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Her loaded beak does conftant food produce. 'Tis God who hears the callow, neftling cry, And hungry lions roaring in the wood : To him each creature looks with longing eye; His bounteous hand gives all their proper food,

How much fuperior am I in worth

To fowls of gaudy plume, or pleasant fong,
For whom the great Creator built this earth,
To whom the various animals belong.

If a mean, ufelefs, folitary bird
Croaks not in vain, but conftantly is fed :
Believe my foul, that thou art always heard,
When thou petitioneft for daily bread.

Believer, to your heav'nly father look,
As did the Tifhbite, and the raven's wing,
Which fed Elijah, by old Cherith's brook,
Shall leave the young and your provifion

Does facred love the fainting bofom fire,
And faith the failing eye irradiate;
All real good fhall crown the heart's defire,
Which to this mortal body can relate.

Now to the winds my carking cares I give,
I've food fufficient in a fingle text:
"Since Jefus liveth I thall ever live"
In this world, yea my foul, and in the next.
S. JAMES, Philip-lane.

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The cards, the fpinning-wheel and loom,
Have not that fplendid raiment wrought;
Neither was thine enchanting bloom,
Of any colour-merchant bou_ht.

A vernal funbeam bade thee grow,
And rais'd thee from the moiften'd earth
Yet it furpaffes man to fhew,
The nature of thy wond'rous birth.

God gave you cloathing to adorn,
The meadow for a little time;
And when arrives the fatal mora,
Some ruftic fells thee in thy prime.
Drooping beneath the fultry ray,
Soon perishes this rich attire;
You linger out one fummer's day,
The following in flames expire.
Confumed, merely just to bake,
For the destroyer's family,
An oaten loaf or barley cake,
Your boasted charms in afhes lie,

Gay bloffom glow in all thy pride,
And teach this leffon, comely weed;
That I, for whom a Saviour dy'd,
Shall never proper garments need.

S. JAMES, Philip-lane.



OME now my brethren all, around,
And tafte the goodnefs of the Lord;
In him true peace alone is found;
Learn and embrace his holy word.

The righteous in the Lord rejoice,
They hear his word, obey his will;
Then let us now with heart and voice,
Echo our hymns to Sion's hill.

We fee, by faith, the promis'd land,
The new Jerufalem we fee;
Then join with us both heart and hand,
Obedient to the Lord to be.

Then fhall our actions at be fuch,
As pleafure, profit, peace to bring;
Nor can we ferve our God too much,
Thro' Chrift our prophet, pricft, and king,

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NOME then my foul! infpir'd by the moft High,

And view the beauties of the azure sky; With folemn awe, and fecret fweet content, Survey with wonder and astonishment. When all in chaos, and confufion laid, When all thofe ornaments remain❜d unmade; Thou then waft God! from everlasting thou; Thou, no beginning nor no end doft know. He fpake! all things his plaftic power felt, And quickly rofe the fpacious firmament; With all the glittering fpangles that do grace,

The mighty convex of the universe.

Thou fun, the fountain of refreshing heat,
From whence the planets do emit their light;
And all inferior lights do come from him,
Or the Satellites that wait on them.
When on your poles you turn your rapid


Darting your brightness,



O mighty Lord, beneficent and kind,
Unto what purpofe are thy works defign'd;
That thofe thy creatures which on earth

Man might be fed and be refreshed by them;
Lord what is man!-(amazing to declare,)
That thou thould make him thy peculiar


He who fell from that high ftate of blifs,
And forfeited immortal paradife :

No fooner had he done this wretched deed, Thou didst appoint the woman's conquering feed.

To bruife the ferpent's head-man's foes destroy,

And reinstate him to his former joy;
Thou didst fend down thy own eternal fon,
Το put the robes of human nature on;
To fuffer, bleed and die, that man might


The precious influence of redeeming love :
Redeeming love! be this my glorious theme
This, which adoring Angels cannot fing.
Impart, this love, O let it be bestow'd,
By the effect of thy all powerful blood;
That all my powers may with one accord,
Afcribe falvation to the triune God.

O Lord our Governor, how great art thou,
What man aright can all thy greatnefs fhow
What tongue alas ! can all thy goodness telk
Thy works are glorious and ineffable.

-own your author


ye maffy fhining fixed ftars, Which in the firmament but fcarce appear. The bulky orbs which do your mais contain,

Which fet your limits and your powers re


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ROM all decanal cares at laft set free,
(Oh could that freedom still more per-
fect be!)

My fun's meridian hour, long paft and gone,
Dim night, unfit for work, comes haft'ning on.
In life's late ev'ning, through a length of day,
I find me gently tending to decay:
How fhall I then my fated exit make,
How beft fecure my great eternal stake?
This ny prime with, to fee thy glorious face,
Oh gracious God, in fome more happy place;
Till then to fpend my fhort remains of

In thoughts, which raise the foul to truths fublime.

To live with innocence, with peace and love, As do thefe faints, who dwell in blifs above; By prayers, the wings which faith to reafon lends,

Even now my foul to heav'n's high throne


While here on earth, thus on my bended knee,
Oh power divine, I fupplicate to thee;
May I meet death, when his approach is

Not fond of life, nor of his dart afraid,
Feel that my gain, which I efteem'd a lofs,
Heaven is the gold refin'd, earth but the drofs.


ART. I. Differtations moral and critical. By James Beattie, L. L. D. Profeffor of Moral Philofophy and Logic, in the Marichal College and Univerfity of Aberdeen; and a Member of the Zealand Society of Arts and Sciences, 4to.


NEW authors have more promoted the interefts of virtue and literature than Dr. Beattie, who has acquired defervedly a reputation, which will not be diminished by thefe differtations. "The reader (to ufe the Doctor's own words) will be difappointed, if he thould expect to find in this book any nice metaphyfieal theories, or other matters of doubtful difputations. Such things the author is not unacquainted with but they fuit not his ideas of moral teaching; and he has laid them afide long ago. His aim is, to inure young minds to habits of attentive obfervation; to guard them against the influence of bad principles; and to fet before them fuch views of nature, and fuch plain and practical truths, as may at once, improve the heart and understanding, and ainufe and elevate the fancy."

ART. II. Compaffion to the Poor recommended: a Sermon preached at Melton Mowbray, Lei ceflerfbire, Dec. 1, 1782. By Thomas Ford, L. L. D. Vicar. 8vo. 6d.

This fermon, publifhed for the benefit of the poor of Melton-Mowbray, contains a variety of fcripture-quotations, judiciously felected, and interwoven in the general texture of Dr. Ford's animated difcourfe, with a peculiar eafe and propriety. We hope it will produce the defired effect, both for the fake of the poor, and the author's generous intention, who appears to be a man of ingenuity, piety and benevolence, notwithftanding his attacliment to methodism.

ART. III. An historical View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship, from the Reforma ion to our Times. By Theophilus Lindley, A. M. 8vo. 6s.

We cannot help thinking our readers may lay out fix fhillings to a much better purpofe, than by purchafing this useless Jumber of hiftorical fcraps. In our laft number, we gave our fentiments of Mr. Lindsey as a controverfial writer. With refpect to this work, a good Christian will not entertain a thought about it. What is it to him when, or where the unitarian herefy fprung up? And as to ourselves, a love for our most holy religion will ever

deter us from giving our fanction to a fundamental error, however artfully cloathed, and the evident tendency whereof is, to encourage feparations from the established church.

ART. IV. A Courfe of Sermons upon Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, by John Whi taker, B. D. fmall 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Thefe awful fubje&s can never be too frequently prefented to the view of the fallen, finful race of Adam. Every fon and daughter of Eve would do well to familiarize thofe tremendous fcenes, of which they believe, they will moft affuredly be hereafter either trembling or joyful fpe&tators. The writer has drawn them in very striking colours, fometimes with an unrestrained fervor of a too warm imagination. ART. V. A curious Hioroglipbic Bible; or felect Pages in the Old and New Teftament, reprefented with near Five Hundred emblematical figures, for the Amusement of Youth.

12mo. 15.

A work of this kind is calculated rather to amufe than inftruct! and, to the hieroglyphic reprefentations, we must observe, that though fome of them are well defigned, yet in others there is a grofs impropriety, efpecially in two, one of which reprefents the holy fpirit in the shape of an overgrown dove, the other, the Great I Am under the figure of an old man with a long beard. A picture of the laft kind is now in one of the churches at Rome; and as to this popith method of inftructing children, we cannot fpeak in its favour.

ART. VI. A Sermon preached before the Humane Society, on March 30th, and May 25th, 1783. By John Hadley Swain.

The main fcope of this difcourfe is to recommend that most benevolent inftitution, the Humane Society; an inftitution founded upon true chriftian-principles; the encouragement and fupport of which, we would earneftly recommend to youth of both fexes, efpecially to thofe, with whom a recommendation from the Editors of this Magazine may be thought deferving their attention. However we cannot but think the managers of the fociety might have made choice of a much less exceptionable perfon to plead their caufe than Mr. Swain, whofe conceit, froth and impertinence, are publicly and privately his known characteristics, even among thofe Enthufiafts whose fentiments he has endeavoured though aukwardly to adopt.

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Whitehall, July 22.

DVICES have been received by the Fox packet, which failed from Bengal the 17th of February laft, that peace had been concluded with the Marattas ; that Hyder Ally died in the month of December laft; and that his fucceffor Tippou Saib appeared more pacifically inclined towards the English than his father, having permitted fuch as were prifoners in the towns taken by him to have a free communication with the prefidency at Madras, to be better fupplied with neceffaries, and to have free egrefs and regrefs: that Monf. Suffrein, after watering his fleet at Achin, had craffed over the Bay of Bengal to Ganjam, with nine fail of the line and two frigates, where he captured the Coventry frigate and the Blandford East Indiaman: that the Medea frigate had retaken the Chacer loop of war, on her way from Trincomale with difpatches from M. Buffy to M. Suffrein, by which it appeared, that the rest of the French fleet was in great diftrefs from a violent dyfentery, having loft a number of men, and was unable to join M. Suffrein as foon as intended; and that M. Suffiein remained only a few days on the coat, and it was fuppofed had returned to Trincomale, leaving two frigates to craize from Ganjam to Ballafore Road, which had captured a number of veffels bound to Madras with rice.

Berlin, July 8. On the 3d inftant her royal highnefs the princefs of Pruffia was fafely delivered of a prince at Potzdam,

Accounts have been received from Schweidnitz of a very violent thunder form having happened in the county of Glatz on the 22d ult. which was followed by fo great a fall of rain that the whole country has been overflowed, and much damage occafioned. The town of Neiffe, in Sileña, has likewife fuffered much from the fame inundation, and great injury is done to the fortifications and magazines there.

Warfaw, July 2, On Sunday last accounts were received here of the plague having broken out at Cherfon, at Ockza kow, and in the country adjacent; that in the Crimea this diftemper raged with great violence; and it having begun to manifeft itfelf on the frontiers of this kingdom, orders have been fent to the Polish troops to form a cordon, to prevent its further pro.grefs.

Conftantinople, June 25. The plague has spread in every quarter of this city and its fuburbs, as well as the neighbouring pro vinces of Alia and Bofnia: hitherto, however,


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I tranfmit for your Lordship's information a copy of Colonel Deveaux's letter, conveying an account of the re-capture of the Bahama iflands, together with a copy of the capitulation.

I am, My Lord,

Your Lordship's moft obedient, and moft humble fervant, GUY CARLETON,

Right Honourable Lord North.

[The fubftance of Colonel Deveaux's let, ter, is as follow: That on the 1st of April, he formed an expedition at Augustine against New Providence, at his own expence, and embarked with only fixty-five men, recruited for four or five days at Harbour inland, and on the 14th carried the Eastern Fort, on the Ifland of Providence. On the 16th, the Colonel took poffeffion of two commanding hills, and erected a battery on each, of twelve pounders. At day light on the 18th, the batteries being compleat the English colours were hoisted on each of them, which were within mufquet fhot of their grand fortrefs his Excellency the Governor, finding his thot and fhells of no effect thought proper to capitulate, furrendering four large batteries, and about 70 pieces of cannon, four large gallies, and about 50 men. Colonel Deveaux's forces never at any time exceeded 230 men, and not more than 150 of them had mufquets.}

Windfor Castle, Aug. 7. This morning, at a quarter before one o'clock, the Queen was happily delivered of a Princefs.

Her Majefty is, God be praifed, as well as can be expected; aad the young Princefs is in perfect health.

Whitehall, July 26. The King has been pleafed to appoint Sir John Dick, Bart. and William Mollefon, Efq; to be Comptrollers fo the Accounts of his Majefty's army.




Chronftadt, June 4.

ETTERS from Siberia mention, that fome flight shocks of earthquakes were felt there on the 6th of May.

Laufanne, June 22. The day before yefterday, we had a,terrible ftorm here, which has produced effects without example to this country. Twelve perfons were killed, and 13 wounded, at a single stroke.

Florence, June 30. Yesterday morning, at four o'clock, we felt another shock of an earthquake.

Paris, July 18. On the 13th inftant feveral phyficians defirous of making some obfervations on the prefent ftate of the atmosphere, which continues charged with vapours, went to the obfervatory, and had a fort of kite flown from thence to a prodigious height, after which it was drawn in covered with innumerable fmall black infects, which upon examination appeared to contain a venomous moisture prejudicial to plants.

It is reported here that there has been an earthquake in the Antilles, which has been as deftructive as that in 1770.

Vienna, July 19. In Bohemia the storms and hurricanes have occafioned a great number of difafters. The lightning killed in the church of Dobraken, near Pilfen, fix out of the twelve men who were ringing the bells a like accident happened to 30 perfons in the town of Egra; and the district of Kladran is entirely ruined.

Warfaw, July 19. There are at prefent 70 regiments of Ruffians in the neighbourhood of Cherfon, under Prince Potemkin, whofe head quarters are in that city, which is fortifying as ftrongly as poffible. Caminieck is alfo fortifying, and the garrifon is reinforced with 5000 men. The Turks and Ruffians feem to ftand at bay, obferving one another, but no hoftilities are yet commenced on either fide. DOMESTIC


A letter from Hamburgh fays, that a French fhip is put in there from Bastia, in the inland of Corfica, by which they learnt that the natives inhabiting on the mountains had come down, fell upon a party of French troops, and killed and wounded. many of them, and then returned to the mountains; 69 of the wounded were board the above veffel.


A letter from Paris, by the French mail, fays, that they had just received melancholy accounts from Verfailles, of great damage being done by the thunder and lightning in that town; that houfes were unroofed, and many lives loft, but the particulars of the damage done were not known when the letter came away.

The calamities that have vifited different

parts of Europe in the courfe of the pre

fent year, are much greater than have occurred before in the prefent century. The earthquake at Lifbon in 1755, fhocking as it was, bears but little comparison to the more dreadful one in Sicily, where the effects have been so far from fubfiding, that the laft letters from Naples mention their expectations that the whole island will be fwallowed up and totally deftroyed. In Italy there have been tremulations of the earth, and violent ftorms, which have reached into France. In this island the thunder ftorms have never been known more fatal: though happily the metropolis has hitherto efcaped." When thy judgments are in the earth, fays the Prophet, the inhabitants will learn righteoufnefs."

They write from New-York, that fince the Preliminaries were figned, the Americans, both continental and militia, deferted in great numbers, both from gen. Washington's and gen. Green's armies.

Letters from the Leeward Iflands fay, that they have had very unfeasonable weather, and that the crops will turn out fo bad that they cannot load all the ships which are arrived from Europe.

The negroes in the French Weft India Iflands are, upon a late calculation, computed to be 386,500 fouls, who are governed by a fyftem of regular laws, which not only reftrains and punishes: but also fecures them from oppreffion and cruelty.

The celebrated Abbé Raynal computes the whole number of African flaves in America and the Weft India Islands at one million, four hundred thousand! most of whom live in a state of the groffest ignorance, heathenifm and brutality.

Petitions from all parts of France have been prefented to the officers of their marine department, against the exorbitant demands of the Americans in their commercial propofals, particularly what regards the Weft India trade.

The Hon. William Erfkine, brother to the Earl of Buchan, is elected Member of Parliament for Portsmouth, in the room of Sir William Gordon, K. B.

The 8th inft, came on the election for phyfician to the Middlefex difpenfary. The candidates were Dr. Woodville and Dr. Miller, and on cafting up the ballot, the numbers were as follow: For Dr. Woodville 1075, for Dr. Miller 504. Whereupon the former was declared duly elected.

A new coinage of guineas has for fome time paft employed the officers of his Majefty's mint, faid to be occafioned by a great fcarcity of that coin, which arofe from the quantities of it exported by interefted people.

We are affured that Capt. Cunningham, who had the unfortunate affair with the late Captain Riddell, will furrender himfelf to the court at the Old-Bailey, in order

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