7-1 The Pathfinder AUGUST, 1906 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS FIFTY CENTS A YEAR TEN CENTS A COPY Entered at the post-office at Sewanee as second-class matter University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee Opened in 1868. Located at Sewanee, Tennessee, on a plateau of the Cumberland Mountains, 2,000 feet above the level of the sea. Sewanee has a national reputation as a health. resort. Vacation from December 17th to March 16th, instead of during the summer months. The Departments of the University are: Academic, Theological, THE SEWANEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL prepares boys for this and other Universities and for business. The Lent (spring) term of the University begins March 22nd, the Trinity (summer) term, June 28th, and the Advent (autumn) term September 20th, 1906. For catalogues and other information, address B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor. 050 P273 a In answering advertisements, if only to make inquiries, kindly mention that the advertisement was seen in "The Pathfinder." Distinctive, beautiful, and in the best sense souvenir, the productions of the Newcomb studios have won a position in the front rank of American art handicrafts. Medals awarded at PARIS BUFFALO Send for illustrated circular NEWCOMB COLLEGE, ART DEPARTMENT of TULANE UNIVERSITY, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 642970 |