon found fruit fuper Gaudia glory Gods good great hæc happy hath haud head heard heart Heav'n Heav'n's heav'nly Hell high hinc hope ipſa ipſe Jamque juſt know læta laſt latè left leſs life light long longè love made moſt muſt nature night omnibus Omnipotens once Orbs pain PARADISE LOST pectore perhaps place pow'r quà quæ quàm reaſon reply'd reſt round Satan Satanas ſed ſedes ſeem'd ſeſe ſhall ſhe ſhould ſome ſpake ſtate ſtill ſtood ſua ſuch ſuper ſweet tellus thee their thence theſe they things thoſe thou thoughts thro tibi uſque verò vitæ whoſe wide world