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An Univerfal Repofitory of Divine Knowledge. FOR JULY, 1783.


[1. An excellent PORTRAIT and STRIKING LIKENESS of the Most Reverend WILLIAM MARKHAM, the prefent Lord ARCH-BISHOP of YORK, Primate of England, and Lord High Almoner to his Majefty, &c. elegantly engraved from an ORIGINAL Picture. 2. A PERSPECTIVE VIEW of the Cathedral Church of CANTERBURY.].


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A greater Variety of important and interefting Subjects, conveyed in a delightful Manner, than was ever given in any fimilar Publication whatever, viz.

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The Whole intended to promote the Cause of PIETY and VIRTUE, and undertaken By a SOCIETY of CLERGY MEN, of the Diccefe of LONDON, Who are honoured with Communications for the proper Accomplishment of their Design, from the CLERGY and others in different Parts of the Kingdom.


Pripted for the EDITORS; and Published by ALEX. HOGG, No. 16, Paternofter Row; by whom Letters to the EBITORS, Post paid, are received.

UMBER XII. for the enfuing Month, among a variety of other inftructive and enWells, embellished with an elegant portrait of his Lordship.-Alfo a celebrated Pfalm tune, as fung at the Magdalen and Foundling Chapels, and fet by an eminent mufic master.

A Paraphrafe on the First Article of the Church of England is received, as are alfo the fa vours of a new Correfpondent I. C.P.; Georgius; James Watson; A. B.; Verax; Z. C; Americanus; Granville; Origin; R. Knowles; A Chriftian Barber of Barbian; B. Wilkins; Paeificus; and twenty-feven poetical pieces with different fignatures; each of which, if admiffible, fhall appear in turn without delay.

The Verfes referred to in an introductory letter from James Coates, which letter is received, have not come to our hands.

We are much difpofed to ferve H. 7. or H. T. yet cannot in the way he defires. A little reflection will convince this Correfpondent that his Acroftic Epiftie is not adapted to the Chriftian's Magazine: but if he will turn his thoughts to a fubject of a ferious nature, we are ready to give proof of our willingness to oblige him; and in our opinion, by doing this, he will be more likely to be happy in the returned kindefs of Mifs W-l-f-d.

Mr. R. Nufb will be pleafed to accept of our thanks for his information refpecting the mistake of one of our Reviewers. The price of Mr. Wishaw's, 2 vols. of Sermons is 8s. fewed.

The gentleman of Cardiganshire, whofe letter is dated May 31ft, requesting an Effay on the great fin of Sacrilege fhall be particularly attended to.

If W. H. will acquaint us with article and page in the review of which he fpeaks in his letter, dated May the 30th, we will endeavour to comply with his withes.

Queries from Verax fhall be inferted the first opportunity. We do not recollect to have Teen his fignature before; but it is not in our power, at prefent, to determine any thing about the Pfalm fet to mufic; the fame we are obliged to fay to Z. C. whom we have before particularly noticed in our anfwers to Correfpondents.

Having been charged, in the course of last month, with the expence of fome letters from diftant parts, we are under the neceffity of reminding our Correfpondents of the late new act, which has augmented the postage of Letters above eighty miles; and we beg leave to observe, that, for the future, no favours will be in the leaft noticed, which come not to us agreeable to ancient and modern ufage, POST PAID.


INDIGNATUS, from whom we have been favoured with a very long Epiftle, is not to be blam'd, for ftanding forth in defence of his friend; yet we cannot approve of his ftile and fpirit. Ira brevis furor eft. We are not refponfible for the unguarded expreffions of our cor⚫ refpondents, in whofe copies, unless desired, we prefume not to make the least alteration: but, on the other hand, Indignatus fhould not render railing forfrailing, “ Anger, as is obferved above, is a fhort madnefs," and will not ferve a friend, or any caufe. The writer of this article As as well acquainted with, and no lefs a friend to Dr. Prieftly, than Indignatus can be; and he is certain the strictures of our Reviewer upon the Doctor's corruptions of Chriftianity, will not in the least affect his benevolent feelings. Dr. Priefly is, equally with ourselves, a friend to religious liberty; he cannot therefore be offended at our combating his private opinions, and not admitting them into that Repofitory of Divine Knowledge, which will fteadily maintain, defend, and preferve, as a inoft facred truft, the fundamental doctrines of the Church of England, well known to be founded upon Trinitarian principles. But thould the language of Chriftian have really offended Indignatus, he muft anfwer him through fome other channel; for we muft decline a conteft which common fenfe will tell that enraged Gentleman, can neither be agreeable to ourselves, nor entertaining, to our readers.

On the 16th of laft Month was published, (Price only Six-Pence.) The SUPPLEMENT to VOL. I.

Embellished with an excellent PORTRAIT of the celebrated BISHOP BEVERIDGE, and alfo a fine Head of that ornament of Chriftianity, Sir MATTHEW HALE, Lord Chief Juftice of England :-And containing a variety of pieces, in Profe and Verfe, too numerous o mention,

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Most Reverend Father in GOD,





New Christian's Magazine

Is infcribed, with all due Refpect,

By His Grace's

Moft devoted and obedient

Humble Servants,


AUGUST 1, 1783.

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