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fors in every fcience, one of whom, Dr. Albert Haller, profeffor of phyfic, is known to all Eu


"loofe to his feelings, and impunifiively enjoyed that fenfual paffion he had fo long panted for, though in a 66 manner lefs cenfurable.

"Where was the crime, if pleasure be procur'd
"Young, and a woman, and to bliss inur'd?


For many years this criminal tete-à-tetê was carried r on in the face of day. What every one knows no one "is furprised at?-and the cornuted MUFTI piously wink

ed at that human frailty, which neither his authority nor "admonition could redeem: nay, his duty, regard, and intereft, gave the lie to his feelings as a husband and "paftor.

"Revenge is fweet! but never more fo than when it can be indulged with a juft fense of retaliation, and a gratification of libidinous defires.

What will not woman do, when need inspires
Their wit, or love their inclination fires!

"ALGERNON felt the force of this remark in the most pointed manner, and the worthy MUFTI was the only one of the quartetto who bore the antlers with ftoical fortitude."

Our only motive for introducing the above Tale, along with the Memoirs of DICK MERRY-FELLOW, is, that the account DICK MERRY-FELLOW often gave of his own life and actions, resembled fo ftrongly those of a fon of the wife of the MUFTI, that he was wont to say, and with fome degree of exultation, that he believed He had NOBLE blood in his veins."


and held in high esteem in the learned world. There were many English at this time finishing their studies there, particularly the Marquis of Cærnarvon, now Duke of Chandos, a young nobleman of very extraordinary merit, and was looked upon as an honour to his country, and the English nobility in general; being a man of untainted morals, and the moft regular conduct; addicted to no vices, and pursuing his studies with an application unufual to men of his age and rank; of an obliging carriage; with all the dignity, but without the pride of quality; of great evennefs of temper, which nothing was obferved to warm fo much, as his attachment to his friends, and countrymen; and fo engaging even to a stranger on his first appearance, that it was impoffible to be in his company, and not recollect immediately of what family he was by that diftinguishing characteristic;

"Thus gracious CHANDOS is beloved at fight.”


Ar the fame time with his Grace, were Mr. Stanhope, Captain Robertson of the Royal Irish, the Honble. Mr. Hobart, fon of the late Earl of Buckinghamshire, all of them extremely careffed, and in great efteem with the feveral profeffors; the latter of whom attained to a perfection of speaking

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fpeaking High-Dutch, with an accuracy fcarcely. inferior to a German, converfing much with the ftudents of the country, to whom he was very agreeable, having all the politeness and addrefs of his father,

HAPPY in the company and acquaintance, dulce fodalitium, of fuch friends as thefe, Mr. MERRY-FELLOW was feldom known to heave the figb of difappointed love, to be absent in converfation, or to have the mind's eye for ever turned upon the beauties of the enchanted caftle, and ruminating upon the charms of his imprisoned Dulcinea; he, was not

L'Homme qui ne fe trouve point & ne fe trouvera jamais.

Other joys fat lighter on his breaft, and were the companions of his heart, till the departure of his friends, who, fome months after his arrival, fet out for Blois and Orleans in France, leaving the profeffors, as well as their countrymen, in great regret upon that occafion.

Mr. MERRY-FELLOW ftaid not for any long continuance after them, but before he went away, was complimented by the Pro-rector, an officer much in the nature of our Vice chancellor, with an offer of the degree of Doctor of Laws; their public time of conferring their degrees, and

which anfwers to our commencement or act, falling out before he left the Univerfity: this he declined as thinking it too great an honour for one in his station of life, and after expreffing the warmest fenfe he could of that mark of esteem in the Pro-rector, begged leave to be excufed from accepting it. The Pro-rector obligingly, refused to take his answer then, and defired him to confider of it till next day, when he returned back to him in the fame fentiments.

"Let Pallas dwell in towers herself has rais'd."

FROM Gottingen he went to Hanover to join the late Honble. Captain Robert Boyle Walfingham, who was then on his return to England, with whom, and Count Sch-l-nb-rg, a nobleman of great abilities, and efteemed one of the best officers in the King's fervice, he spent many agreeable hours in the delightful gardens of Herenhaufen, admiring the beauties of art and nature, dispersed in such profufion in every part of them, and particularly the Jet d'Eau in the center, fo juftly esteemed the finest in Europe, and perhaps it is unrivalled in the whole world. It rifes on ordinary occafions to a perpendicular height of eighty feet, and when his Majefty is refiding at the palace, to one hundred and twenty..

COUNT Sch-l-nb-rg was mafter of a great deal of wit and humour, which rendered his converfation

verfation extremely lively and entertaining, and always accompanied his defcriptions, which on that account never failed to divert as well as inftruct; to the pleafures of whofe acquaintance, and that of his friend Captain Walfingham, we doubt not Mr. MERRY-FELLOW dedicated much of his time,


He returned to England in October, where he stayed but a few days till he fet off for Ireland, whether he went with Captain Walfingham,* Aid-de-Camp to the Duke of Dorset, and fon of the Speaker of the House of Commons in that kingdom, fince created Earl of Shannon, and by whom he was received with all that politeness for ages remarkable in the Boyle family; but that great man did not confine his favours to himself only; he introduced him to the acquaintance of the first people of fashion in Ireland, by which means he had the moft advantageous opportunies of informing himself of the conftitution and intereft of that kingdom; and as the Speaker's houfe was ever open to him, of improving what little knowledge he had, and

This worthy, but unfortunate friend of Dick's, was lately caft away in the Thunderer, a feventy four, of which he was Captain.

Non ille pro caris amicis

Aut patria timidus perire.



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