To the Original Play of The Taming of a Shrew, entered on the Stationers' books in 1594, and printed in quarto in 1607. PHYLOTUS, a Merchant, who personates the Duke. KATE, EMELIA, PHYLEMA, Daughters to ALPHONSUS. Tailor, Haberdasher, and Servants to FERANDO and AL PHONSUS. SCENE, Athens; and sometimes FERANDO'S Country House. A Lord. PERSONS OF THE DRAMA. CHRISTOPHER SLY, a drunken Tinker. BAPTISTA, a rich Gentleman of Padua. } Persons in the LUCENTIO, Son to VINCENTIO, in love with BIANCA. PETRUCHIO, a Gentleman of Verona, a Suitor to KA PEDANT, an old Fellow set up to personate VINCENTIO. KATHARINA, the Shrew; Widow. } Daughters to BAPTISTA. Tailor, Haberdasher, and Servants attending on BAPTISTA and PETRUCHIO. SCENE, sometimes in Padua ; and sometimes in PETRUCHIO'S House in the Country. SCENE I.-Before an Alehouse on a Heath. Enter Hostess and SLY. Sly. I'll pheese you, in faith. Host. A pair of stocks, you rogue! Sly. Y'are a baggage; the Slies are no rogues: Look in the chronicles, we came in with Richard Conqueror. Therefore, paucas pallabris; let the world slide: Sessa! |